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Now this one is a bit of an oddity by my usual standards. Anyone turned off by futa on male and cuckolding (as well as crossdressing now that I think about it) should definitely steer clear. But if that sounds like your cup of tea by all means give this a read! I actually don't hate how this one came out lol

All but skipping up the driveway and across the garden path towards her front porch Morgan Lovell was on cloud nine after yet another ludicrously expensive and ludicrously successful shopping spree at all of Seattle's most expensive, high end stores. Her car was fit to bursting with clothes, jewelry, and all manner of valuables she'd bought entirely on a whim. Most hadn't even been on sale and the few things that were could be counted on one hand. There wasn't even enough room for everything in her part of the house! But luckily her roommates were always happy to take the older stuff off her hands. Or rather Yu was always happy to do so. Her fiancee Alan understandably had little interest in the heaps of girly clothing she was replacing every time a new season rolled around. Or at least that's what he claimed as he turned up his nose at the exorbitantly priced goods Morgan was always giving to them. Morgan had long suspected he might've been more interested than he was letting on, though she had absolutely no evidence for that supposition beyond a wild hunch and a not so secret desire to see both of her extremely repressed friends loosen up a little. However they might've been possible. Unfortunately for all three of them getting engaged and planning a wedding had only made them more tightly wound, a feat their laid back and extravagantly wealthy friend never thought possible. Even as she was fishing around in her new Prada handbag for her key she could hear the two of them discussing their wedding in the living room.

Or more accurately lamenting just how much everything cost and how hopelessly out of their element they were in just about every way. And while she certainly felt bad for them it was a little hard for her to sympathize knowing they had thousands of dollars in various anime, video game, and comic book figurines in their bedroom. Not to mention the fat wad they'd dropped going to Anime Expo the previous year, where Alan had proposed to Yu while both of them were in full and expensive cosplay. Even without all those expenses they probably couldn't afford the wedding they both wanted but it certainly wouldn't have hurt their chances! Hell the only reason they could keep living in the house after spending so much of their money while working relatively low paying jobs was Morgan's incredible family wealth. Since her parents owned the house they all lived in and absolutely didn't need the added income she'd been able to finagle an absurdly low rent for all of them and most of the time she paid Alan and Yu's portions herself so they could do all the nerdy shit they liked to do. Something the two never failed to bring up and thank her for whenever they did anything, despite her never mentioning it or seeking the praise they were giving. Although she'd be lying if she said it wasn't a little fun to hear them fawning over her. If nothing else it was a nice little boost to her ego and it never failed to make her feel a little less guilty about spending her own money the way she did. Which pretty much always resulted in a big shopping spree, like the one she'd just finished.

“Did you talk to the caterers about their prices?” Yu asked as Morgan opened the door.

“Yeah, they said they're not gonna budge.” Alan answered.

“You guys are still on the catering?” Their roommate asked as she sauntered towards the couple and the gigantic sprawl of paperwork they'd spread out across the living room table, “Weren't you guys talking about that when I left?”

“We took a break.” Yu answered, rubbing her eyes and leaning back against the couch to heave a long sigh.

“Oh yeah? That's a good idea. A little afternoon delight always clears my head!”

The young couple blushed at the insinuation and promptly looked away from both each other and their less than shy friend, “We just had something eat.” Alan remarked.

Morgan chuckled at their embarrassment and deliberately avoided making another sexual remark in favor of jerking a thumb in the direction of her car and saying, “Well it sounds like you guys could use another break. Wanna help me unload all the shit I just bought and move it into my room?”

“That sounds like a wonderful distraction!” Yu exclaimed as she stood up.

“Anything to distract from the nightmare of planning a wedding on a shoe string budget.” Her fiancee stated, slowly rising to his feet.

They spent the better part of an hour simply unpacking the car and getting everything laid out to be admired and fawned over, then another hour or so making room for all the new stuff by getting rid of at least half of Morgan's current wardrobe. After that time simply flew by for Yu as she tried on various outfits and jewelry she could never in a million years afford on her own. Sadly for her fiancee time all but stood still as he watched the two women fawn over a variety of things he couldn't care less about, his mind slowly wandering back towards their financial troubles as he stared at thousands of dollars worth of clothes and tens of thousands of dollars worth of jewelry alone. Seeing the love of his life in various slutty, revealing, and otherwise provocative outfits did give him something to enjoy though. Yu had never been the sort to dress like that before they moved in with Morgan and in truth even after they moved in she still almost never wore any of the clothing given to her. At least not outside of the house where other people might see her shapely body in anything close to a risque ensemble. A fact that never failed to make her rampant excitement a little peculiar, though her fiancee could hardly complain about seeing his love so excited. Especially after all the headaches, stress, and uncertainty of trying to figure out their wedding and the hundreds of family members they had to invite. Of course he'd be lying if he tried to say watching his incredibly curvaceous, full bodied woman bounce around and jiggle in a variety of less than conservative outfits wasn't wildly appealing on a sexual level.

And since Yu was almost exactly the same size and build as Morgan there were times it was almost like he was seeing double as he watched them model their clothes for one another. Even though their roommate was of a European heritage and sported a much more tanned complexion than his fair skinned, Japanese love their identical raven hair, full bodied shape, and softly rounded faces gave them a striking similarity that was even harder to distinguish when they dressed the same. Especially when their backs were turned to him. When they faced him it was a touch easier to tell them apart for a myriad of self evident reasons, though the largest and most obvious among them was always the noticeably large and often completely unrestrained bulge between Morgan's thighs. Only when wearing something skin tight and meant to show off everything without being completely slutty did she do anything to hide her sizable cock and equally weighty balls, a habit that never failed to leave Alan more than a little nervous around her for a variety of reasons. Many of which he refused to openly acknowledge to himself. Thankfully he was spared too many thoughts of inadequacy and other, less examined feelings when their fashion show came to an end and all the clothes they'd been playing around in were put away. Either in one of the girl's overstuffed closets or among the increasingly large pile of now 'useless' outfits sitting in the garage gathering dust. Sadly once that was concluded the soon to be newlyweds had little choice but to resume planning their wedding. Only now with Morgan sitting on the love seat nearby watching them with a glass of wine and an inscrutable smile.

“I think we should revisit the guest list.” Yu said as she picked up a multi page list of everyone they were all but required to invite, “If we can lower the number of people everything else should be a lot easier to deal with.”

“It would be, but we can't cut anyone else from the list. I'm already gonna get be in a lot of trouble for cutting my mother's boss.”

“I know . . . but do we really have to invite my father's partners?”

“I don't think we have any other choice.”

“But he's not even helping us pay for the wedding!”

“No he isn't . . . but will saving some money now be worth the headache later? Your father can hold a grudge better than anyone I've ever met.”

“He really can . . .”

Morgan took a sip of her wine and watched her friends sink a little deeper into despair while her own thoughts reminded her of a wild idea she'd come up with a few weeks back. It was the sort of thing that seemed absolutely crazy on paper but made a certain degree of sense in her head. Not to mention something she'd come up with for less than altruistic reasons despite it outwardly seeming like a really kind thing to do. At least in theory. And after Yu had accidentally let slip some of her fiancee's deepest fantasies and interests it was hard for Morgan not to dwell on the matter. Particularly when she had the means to fix her friend's issues, satisfy her own base desires, and maybe bring her wildly repressed roommates out of the last century. With regards to sexual attitudes and desires. All she had to do was bring it up and put the cards on the table. If they said no that would be the end of it. If they said yes . . . well if they said yes there'd be a whole lot more to look forward to than the wedding itself!

“I wish I could cut my great Aunts. I've never liked them, nobody in my family does! But if I cut them I'll never hear the end of it! At least not until they die. Along with everyone else on my mother's side of the family.”

“Maybe we can skip inviting my uncles? They're almost certainly not going to show up and I doubt my father would be all that bothered if they didn't get invitations.”

“I think I know a way you guys can invite everyone and still pay for the wedding.” Morgan stated, her smile taking on a whole new dimension as she set her wine glass down.

“How?” Alan and Yu asked in unison.

“Let me pay for the whole thing.”

Surprise, hope, and disbelief flashed across their faces in rapid succession as the couple looked at one another, then their friend, than back at each other before Yu finally managed to say, “W-we couldn't let you do that! You already pay for too much of our stuff to begin with!”

“Yeah we can't take advantage of you like that!”

“Well it's hardly taking advantage of me!” Morgan laughed, “I'm the one offering after all and . . . well . . . I wouldn't be doing it for free.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means that I'll pay for your wedding, but in return . . .” She took a moment to build suspense while simultaneously building up the nerve to suggest her wild idea to the last couple on the planet she'd ever expect to go for it, “I wanna have a threesome.”


“Oh and I want to film the whole thing.”


A stunned silence filled the room as Yu and Alan stared at their roommate, both of them completely taken aback by her request and unsure of how to react. Chuckling at their nearly identical expressions Morgan slowly leaned back and added, “You guys don't have to give me an answer right away . . . you can think about it for a few days if you want . . .”

“We don't need a few days to think about it!” Alan started to say, “We already know what our answer will be—”

“No we don't!” Yu interrupted, throwing her fiancee a look as she spoke, “We need to take some time and talk about it!”

“The hell we do!”



Standing up while her friends stared meaningfully at each other Morgan snatched up her wine glass and sauntered past them towards the kitchen, “I'll let you guys talk about it in private. If you come up with an answer tonight just knock on my door!”

Morgan sauntered out of the room, giving both of her roommates a little wink as she departed. Not five seconds after she'd disappeared Alan exclaimed, “You can't be serious?!”

“Of course I'm serious!” Yu replied, “We'll never be able to pay for this wedding on our own!”

“So you wanna prostitute us?”

“Don't be so dramatic! We've known Morgan forever! We both think she's pretty and it would be a one time thing!”

“We're not borrowing her car or asking for a little favor here!” Alan replied, standing up to look down at his fiancee with an incredulous expression, “Why in the hell are you acting like it's no big deal? She wants to have sex with us!”

Blushing a little and looking away for a moment Yu couldn't help but give a perfectly honest response, “I don't think it is that big a deal . . . I mean . . . it's not like we haven't joked about it before . . .”

“A joke is one thing! Actually going through with it is a whole different—”

“What are we going to do if we don't accept her offer?” She asked, leaping to her feet and folding her arms as she stared resolutely up at her fiancee, “Setting aside everything else, what are we going to do about this wedding? You know we can't afford even a fraction of what we need. We can't afford to elope if we ever want to speak to our families again! The stress of all this has been an absolute nightmare for both of us and you know it!”

“Of course I do. But that doesn't—”

“And now one of our best, oldest friends comes along with an offer that could literally fix everything in no time, one that wouldn't cost us anything but an evening of our time, and you want to turn it down without even talking about it? She's not asking us for our firstborn child Alan! She's suggesting something both of us have joked about in the past. Even if we were joking we've talked about it and I know we've done more than just joke . . .”

Suddenly it was his turn to blush and look away as he tried not to think about the things they'd talked about. Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine any one of those absurd, half joking fantasies would come true. As far as he was concerned the two of them could've spent the rest of their lives having sex in the missionary position with the lights off and he would've been okay with it. And as far as he knew that was how Yu felt too. But now all of a sudden he was faced with the prospect of actually doing one of the insane things they'd laughed about together. With a woman he'd know most of his adult life and for more than simple curiosity or because they'd somehow gotten drunk despite never drinking. Though he didn't want to admit it aloud he couldn't help admitting to himself the main reason for his staunch refusal to even entertain it had very little to do with the sanctity of marriage or some other morally self righteous excuse. Alan was just afraid to do anything as adventurous as having a threesome. He knew as much as he could know anything that Yu was every bit as scared as him. They were in uncharted waters with little to no real choice about what to do. Of course making love with the lights on or in any position more crazy than missionary and very rarely cowgirl was uncharted waters for them. And no matter how hard he tried to pretend otherwise there was no denying how completely screwed they really were. Or how much of a relief not having to spend every day worrying about the cost of their wedding would be.

“I-It might even be fun .  .” Yu remarked as she tried to convince herself as much as her fiancee, “I'm sure if w-we wanted to stop Morgan would stop . . .”

“Yeah . . .”

“Yeah . . .”

A remarkably long silence stretched out between them as they each thought about it for separate yet amusingly similar reasons, “Should we tell Morgan we accept?” Yu eventually asked.

“I don't . . . I mean . . .It's not . . .” Alan heaved a sigh and nodded, “Yeah, let's tell her we'll accept the offer . . .”

“Okay . . .” She stepped forward and wrapped her arms around her fiancee, the two of them shared a tender yet slightly awkward kiss, then a warm hug, “It'll be fun . . . I'm sure it will . . . Morgan knows how to have fun . . . we've heard enough men and women having fun in her room to be sure of that much at least!”

“That's true!” He chuckled.

They shared a slightly embarrassed laugh and near simultaneously turned towards the hallway leading towards their roommate's bedroom. At some point their fingers intertwined as their sweaty palms pressed together and by the time the pair reached Morgan's door they were covered from head to foot in goosebumps. “M-Morgan?” Yu called out as she gave a timid knock, “W-we have our answer . . . uhm . . . s-should I—”

“It's open!” Their friend called from inside. Yu and Alan looked at one another for a moment, both waiting for the other to suddenly put a stop to the insane thing they were about to do. When neither did she pushed the door open and they entered the lavishly decorated bedroom to find their companion stretched out across the mattress waiting for them with a smile. “You guys are gonna say yes aren't you?”

“Yes.” They replied in unison.

Grinning like she'd never grinned before Morgan leapt off her mattress and immediately turned away from them to rummage around in her closet for a moment, “That's fantastic news! Let me just get your outfits real quick . . .”

“Hang on, nobody said anything about outfits!” Alan protested.

“What sort of outfits?” Yu asked as she gently squeezed her fiancee's hand.

“These sort of outfits!” Morgan exclaimed as she stepped away from the closet holding a coat hangar in each hand. Hanging Hanging from them was a pair of identical school girl uniforms straight out of the sort of anime Yu and Alan were always watching. “Obviously we'll add some makeup and dye your hair to fit the color scheme!”

“You want me to wear that?!” Alan demanded.


“You can't be serious!”

“Oh come on! It's just a school uniform! I'm not having you wear lingerie or anything! And you're not gonna be the only one wearing it either!”

“That doesn't make it better!”

“Just pretend it's a cosplay.” Yu suggested.

“I mean, it pretty much is.” Morgan laughed, “I spent a lotta money on these. You guys can even keep them if you want! After we do the deed I mean.”

“Holy shit . . .” Alan sighed, shaking his head and trying his best not to immediately leave the room. He glanced at his fiancee for a moment before making up his mind and the hopeful smile spread across her face, followed soon after by the image of her in that uniform, swayed his thoughts just enough to keep him from leaving outright. “You can't show the video we make to anyone!”

“Of course not! You think I want anyone else seeing what we do together? That's all for me!”

Groaning loud enough to make his fiancee wince a little he shook his head and stepped forward to grab one of the hangars, “Fine . . . fine . . . I'll wear the stupid uniform and dye my hair and whatever else you want me to do . . .”

Yu beamed up at him while Morgan let out an eager giggle, “Great . . . why don;t you guys spend the rest of the day getting ready and we'll have our fun tonight?”

“We can do that.”


“Great!” Morgan handed the other uniform to Yu and retrieved a bag with lipstick, blush, eye shadow, and hair dye, “Oh and one more thing—I promise it's the last thing!” She added upon seeing the look on Alan's face.


“When we get started . . . you guys gotta do everything I say . . . I'm not gonna try anything crazy but I don't wanna spend the whole night arguing about every little thing. Agreed?”

“Agreed.” Alan and Yu replied, though only one of them seemed sincere in their words.

“All right, then I'll see you two later tonight”

The soon to be married couple nodded at her and the bride to be smiled. “We'll see you tonight.” Both of them turned away but Yu soon stopped to look back at their roommate and say, “Morgan?”


“Thank you.”

With an ear to ear grin she nodded back, “I'm happy to help!”

Several hours later Yu and Alan were standing outside Morgan's door yet again, this time wearing the uniforms they'd been given. Both were blushing a furious shade of crimson and nervously shifting from one foot to the other even while a palpable sense of arousal clouded the air around them. Neither could pretend they weren't turned on by what they were doing to some extent and had either of them lifted their incredibly short, pleated beige skirts the evidence of their arousal would've been as obvious as the red in their cheeks. His cock was about ready to burst out of the soft, ill fitting yet comfortable pink undergarments while a nice, wet stain had spread across the front of hers and only continued to grow as she stood there. Matters weren't helped much by the utter lack of leg covering between the hem of the tiny skirt that stopped near the upper reaches of their thighs and the shin high, frilly pink socks and dark purple shoes adorning their feet. The two felt remarkably exposed as they stood there in the privacy of their own home even while the rest of their ensemble left them paradoxically covered up far more than their usual attire. With a dark blue blazer, a light brown vest, and a white button up shirt tied together with an ornate pink necktie, not to mention the bra Yu had worn in the only deviation between their outfits, the two were infinitely more layered than ever before. A fact that did absolutely nothing to top them from shivering as they reached out to knock on the door with one hand while simultaneously fidgeting with their glossy pink, freshly dyed hair. Morgan had even provided matching pigtails Alan could attach so he'd further match his fiancee. Something he almost had to respect even as he tried his best not to think about how girly he looked in the getup. Obviously his fiancee was the definition of cuteness but after catching a glimpse of his own reflection he was more than a little dismayed to learn how well he passed for a woman. Between his naturally hairless legs, plump ass, and generally svelte figure he was unquestionably the definition of a trap.

His thoughts were cut short by an incredibly shocking sight as Morgan opened the door to greet them naked as the day she was born, her cock already pulsing gently between her legs and her modestly sized breasts heaving with obvious excitement as she grinned at them, “You guys look great!” She said with a breathy laugh, “Come on in!”

If they weren't embarrassed before seeing their attractive and very well endowed roommate standing in front of them totally nude would've been enough to send them blushing like never before. Neither could stop themselves from glancing at her impressively thick, impressively long member as they stepped past her into the bedroom. Yu was quietly wondering if she could even take such a massive thing inside her while Alan was experiencing a flush of inadequacy, jealousy, and the barest hint of excitement as he thought about what she was going to do with such a monster. They didn't have any clue at all what was in store for them as they entered the moodily lit room to find a tripod aimed at the bed and at least a dozen candles flickering across every surface that could hole them. Although very much aware of why they'd come and what they were doing, or at least they assumed they were, actually getting onto the bed of their own volition was a little too much for the shy, sexually repressed couple to do. Thankfully their naked and lasciviously grinning companion seemed well aware of that fact.

“You guys can get on the bed,” She told them in a tone that didn't make it seem like a suggestion, “Just get on your hands and knees and stick those cute little asses into the air for me . . . and the camera of course!”

At almost the exact same time the couple reminded themselves of Morgan's rule and resisted the very natural urge to question what she'd just told them. Instead they climbed onto the bed exactly as she'd instructed, their faces somehow turning an even deeper shade of red as they showed off their panty clad rumps in a manner more revealing than either of them had ever indulged. Alan was considerably more embarrassed than his fiancee as his comparatively smallish cock hung down between his thighs and strained impotently against the fabric constraining it Yu was nonetheless mortified about what she was doing. Nowhere near enough to consider stopping but certainly enough to find herself unable to look anywhere but at her own hands even as their roommate fiddled with the camera behind them, her naked body and bright smile all but inviting stares. After what felt like an incredibly long time their roommate finished whatever she was doing and approached the couple with a soft, excited gasp. In spite of how embarrassed they were and how nervous they felt neither of her friends could resist looking back at their companion upon hearing that noise. When they saw the wild eyed grin spread across her face and the absolutely madcap throbbing of her cock they felt a little flush of adrenaline paired with a wholly unexpected but not unwelcome sensation. Of course their little bout of pride didn't last long as their soon to be lover approached them, her cock and balls bouncing to and fro as they were moved by her thighs, and the moment of truth seemed to arrive..

Moving in so close her friends could feel the heat radiating off her almost painfully hard cock Morgan reached out towards the beautiful, round asses just waiting for her touch and said, “Goddamn, you two are a fuckin sight you know that?” Right before giving them both a good, hard smack.

“T-thank you!” Yu gasped, her whole body shivering.

“Thanks!” Alan yelped, his voice every bit as high as his fiancee.

“Oh I should be the one thanking you!” Their roommate exclaimed as she spanked them again and watched their ass cheeks ripple in an absolutely delicious way, “We're gonna have so much fun tonight you guys!”

The young, aroused, and very nervous couple looked at one another for a moment, then back at the girl standing behind them just as she was giving their slightly pink rumps another swat. “What did you have planned?” Yu asked after she finished whimpering.

“Oh I'm not gonna spoil the surprise!” Morgan laughed.

As she spoke she brought her hands down against their rumps once more. Both of them tensed and instinctively leaned away even while the wet spot on her panties increased while a nice little precum stain formed across his own. But rather than pulling away to spank them again she kept her fingers against their quivering cheeks, slowly rubbing and caressing them above their underwear. For a little while they were left waiting with bated breath as they wondered when they next smack would occur. As they looked forward to the next smack. Instead of giving them what they so clearly wanted their roommate continued to fondle them like she was exploring their bodies. Her hands drifted further and further from the plump, fleshy parts of her gorgeously spankable asses and towards the center where even greater things were hidden away. Alan and Yu gasped in surprise and no small amount of arousal, though they were loathe to admit it, when Morgan's digits brushed against their aching loins. With an effortless display of teasing that made them squirm like never before she let the tip of her index finger drift down the middle of her swollen vulva and across his throbbing cock. But the once forceful presence of her touch had all but disappeared to leave behind only the faintest whisper of her attention and it sent chills cascading down their body. They wanted so much more and while they could never articulate those desires their goosebump riddled flesh and breathy gasps said more than they could ever think to say. And when her hands vanished entirely from their loins a moment later they sucked in a sharp, almost needy breath and looked back at her with comically wide eyes and even wider mouths as their needs overtook their shame for just a moment.

“That's right . . .” Their companion cooed as she slowly reached out again to slide her fingers beneath the hem of their panties and start pulling them down, “I knew you guys were desperate for some real fun . . .”

Neither of her roommates could really fashion a response to that statement but even if they'd been able to think of something they wouldn't have had time to say it aloud before their panties were tugged more than halfway down their pleasantly jiggling buttocks. While both of them had obviously expected to be naked, or at least partially naked, at some point being dressed up like schoolgirls beforehand had added a whole new dimension to the experience. One only further accentuated by their companion stopping just before revealing Yu's pussy or Alan's tightly clenched balls. Somehow having only the upper parts of their asses and the barest hint of their quivering assholes, revealed to her lascivious gaze managed to be more embarrassing, nerve wracking, and exciting than having their underwear removed entirely. But in direct defiance of her earlier teasing and the general slowness of her behavior up to that point Morgan didn't waste any time revealing her plans for their bodies. Although she did delay her desires just long enough to sharpen the pink outline of her hands that'd spread across their buttocks. Once that was done and the two were left shivering and whimpering in pleasure she unexpectedly pulled her hand away from Alan's ass entirely to grab Yu's with both and spread her cheeks apart without any hesitation at all.

The understandably surprised bride to be cried out and buried her face in the sheets she'd been clutching since the moment she climbed onto the bed, her shame and arousal radiating from her body as another person stared directly at her quivering little ring for the first time in her very sexually milquetoast life. Of course Morgan did a lot more than stare and the only warning Yu got was a wildly unfamiliar sensation of breath against her nether regions before a long, thick, and unaccountably strong tongue was plunged inside her asshole faster than she could react. Squealing in utter amazement as her butt was filled by that incredible appendage and pleasure flooded her body her head immediately leapt back up from it's hiding place while her mouth fell open in a continuous squeal. Beside her Alan stared in equal parts jealousy, incredulity, and astonishment was he watched both his fiancee tremble and their roommate noisily tongue her asshole with the most intense, excited look he'd ever seen on another person's face. He listened to the wet slurps, the smacking lips, and the lewd sloshing as the love of his life's anus was pillaged by another woman's tongue and all he could think about was whether or not he'd be given the same experience. The question of whether or not he even wanted that to happen was never asked and hardly needed to be answered as his own virgin hole clenched and quivered with unabashed envy. Fortunately he didn't have to be envious for very long. Morgan pulled away after only a few seconds and set her sights on his ass the moment she did, her tongue hanging from her mouth and a bright grin spread across her face as she moved into position.

In exactly the same way she'd sodomized his fiancee with her dexterous appendage Morgan buried her tongue inside Alan's hole with an astonishing amount of force. She pushed even deeper than she had with Yu and moved her tongue even faster as she stretched and strained against his inner walls in a frenzy of movement. Her absolutely massive feeling appendage already seemed to stretch him to the breaking point simply by being inside his ass but thanks to her frenetic and wholly unpredictable barrage of movements he felt like he was being opened wider than a manhole as she worked him over with practiced ease. It was genuinely too much for him to take at first as the intensity, humiliation, pleasure, and anticipation all swirled together inside his body in an endless maelstrom of ecstasy. Some part of him knew she couldn't have been tonguing his asshole for more than a few seconds but even with that knowledge bouncing around somewhere in his frazzled mind it felt like an eternity as she lavished him with the sort of pleasure he'd always seen in hentai but never once imagined he'd actually be able to enjoy himself. His already furiously throbbing cock went into overdrive as she immediately pushed against his prostate and sent waves of pleasure crashing through him. Thick globs of precum gushed into the already sodden material of his panties and a long, whimpering moan tumbled from his lips.

He'd never felt anything so good in his entire life and as the seconds stretched on the pleasure only seemed to grow in both intensity and frequency as Morgan relentlessly fucked him silly with her tongue. The ever present feel of her lips against his outer ring was a strangely delicious undercurrent as well, the softness and wetness of her mouth juxtaposed beautifully with the more vulgar nature of her appendage writhing around within his anus. Beside him Yu watched in utter disbelief, her mouth hanging open and her eyes wide as she witnessed her love experiencing more pleasure than she'd ever been able to give him. All from having a tongue shoved into his asshole. It was instantly and abundantly clear how much he truly enjoyed Morgan's efforts as his whole body stiffened and his eyes all but disappeared into the back of his head. But even if she'd somehow missed all the other signs the rather unsubtle and unmistakable way he pushed backwards against their roommate's face and instinctively grinded his hips was pretty much impossible to miss. It was both enormously arousing and more than a little humiliating as she realized her roommate had done in less than a minute what she'd failed to do after years of sexual encounters. And she didn't fail to notice how much more attention their friend seemed to paying him, although that relatively minor concern would become far more of an issue soon enough.

Following what seemed like an eternity of sloppy ass play and gooey pleasure Morgan finally pulled away from Alan's thoroughly spit soaked asshole. Just in time to watch a thick strand of precum ooze from his panties and splash onto her bed, “Now it's time for the real fun!” She gasped, standing up and grabbing her cock while both her companions looked back at her, “Are you two ready?”

The 'man' she'd just been tonguing could only nod with a dazed look on his face while his fiancee was able to say, “Y-yes . . .” in a voice fraught with nervous excitement.

“Good . . . I can promise neither of you will ever forget tonight!”

More than able to believe that promise the nerdy young couple watched with unabashed excitement as their roommate climbed onto the bed, her hand sliding up and down her glorious cock as she did so, and loom above them for a moment while she seemingly decided who she was going to fuck first. They had no idea she'd already decided long before either of them finished getting ready nor did they the slightest clue what her master plan really was. But it wouldn't take very long to figure out as she smiled and moved behind Alan with only the smallest glance towards his fiancee. Yu let out a small gasp, her disappointment not quite able to overshadow her intrigue as she wondered, with equal parts excitement and fear, how her love would react to a real cock in his ass after how well he'd taken a tongue. As the tip of Morgan's dick pushed against his slightly gaped and thoroughly lubricated hole she didn't have to wonder for very long. Pausing just long enough to make sure she was in the perfect position to utterly ruined him for all other forms of sex the well endowed woman squatting above Alan's soon to be fucked hole let out a quiet laugh. He responded with a whimper as the warmth of her member against his already burning hole sent shudders down his spine. When she grabbed his waist with both hands he knew he was about to experience something beyond anything he could've dreamed. A split second later his entire understanding of sex, ecstasy, and carnal satisfaction was redefined as nearly twelve inches of rock hard cock was slammed into his asshole so fast it was like a magic trick. His quivering rectum was stretched open wider than it'd ever been, wider than his mind could comprehend, while a pair of giant, weighty balls smacked against his own. They were the sort of balls a real man, or in this case woman, should've had and paired with the equally perfect dick embedded in the depths of his asshole it was like heaven had come to earth just for his satisfaction. And he wasn't the least bit shy about letting both his fiancee and the woman sodomizing him know it.

Alan's prolonged, girlish squeal of abject delight filled the bedroom and echoed out into the rest of the house with such ferocity and volume Yu actually recoiled a little upon hearing it. Her mouth fell open in surprise and she stared at her fiance with an uncomprehending glint in her eyes until an equally delighted but far less noisy grunt from Morgan  pulled her attention instead to the woman currently balls deep in her lover's asshole. A pit formed in the deepest part of her stomach as she saw the downright prideful grin on their roommate's face and wondered just what else might be in store for the two of them. Or perhaps ,more importantly why might be in store for her squealing, pleasure wracked husband to be. It was impossible not to worry after seeing and hearing his reaction to what should've been, according to all logic and reason, a very painful and even excruciating experience. With ever growing jealousy she brought her gaze back to Alan's smiling face and watched for any sign of pain or discomfort. For any sign that he wasn't experiencing the most enjoyable sensation of his life. She knew it was a terrible thing to hope for and although she felt guilty for even entertaining it the worry slowly gripping her heart refused to go away. In fact it was only further enhanced when Morgan eventually started pulling her cock out and she witnessed just how much her fiancee really enjoyed having his ass filled with a fat, throbbing prick. Not only did his squeals reach an even greater pitch and volume but his arms gave out entirely as he slumped forward against the bed.

His face remained pointed in her direction but with his eyes completely hidden away and his tongue hanging out of his mouth like he was little more than a bitch in heat only served to amplify her growing fears even further. Looking back at the woman responsible for his ecstasy led to the exact same result a few moments later when she was unlucky enough to see Alan's asshole distending outwards around the dick retreating from it in a lewd, unmistakable display of just how tightly he was gripping her. And how desperately his body refused to give up the new pleasure it'd been subjected to. As if unable to give up that ecstasy as well Morgan didn't pull all the way out. She didn't even withdraw half of her prick before her hips suddenly reversed their movements and sent her massive shaft plunging tight back into the depths of his rectum once more, her tip slamming against his prostate and her balls slapping against his in a wet smack. His bubble butt jiggled like crazy from the force of the thrust and Yu could see their friend's nails digging into his skin with even greater force as she too basked in the sheer joy of being inside her formerly virgin asshole. Their almost perfectly in sync moans further reinforced this connection and sent a little flicker of fear through her. Though she couldn't even articulate why she was growing so worried simply from the revelation that her fiance loved anal sex when he was on the receiving end she wouldn't have that issue for too much longer. Not after Alan was brought to a gushing, breathless climax in less than a minute and with less than a dozen thrusts from the woman turning his asshole inside out.

Moving quite a bit faster with each rhythmic retreat and thrust forward Morgan wasted no time at all building to a steady, unrelenting pace that saw her cock sliding in and out of his fantastically tight hole as quickly as she could manage without breaking him outright. Every last suspicion she'd had about Alan over the years had been confirmed the second she shoved her tongue inside his ass, burying her cock in the depths of his anus had merely been the punctuation mark on his last night as anything but a cheap cock sleeve for hers and any other cock available to him. She knew it as surely as she knew her own name but of course she couldn't outright say as much without first showing this fact to Alan himself, as well as his poor, cuckolded fiancee. Which was exactly why she'd started fucking him in earnest despite his tight little hole being far too inexperienced for the sort of dicking she was about to give him. There was no doubt he'd be extremely sore in the morning, bordering on uncomfortable and pained, but the pleasure he felt before then would more than make up for all that. She'd make sure of it like she had with so many other little butt sluts in the past. First by letting him adjust to the orgasmic feeling of a rock hard dick sliding in and out of his spit soaked asshole, then by hammering his prostate until he forgot what his own cock was for, then by focusing on his g-spot until his balls were drained and he forgot what it was like to cum without something hot and throbbing buried in his ass.

But to her surprise and delight Alan proved to be even more of an anal queen than she expected. Long before she had a chance to put the second phase of her plan into action and well before any of the other bitches she'd claimed over the years he blew his first of many thick, creamy loads all over the inside of his thoroughly soiled panties. She heard his desperately loud scream and felt his inner walls contract around her like a pussy while his prostate seemed to swell against her dick but couldn't quite believe what was happening. It was all too incredible, too perfect. Nobody had ever cum so quickly on their first time getting sodomized by her fat dick. Thankfully she didn't have to believe what was going on for it to happen and although her mind might've been reeling almost as much as Yu's her body remained very much in control as she drove her cock in and out of his ass unabated even as he coated the inside of his already sticky panties in the thickest, creamiest, and most plentiful climax he'd ever known. All while ecstasy in the purest and greatest form surged through his body to wash away any reservations he might've been clinging to and open the door for a complete and total acceptance of this new, wonderful way to experience sex. He couldn't even find enough air to moan as he sprayed load after messy load within his panties, his cock aching as it sought to discharge the contents of his balls faster than his body could manage. And if that wasn't enough he continued to spurt ropey strands of jizz for far, far longer than usual. More than three times the fifteen seconds or so it took him to finish a climax.

Of course the downright preposterous amount of cum flooding his panties and leaking onto the bed between his quivering knees was far from the only bliss he felt as Morgan ravished his asshole and hit his g-spot with perfect accuracy again and again. It was merely the most obvious sign his fiancee was able to witness as she stared in open mouthed shock at the sight and wondered what on earth was going on with her man. Had she been able to feel the waves of crashing ecstasy surging through his body and echoing out to the very tips of his fingers and toes she might've understood why he was a drooling, cross eyed wreck of a human being. She might've understood how any other form of sex was quickly being ruined for him as their roommate introduced him to his true calling in much the same way one might slide the final piece of a long unfinished puzzle into place. But without the benefit of those elements she could do nothing but watch and stare in growing shock as her fiancee produced enough jizz to rival at least half a dozen of his normal orgasms within the span of a minute, all while begging in a constant stream of breathy whimpers for more as the tempered fucking that'd led him to that point was little by little upgraded into the sort of ball slapping frenzy he himself had never been capable of when he was the one doing the penetrating. Because after learning just how much of a butt slut her newest conquest really was Morgan was beyond eager to put him to the test. Nothing in the world mattered more than fucking his brains out and making him cum as many times as she possibly could as fast as she possibly could.

The smell of his cum was already filling the room and like it always did that telltale stench was sending her into something of a frenzy. Obviously the madcap quivering of the asshole wrapped around her cock and the mewling little bitch stretched out beneath her only further enhanced that idea but in truth it was the pungent aroma of his jizz that truly sent her over the edge. It was also the motivation for sliding her hands across his belly to cup his chest and suddenly pull her little fuck doll upright to both show off the mess he'd made of himself and to better assault his g-spot like he so clearly wanted. And the moment he was in position and felt the added pressure on his already achingly sensitive prostate he actually gasped Morgan's name for the first, but certainly not the least, time that evening. His hands jumped to hers as he clutched her wrists while the rest of his body slumped backwards to feel her strong, warm presence as she continued to pound away at his asshole with such a perfect cadence. He didn't even so much look in Yu's direction despite her staring at him with unmitigated worry, her eyes filled with concern and her twisted into an anguished grimace as she watched her fiance lose whatever masculinity he had and accept the ecstasy of being another woman's fuck toy. Matters were only made worse soon after when, in an act as lewd as it was cruel, Morgan urged him to admit this irrefutable fact aloud. Although she seemed to pay no mind to the other woman in the room it was impossible for Yu to avoid feeling personally attacked as she heard the moaning encouragements.

“You're a real ass queen aren't you Alan?” She panted, “You love feeling my cock in your asshole don't you? You love being the little bitch getting turned inside out while someone fucks you stupid and finally uses your body the way it was meant to don't!?”

“Yes!” Alan moaned without hesitation, “Yes I love it!”

“What do you love slut?” Morgan insisted, “Tell me and I'll fuck you until you can't take anymore. Tell your fiance so she understands who's she's marrying. So she knows what a whore you really are! So she knows you;ll never, ever be satisfied with anything other than a cock stuffed inside your ass!”

As she spoke Morgan absolutely hammered his tight little hole and as soon as she was finished she stopped thrusting altogether. In a desperate bid to coax her into resuming and making good on her promise Alan said the single most devastating thing Yu had ever heard. “I'm a total ass queen! I never want to have sex again unless a cock is in my ass! Please don't stop fucking me! Please never stop fucking me! I don't ever want to have sex any other way again! I'm so sorry Yu! I'm so sorry! Morgan's dick is just too good! It feels too good! I'm addicted to being fucked in the ass! Please! Ohhhhhhhhhh God PLEASE FUCK MY FUCKING ASS RAW!”

Looking directly at Yu with an unmistakably triumphant grin on her face Morgan groped her fiancee like she was groping a particularly flat chested girl and said, “Of course slut!”

But instead of making good on her promise and completely ruining him for anything but anal sex she did something that seemed to run counter to everything Alan had begged for. Pulling her cock from his quivering hole entirely Morgan shoved her plaything down onto the bed and flipped him over like a piece of meat on the grill. His gaped, winking hole was left exposed and greedily pulsing for several moments as he lay stretched out across the bed staring up at his lover. He didn't even so much as glance in his fiancee's direction. Before he could do much more than let out a whimpering moan the woman responsible for his newfound bliss shoved her cock back inside her slack hole and fucked him like the cheap slut he really was. Her hands returned to his waist and a wild eyed grin spread across her face as she shifted her weight and moved into position. The moment she was ready her hips pulled backwards with an almost terrifying speed. Yu gasped and covered her mouth with one hand. A voice in the back of her mind demanded she put a stop to this right away. That she intervene and somehow end whatever was happening before it could go any further. Yet no matter how loud that voice was or how insistently it cried out her body remained forzen and she watched with painful clarity as Morgan's dick slammed back into her fiancee's asshole and he screamed in pure ecstasy. Clutching the sheets on either side of his head so tight all the blood rushed from his knuckles he cried out her name in a desperately high pitched tone and wrapped his legs around her body.

When she pulled out again his back arched as high as it could go while his cock throbbed like mad within the sticky confines of the panties around it. And rather than leaving his dick hidden away to impotently throb beneath his underwear Morgan paused in her retreat to tug aside his sodden garment and reveal his comparatively tiny dick in all it's cum slick glory. She cast another smile at Yu before shoving her dick right back into the depths of his asshole with an echoing slap. It would be the last time she thought about her friend and roommate for the rest of the evening. With a tight little boy pussy wrapped around her cock and a brand new anal queen to break in she had far more pressing concerns than the former fiancee of the slut she was balls deep inside of that particular night. Occasionally she and her fuck toy would hear their companion gasp or whimper during a particularly wild moment of passionate sex but even the unmistakable sounds of her presence couldn't lift the haze of pleasure clouding their minds. Because after so many years of being unconsciously dissatisfied with his role as a love in the bedroom Alan was finally given a chance to experience what he'd really needed all along. What he'd been made for and what he was best as. And thanks to her incredible libido and countless hours of experience fucking tight little boy holes Morgan could give it to him over and over again without ever slowing down or cumming. In fact by the end of the night she'd only cum once compared to the at least half a dozen orgasms her butt slut managed to enjoy as his prostate was endlessly battered.

Sometimes she moved with long, almost sensual strokes that arrived with a rhythmic ebb and flow as her body moved in perfect sync with his and her movements brought him to the very heights of pleasure while he basked in the closeness of their union. And other times she pounded away at his quivering little rectum like she was actively trying to beat him into submission with her cock and the relentless frenzy of her furiously thrusting dick sent him hurtling into an orgasm faster than he could react. But no matter how she fucked him the pure dominance of her every motion remained to serve as a constant reminder of who was the bitch and who was the man. Something both of them enjoyed almost as much as the fucking itself. Whether she was pounding away at his ruined, precum flooded asshole or tossing his sissy body around into whatever new position she wanted to fuck him in next Morgan never let him, and by extension Yu, forget she was the one in charge. Just as Alan never stopped moaning in utter delight as his meager little dick flopped every which way and cum leaked out in long, gooey strands even when he wasn't actively wracked by an orgasm. After so many years his new and better lover could milk a prostate without any difficulty at all no matter what position she was in and she made sure to show that off every second they were together. And when all that stimulation finally proved to much for his trembling fuck hole a tidal wave of ecstasy would crash down on him and a fountain of cum would erupt from the glorified clitoris barely able to dangle between his legs at the best of times.

He would scream until there was no air left in his lungs and hold on to whatever he could get his trembling digits around in the heat of the moment, all while the woman to thank for it drilled her cock into his ass and fucked him without slowing down for even a second. No matter how hard his hole clamped down around her and no matter how messily he sprayed jizz into the air, onto the bed, all over himself, and even onto his fiancee Morgan never for a second stopped. Nor did she slow whatever rhythm she'd been in the middle of when he started cumming. She simply continued ravishing his asshole like an absolute maniac until the flood of cum erupting from his cock stopped and she could toss him into a different, often even more humiliating position. One that would show off just how much of a bitch he really was while simultaneously letting her wreck his asshole in some new way for a little while. Until he inevitably succumbed to his new role as her personal cock sleeve and ended up spraying another torrent of extra thick, extra creamy jizz all over the place. It wasn't until she'd lifted him off the bed entirely and was destroying him in a full nelson position that all the pleasure of completely breaking a little bitch like Alan finally came to a head within her own body. Letting out a pleasured cry of her own she buried every last inch of her cock inside his asshole and unleashed a tidal wave of fresh jizz into the depths of his rectum, all but cementing his new role as an anal queen as she marked him with her spunk.

For the first time in his life Alan got to experience the utter, incomparable joy of fresh cum flooding into his body as Morgan emptied load after load into him while he screamed in ecstasy and shuddered against her. His inner walls were completely soaked in her spunk within seconds and soon after it felt as though her seed was flooding into his belly to fill him to the very brim with hot spunk. Which was certainly no less than he deserved as her personal dick sleeve! Gooey strands of semen leaked from his own dick as it pulsed and twitched in time with hers and a small but wonderful orgasm crashed down on him as he was filled to the brim. He couldn't even comprehend how much semen was truly being emptied into his bowels with every passing second, the swirling maelstrom of jizz inside him making it near impossible to comprehend. Had he been able to get a better view of himself and his body there's a chance he might've been able to understand a little better the sheer volume of spunk being pumped into him by Morgan's giant, quivering sack. But alas that sort of perspective was denied to him and he could only revel in it as a cock drunk slut basking in his first ever creampie. As well as the knowledge that it would certainly not be his last, even if he had to stumble his way down to the public park and offer up his asshole to any random passerby who felt like dumping a load inside him.

Of course there was one person who could see the sheer amount of cum being sprayed inside her fiancee by their roommate and even though Yu wanted nothing more than to look away as ropey strands of cum squirted from Alan's overflowing asshole she simply couldn't. The morbid fascination and endless surrealism of watching the man she loved lose himself completely and utterly to being a cock sleeve for another woman proved far too much for her to resist. She watched every gooey strand spurt out from his madly quivering hole to drip down Morgan's balls and onto the hardwood floor with a steady, almost rhythmic plopping. Nor could she look away when her friend finally finished emptying her balls inside her love and pulled out to reveal the absolutely ruined state of his cum filled asshole. Nearly prolapsed after being fucked for so long and so hard his once tight little rectum had gaped so wide she could see deep inside him without even trying. His fleshy pink inner walls spasmed uncontrollably as cum squirted and oozed out of him in equal measures as he continued to tremble long after both his and Morgan's ecstasy had begun to subside. And when she rather unceremoniously tossed him onto the bed so he could lay in the countless streaks of drying semen he'd deposited all over the sheets he actually managed to lift his ass up into the air as if offering it to anyone else who might want to fuck him. Which only gave Yu an even better look at the cavernous ruin that was his asshole while their roommate picked up the camera that'd recorded every solitary moment for a few nice, gratuitous zoom ins on the slack hole she'd created.

“A deal's a deal you guys.” Morgan said as she pulled back and smiled at her friends, “I'll pay for your wedding!” Yu stare dup at her with wide, uncomprehending eyes while Alan whimpered and moaned as cum leaked from his asshole and down his balls. Neither could even begin to think of a response to what'd just been said and their friend knew it. So she just smiled at them and ended the recording with a laugh. “Did you two want a copy of the video?”

“N-No . . .”Yu managed to whisper. Her fiancee was entirely incapable of speaking by that point but he managed a loud whimper that seemed to confirm his interest.

“No worries.” Their companion grinned. She stashed the camera away and made sure everything had been streamed ot her computer just in case Yu decided to destroy the physical backups. Once that was done she turned back to her friends and said, “I'm gonna take a shower . . . feel free to stick around as long as you want . . . I'm sure you guys have a lot to talk about . . .”

Slowly looking at the cum filled, sweat covered, cross dressing mess beside her Yu found it impossible to disagree with that notion and even more impossible to look Morgan in the eye after everything that'd taken place. So she simply didn't even try as she offered up a timid little “Yeah . . .”

“Well have fun,” Morgan chuckled as she grabbed a towel from her closet, “If you're still here when I get back maybe we can start talking about the wedding stuff again . . .” She left the room knowing full well the wedding was off and smiling an ear to ear grin because of it.


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