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To Download for Windows OS = Click This Download Link

Install instructions are at the bottom of this post.


What's New in the Build?

December 5th:

This update has completely replaced the backend for player movement, enemy AI, collision, and enemy movement.

As such it addresses and fixes the most janky aspects of the game:

- Enemies no longer move into eachothers space.

- Enemies no longer move directly into the players space.

- Enemies can now "Wonder" around before detecting the player. (Although some stay in place by design)

- Collision is much, much more consistent and durable. There shouldn't be situations of the player moving into spaces they shouldn't be able to.

September 16th:

This update includes a number of gameplay improvements made in the first half of September. Which includes:

- Stamina and being stunned by a lack of stamina has been removed for the time being.

- Health (Willpower) is now displayed with a new "Hearts" UI that more clearly communicates the players current state of health and has subtle UI animations when health is being drained, taken away or added.

- The beat UI only appears when it's contextually relevant to use it. Such as freeing wall mounted prisoners and opening chests.

- Struggle animations have been improved for all states in which the Bindmancer is helpless.

- The tentacle trap animation is more polished and more responsive to your interactions.

- The game over screen now stops in-game time which stops bad sound effects playing.

- Let me know what you think of this new gameplay experience. :)

- Caroo


To Download for Windows OS = Click This Download Link


Requirements & How to Install:

- Playable on a PC using a Windows OS.

- The game will boot up full screen and set to your monitors native resolution.

- You can now change the resolution in the options menu to an adjustable windowed mode where you can set it to your preference.

To Install it:

- Download the zip file

- You MUST unzip all the contents of the zipfile to any folder. The game cannot run from inside the zipped file.

- Windows can unzip it by itself. You don't need to download any third party software like WINRAR.

- You can run the demo by entering the unzipped folder and double clicking on the file named: The Bindmancer

Common Install Issues:

- Delete all prior files from previous versions / public demo if you're installing to the same folder location.

- If you don't unzip the contents of the folder, you can't play the game.

- If the game opens and then closes without a screen showing, that's typically a graphic driver issue, update your graphics cards drivers and restart your pc.

- Unity games don't like being placed in folders deeply nested in multiple folders. This is due to long file directory names messing with Unity. 3 to 5 folders deep is fine. More and it gets wonky.

- If controls don't respond = It's probably a controller you have plugged into or connected to your computer. Remove it to use Keyboard controls.



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