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[A Captain's Duty] ---- about the work desu. this is an example of the quality of style on this month desu. I try to make it more as furious as much as possible desu. I mean Hu Ha HUUUU Ha ! something like that desu. the clean work is can not satisfy me, because they do not really speak how furious feeling I have to show to you guys desu. about the request and RPG project desu. I hate selling desu. because selling means all that I can sell is mine alone desu. that is why I pick donation instead of marketing desu. it means, I will work for your guys for free from now and forever desu. but just having fun playing games together while we doing it ne. the fun part is because the last boss of this system is me desu. the game system based on the real person desu. a real-life person desu. can feel, can be inspired, can be broken, can be healed desu. I am not sure but I am certain that this system is a bit self-center desu. but this is the life that I plan to spend desu. all I can share I will share desu. I plan to donate everything money, power, and my own life for the RPG project desu. that means I going to get all you guys' money by not feel bad about it at all desu. I just do not want to lose the credit for my policy that keeps us together for the RPG project desu. I always hate the money desu. because they are something that limits people desu. tell people what to do, tell us where is the standard desu. that why I a bit making fun and play with you guys request desu. please forgive me ne. I also want to show everyone what Maxi-san game is looks like desu. and I really respect people who still keep doing it desu. to be honest this a bit makes me feel bad for it desu. but I will not betray my own system desu. If you listen and see and understand my system I am sure that the last boss will get beaten up eventually desu. and people who can beat the last boss I am sure that they will be forever MVP on my game system desu. If you guys understand the true meaning of the RPG project then you guys would understand that we are a group of people who try to make a history desu. but, I do not care about fame or money or history desu. I want the era of everyone tries their best to break the standard desu. I mean what point of living in this second life of mine, If I going to do this for someone else in the end again desu. all I want is the world of competition desu. the world of chaos desu. and in that world, after our task is complete, we are just going to sit behind our PC and eat their work desu. eat our success eat what you guys have been paid for desu. let's playing desu. ---- おあがりよ!




The quality of the work is good, it would also be good to have a sneak peak or be able to show what the RPG you are trying to work on.


sorry ne, the example of failure previous time already put on public but we never got support from anyone and because of that our team is disbanded desu. so I do not expect to show any of that for asking for the support again desu.


Fanbox and my system are the results of the failure in the past that teach us how naive we are desu. that means I going to prove myself to you guys and find people who are mad enough to support this daydreaming project desu. in short, all it takes to reach the RPG project is all here desu. thank you for the comment ne.


right now I save up all money for the building for the RPG team some of you guys might think I have a lot of free time and opportunity to find the example of an RPG project? please think again or pay for the building and asking about the example of this later ne. some of you guys might do not know but before I create the Fanbox how despair I am when knowing that no one going to support us until we reach the point that I announce to shut down the project, even we are doing our best here no one going to pay you for some silly poor example with daydreaming desu. do not ever ask for a sample of RPG from me again ne.


next time, I will throw anyone who asks for the example of the RPG game into the sea desu.