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when I was a kid,

I compared Hentai's work with Manga's work quality desu.

that is how everything starts desu.

at that time my solution is simple desu.

all we need to do is find some normal artist and give the person all knowledge

support that person in everything desu.

working place, food, cloth and the place to sleep desu.

when I grow up, I realize that there are a lot more delicate factors desu.

we need someone who is ready to sacrifice his life to this agenda desu.

[I would never be the person desu] that what I told myself desu.

but after making a lot of mistakes in life desu.

and have a second chance to live the life I want,

the answer is [I want to be that person desu].


no one going to have more credits than me for this job desu.

If any artists at Pixiv

want some knowledge from me,

I will tell them what they need desu.

I will give them everything I know desu.

I will tell them that they need to stop limiting themself desu.

a few artists come to consult with me,

all I can tell them is

[go to academy ne]

[create yourself a good environment ne]

I think no one will listen desu.

that is why they are artists desu.

they think Hentai CG work is needed to be

[low profile high-profit] like an artwork desu.

I mean you poop something out

and you sell it to other people,

and claim it to be the pieces of artwork

and call it [low profile high-profit] desu.

after success at getting a lot of money from this,

then they do not need to try something new or change anythings desu.

what I want to say is

we need to give them some new destination desu.

we need to show them what is like to be [more] desu.

my agenda is to create chaos in the Hentai world desu.

make all the Hentai artists thirst for power and competition desu.

and one day we might have [high profile no-profit] work quality desu.


a lot of things get into my way desu.

but not enough to make me give up desu.

IF we survive these two months,

I strongly believe that all the problems will be solved desu.

Estonia going to help us or not,

we will find a way to start this RPG project desu.


work will be delayed a bit ne.

about the next 2 days, I will have the time to work back desu.

right now we have to spend time dealing with the problems of tax and Paypal and the company and the building at the same time desu.

but do not worry ne.

everything will get better desu.

I only stress a little about everything and get emotional at everything so easy desu.

I still can sleep and eat and work out properly with people in my team desu.

just feel bad about not being able to service desu.

I will be sure to make up for all of this later desu.


will keep updated news below desu.




News update desu. Pixiv Fanbox is not part of the Booth desu. which is why we do not need to worry about the deadline desu. my bad desu. I will apologize to Pixiv later desu. tomorrow all the document work might not have left now desu. all we need to do is wait desu. will be back to work as soon as possible desu.


News update desu. No more document work desu all done desu.Huh going to rest a bit desu.


News update desu. current work about 80% now desu. after adjusting the bedtime back to normal I can back to work as full power desu. right now really feel sleepy desu. going to go rest a bit more desu.


News update desu. Having a bad dream about my father again desu. The moment that I do something to embarrassing him, and I end up punished for it desu. but I scream back desu. I feel like shout out with furious while waking up desu. Going back to work now desu.