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Click here for the English version 英語版はこちら ■プロローグ とある全寮制の男子校。 ある日突然、生徒たちの股間が敏感になるという謎の現象が起きた。 一部では「誰かが寮生を使って媚薬の実験を行ったのではないか」と噂されているが真相は明らかになっていない。 それはどうやら前立腺に作用する薬らしく、何度...


A certain boarding school for boys.

One day, a mysterious phenomenon suddenly occurred: the crotches of the students became sensitive.

Some have rumored that someone may have experimented with an aphrodisiac on the dorm students, but the truth has yet to be revealed.

It seems to be a drug that acts on the prostate gland, causing erections many times and ejaculation with the slightest stimulation.

The drug was accompanied by tremendous pleasure, and those who could not resist their sexual desires masturbated anywhere in the school.

The smell of sperm filled the restrooms and classrooms, temporarily turning the school into a hellscape, but the effects of the drug wore off after a day and peace returned to the campus.

The school was relieved that the incident would not be made public, but the next day, a secondary incident occurred. ......

The change occurred in those who were not indulging in pleasure on the day of the incident and who were desperately trying to suppress their sexual desires.

The toxins, which were not released with the semen, became concentrated in the body and affected the bladder.

The sensitive bladder reacts to even the slightest urine, contracting its muscles and forcing it to urinate. This caused many students to pee their pants because they could not hold it in until they had to go to the restroom due to the sudden urge to urinate. Some of them even leaked semen because the vigorous passage of urine through the urethra stimulated their prostate glands.

Trouble was, once the bladder became sensitive, it did not return to normal immediately.

The school officials took the situation very seriously and, out of concern for the privacy of the students and the fact that the culprit was still lurking in the school, gathered all the students in one class, where the symptoms persisted.

The school building is independent so that no other students can see them, and there are restrooms and a nurse's office right next to the classrooms.

A nurse who knew what was going on was stationed next to the classroom, so that if a student leaked, he or she could change clothes immediately.

To help the students get back to their normal lives as soon as possible, toilet training was started at the same time as classes. .........

■Episode 1

"Sir, I just finished my test, can I go to the bathroom ...... Ah, ah!"

As soon as I stood up, pee flowed like a waterfall.

"Kagano, that was so sad. If you hadn't peed today, you would have graduated..."

If the students go through toilet training and can live for a week without wetting their pants, they will graduate from the peeing class, but if they pee their pants, they will go back to wearing diapers.

If they does not wet their diaper for three days, they are promoted to pants.

Another student, who was watching from the side, shuddered as he heard the sound of pee running down the floor. His crotch became warm and fluffy. The diaper bulged in his pants.

"Me too ......."

He raised his hand awkwardly.

"All of you who wet your pants together need to go to the infirmary."

A few of them got up and headed for the infirmary...

■More Episodes

Peeing in a diaper and masturbating in secret without telling anyone

Peeing on top of a friend and masturbating

Peeing in his pants, mistaking them for diapers

Peeing in diapers outside of school

Peeing while being spanked by a teacher

Handjob by a health teacher




This is so good!!! Are they gonna be videos like the one peeing in the classroom video you made? 🙊 Thank you for your hard work!


Yes, I want to draw an animation with lots of boys peeing a lot in the classroom!😆✨


Omg yes please!! I’m obsessed with the first one you made so I’m all for more of ones like that! Thank you so much! 😭😭💛💛