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already complete the file arrangement desu.

but the upload going to take a lot of time desu.

let move to the next morning instead ne. I am at my limit desu.

but please take this as a little compensation ne.

thanks to my lazy brother desu.

and the current series I watch on the bed before going to sleep is

Vikings desu.

I always thought the Vikings is just a bunch thief

with no proper education and military training desu.

I thought they going to end up dying from the first conflict with the real soldier desu.

but when they gather around doing some shield formation like the Roman soldier do,

I really surprised by its desu.

I feel like [NaNiiiiii!?]

I really enjoy the BGM and op desu.

thanks to the Vikings now I plan to train people in my team for shield formation too desu.

this going to be really helpful for the protection desu.

I think the compound bow might not effective enough

but together with the shields team, this going to make a perfect combination desu.

but do not worry ne. this is just for workout hours desu.

we do not plan to invade anyone's homeland desu.

this is perfect desu.

I always try to come up with a plan of how to deal with any kind of conflict desu.

but I never realize that the shield can work so powerful like this desu.

I have confidence like,

[give me ten men's!

and I will take over the police station in one night for you ne]




News update desu. going to rest a bit ne upload 30% now desu. really slow desu.


Looks good seeing Nami raped.