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we just got the answers from the board desu.

we can not open the company with the current support desu.

we might have enough money for food but not for an accounter-san desu.

and I can not wait for the miracle that everyone going to join Ko-fi now desu.

because this is all we got desu.


next month

Ko-fi will need to be shutdown just like Fanbox here desu.

because Paypal will no longer work desu.


Paypal killed people in my country desu.

they protect the person behind this desu.

people who already support Ko-fi please unsubscribe and join this new one next month ne.

this is the new last place for support desu.


how to desu.

Pixiv ID of your guys will be around here desu.

the same rules apply desu.

and please join Twitter for news here desu.


you guys will get 10 months of service at Maxi[+500yen] for 10 coupons [50$] desu.

Nemu-san will be 100$ at MaxiVer002+NEMU for 20 coupons 100$ desu.

but it the easier desu.

and I will be the one who messages you and drag you inside the Pixiv myself desu.

this page takes the Credit and Debit card only desu.

that means we are not ready for the RPG project desu.

I will just go for normal commercial registration for this new page desu.

for now, we will just focus on collecting the money for building the budget

and food desu.

I will start back to work for now, and forgot about the company register desu.


I still believed in Pixiv and Fanbox desu.

everyone who wants to stay at Fanbox can stay desu.

I will ask for people who can risk their PayPal account to transfer the money for me later desu. right now I only have Soma26-san desu.

I hope one-day Pixiv will open a new option for me to use desu.




Nemu-san service will be 100$ or 20 coupon desu.


Maxi Ver002 request will be 6-9 coupon for 30-45$ per request desu.


400 coupon just for bigger donation and for risk transfer the money from Fanbox to the Bank through debit card desu.


that all desu. please remember that this is the only way I can receive the money's desu. this is the designer name that I already pass the commercial registration desu. no more document work desu. will start going back to work now desu. only go to the city for a little commercial registration desu.


do not worry ne people who have already joined Ko-fi will get the service too desu. do not need to join the new page until the end of this month ne.