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I'll be honest with you guys, this one went off the rails something fierce lol. I changed my mind on several aspects, I rewrote several parts, and I pretty much didn't plan out anything beyond the first two thousand words or so. Hopefully the end result isn't as much of a mess as it seems to be, but I can't imagine how that might be the case. Fingers crossed there's something to enjoy here regardless!

It was an honor to be chosen . . . It was an honor to be chosen . . . It was an honor to be chosen . . .

Astarra repeated those words over and over again until they'd lost all meaning as she sat in an almost suspiciously unassuming spaceship watching the only planet she'd ever known disappear into the black void. Though she certainly believed the sentiment as much as anyone could it was impossible not to question what'd happened to some extent. Out of the trillions of humans in the galaxy and the even greater number of other sapient lifeforms she'd been chosen as a tribute to the unknowable entity that guided the fates of all living things. It seemed so utterly preposterous she couldn't help waiting to learn it was all some fanciful dream, a wild fantasy she used to indulge as a teenager when life was too much to bear. But as the stars stretched into endless white lines reality itself seemed to flicker and fade from existence as the ship entered hyper drive she found it harder and harder to deny the truth of what'd happened. None of her dreams had ever been so clear, so vivid detailed. Nor had they ever been so paradoxically mundane. Of all the times she'd imagined being whisked away from her home by the One Above All the journey had been a fantastical voyage across the stars. A trip to the farthest reaches of the known universe, then a little further. Sights and sounds like those of a fever dream bombarded her until she was overwhelmed by them. Until she couldn't handle another moment. Then, just before it could fully overwhelm her everything would stop and she'd find herself standing before the being many said had created the cosmos with a single thought.

It would welcome her like it welcomed all the others sent to live at it's side and her true life would finally begin. The events she concocted would often change and at times her mind added little flairs like watching the faces of the girls who'd teased her as she was taken away or the One Above All looking like her ideal partner when it greeted her. But not once in countless fantasies, daydreams, wishful thinkings, and regular old dreams had she simply boarded a plain old ship piloted by a plain old AI while everyone she was leaving behind celebrated far more than she did. Perhaps that was the roof od her uncertainty and nervousness. It certainly felt like a viable explanation for her apparent ungratefulness, at least until she caught a glimpse of herself in the reflection of the window she was sitting beside. Seeing her plain, downright boring features against the surrealism of what transpired beyond the hull as the ship tore through reality itself to travel wherever it was heading only reminded her of just how undeserving she was of the gift given to her. Far from the most beautiful human on her home planet and certainly far from the most beautiful human in the galaxy it made little sense that she would be chosen. Perhaps if she were smart or talented in some way being selected among countless other lifeforms could've made some degree of sense. But she wasn't. She had always been and would always be the least interesting person in the universe.

Her self deprivation was cut short by a sudden rumble as the spaceship's hyper drive finally relented and the vessel returned to reality. Or whatever passed for such wherever she'd been taken. Outside the window was nothing. No light. No planets. No matter of any kind. Just an infinite sea of unbroken darkness so deep and so pervading Astarra could only stare at it for a few heartbeats before looking away. Standing up for want of something to do she paced around the small lounge area in which she'd been sitting and wrung her hands. Had she really been chosen to meet the One Above All? Or had the entire journey been a trick? Some elaborate ruse to be rid of her crafted by friends and family so often cold and distant? Maybe they'd know about her teenage fantasies and tailored their scheme to leave her truly devastated when the truth was grandly revealed. If there even was a truth to be revealed. They could've just as easily sent her into the endless blackness beyond the edge of the universe. It was often said traveling beyond the furthest stars would lead to an endless void of nothingness from which there was no escape. Perhaps that was where she'd been sent. Although she never imagined any of them could despise her enough to go to such great lengths to rid themselves of her Astarra found it difficult to truly deny the thought after so many years spent as the butt of their jokes and the source of their rarely hidden derision. Upon hearing the ship's engines power down she cast another look into the unfathomable nothingness outside the window. No doubt the last of the fuel had been used and her fate was now sealed. If the stories and rumors were true she now faced an eternity by herself. An infinity of drifting through emptiness with only her thoughts and the vessel surrounding her. The AI controlling the ship couldn't speak and she lacked the wherewithal to give it a voice, which meant for the first time in her life she was well and truly alone. It wasn't such a bad feeling . . .

Before she had a chance to return to her seat and dwell on her strange fate Astarra heard the hiss of the bay doors opening and the air within the cabin rushing out. She cried out in terror and rushed to the far end of the lounge as if that would save her from the grisly fate of explosive decompression. In another desperate bid to save her own life she held her breath and covered her mouth and nose with both hands, her eyes shutting tight while her body recoiled from the slowly descending metal ramp she'd boarded only a short time ago. Only after several tense, nerve wracking seconds, measurable only by her pounding heart beat, did she realize the truth of the matter. Had the emptiness beyond truly been the void she expected she would've died the instant the doors started to open. The fact that she'd remained alive and intact proved whatever lay beyond wasn't what she assumed it to be. Which of course begged the question: what was it. With her eyes still closed and her head still spinning she slowly pulled her hands away from her face and let out the breath she could barely hold on to. Her body instinctively drew another in and she found the air flooding her lungs to be wholly devoid of anything. She could neither taste nor smell even a hint of something, of anything. There was no denying it was oxygen and yet in the utter absence of anything to accompany it she found herself unable to truly believe what was going on. Even as her eyes slowly opened and she saw the empty darkness sitting beyond the shit. Still breathing that strange, unnatural air as slowly as she could manage Astarra gradually stood upright to look at the emptiness beyond the one and only piece of reality she could cling to. In spite of how difficult it was to look directly at the pervading darkness she found it even more challenging to tear her gaze away from the emptiness. When peering through the window she'd felt only a strange sense of dread and primal fear, like an animal being confronted with someone beyond it's understanding. Now as she stood watching the nothingness she felt an irresistible call speaking to her in the same way.

Seemingly of their own accord her legs began to move long before her mind could tell them to stop and she found herself approaching the black expanse step by nervous step. Eventually her mind was able to catch up with her body and she managed to stop herself from moving another inch. In fact she stopped herself so abruptly the momentum of the step she'd been about to take sent her teetering forward at the top of the ramp. Letting out a frightened squeak Astarra waved her arms in a desperate bid to regain her balance. Her fingers smashed painfully against the metal roof above her and she reflexively pulled away from the source of pain. But as she clasped her hands against her chest she felt herself pitching even further forward. Another, far more shrill gasp tumbled from her lips an instant before she tumbled down the ramp in a heap of flailing limbs. Each painful bounce was accompanied by a pained groan as she landed hard on her shoulder, hip, rump, stomach, and finally her back. Astarra was filled with a profound sense of embarrassment despite being completely alone as she lay there staring up at empty blackness, her cheeks flushed and her breath arriving in labored gasps. Had she been even slight more aware of herself and her surroundings she might've noticed how muted and quiet her painful descent down the ramp had been. How completely devoid of echo or greater sound everything around her was, or even how solid yet impossibly incorporeal the space beneath her was. But instead she could focus only on her aches and pains as she lay there for several seconds, grateful nobody had seen her utter lack of grace. Another of the perks to be found in total isolation.

Thankfully her mind had little chance to dwell on that for long as she slowly sat up and looked around, swiftly realizing she was 'supported' by the same nothingness that stretched out in all directions forever. Rather than plummeting through space or the distinct lack of it as expected she was able to sit and eventually stand without any trouble. In a move as instinctive as it was thoughtless she even bounced up and down a few times but whatever force was keeping her in place didn't yield. A sense of relief and confusion flooded Astarra's mind as she did her best to make sense of what was going on around her. Nothing seemed to add up at all and the harder she tried to make sense of it the less she was able to understand. It felt uncannily like the time she'd accidentally entered the wrong classroom and spent several hours listening to a lecture about advanced particle physics instead of twentieth century Earth history. Only this time she couldn't simply get up and leave. Not unless she learned how to pilot a spacecraft and manufacture whatever fuel it needed for hyper drive jumps. Even that absurd impossibility was rendered moot when she turned away from the ship for a moment or two and turned back around to find it entirely absent. Like it'd been erased from existence the one and only solid proof of reality besides her own body had disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving Astarra to stand in the void of blackness without any sort of anchor to keep her bearings or matter to retreat to should she need. There was only the endless, unfathomable darkness all around.

“Welcome,” Innumerable voices said in perfect unison, “It's a pleasure to meet you Astarra.”

All but deafened by the sudden words after what felt like an eternity trapped in the silence of her own breathing Astarra flinched at the greeting even as she felt oddly calmed and reassured by it, “W-Who are you?!” She asked, “W-Where am I?”

“I am the entity many refer to as the One Above All and you are in my home.”

The countless voices all speaking at once seemed to exude a sense of warmth, even excitement, with every syllable and though she had no idea from where they came she was nonetheless comforted by the mere presence of another. And by the revelation accompanying that same present. “Then . . . I really was chosen? It wasn't . . . it wasn't all a joke?”

“Yes, you really were chosen. No it was not a joke.”

Relief like she'd never felt before flooded Astarra as she sank to her knees and smiled at the emptiness around her, “Thank you . . .” She whispered, “Thank you . . .”

A profound sense of relief washed over her, followed soon after by a happiness that wasn't solely her own. Then, the unmistakable sensation of another being, another presence, raised the hairs on the back of her neck. Astarra slowly turned her head to look at the newcomer and though she lacked the words to understand what she was seeing the sight of her companion nonetheless sent a tingle of excitement coursing through her. Though humanoid in silhouette the entity standing before her was beyond any she'd ever known. Every single feature the being possessed, indeed every feature any organism she'd ever known possessed, seemed to constantly shift into some other form with each passing second. And yet the transition was far from abrupt and not the least bit unsettling in spite of how dramatically different many of the forms it took were. There was a smoothness to the way it shifted, an impossible to define order that was somehow comforting in spite of the strangeness. She was almost mesmerized by the sight of it and unable to look away as the being approached. An unmistakable sense of joy radiated outwards from it and whenever it possessed the facial elements to do so it was smiling at her. As it drew near enough to do so the entity extended it's ever shifting hand and she took it without a moment of hesitation. But rather than lifting her to her feet it merely grasped her fingers and continued to exude the warmth and happiness she was already basking in. After a few heartbeats Astarra lifted herself off the ground, or whatever it was she'd been kneeling upon, to stare up at the towering entity before her with just a hint of uncertainty clouding her smile. Even knowing she'd been chosen in some form or fashion and that her journey hadn't simply been a cruel joke couldn't push away the innate doubt caused by that realization. Now that she knew for certain her fantasy had or would soon come true she couldn't help but wonder why she'd been chosen. What could possibly make her so special? Her lips parted to ask that very question but she was interrupted by a soft laugh.

“You wish to know why you were chosen?” The being in front of her asked.

“I do . . .” She quietly answered, “I can't imagine how I'm worthy of it . . .”

“Fortunately your appraisal of your own worth was not a factor in the decision.”

“Then what was?”

“I cannot say.”

“Am I not meant to know?” Astarra asked him, immediately feeling foolish for questioning such a gift without even thinking.

“I cannot say because I do not know myself. In truth the process of choosing a bew companion is well beyond my understanding . . . it simply . . . occurs . . .”

“Oh . . . b-but I thought I was chosen by my people as tribute . . .”

“That is what they believe. There is far less . . . friction . . . when those in power believe they have a say in the matter . . . they might have resisted had you been chosen independent of them. In the past such an occurrence had led to considerable strife . . .”

“Oh . . .”

I apologize if the answer is not satisfactory . . . were I able to give you a better response I would be glad to do so . . .”

“I-It's all right!” Astarra assured her companion, “I Understand! Well, actually I don't . . . but I think I get enough to not ask anything else . . .”

“If you have more questions please ask them of me.” The entity replied, it's other hand finding hers to hold both in a tender, affectionate manner.

“What happens now? To me I mean . . .”

“Now you stay with me, If that is your wish. You may stay for an eternity or a single moment, it is your choice and your choice alone. I have merely brought you here to decide . . .”

Astarra looked around the infinite void surrounding them and let out a soft laugh. But before she could make a joke about the almost foreboding emptiness around her existence suddenly returned to the lifeless shadow. Billions, perhaps trillions of motes of light appeared all around them. Floating above, below, and everywhere she could see they glowed with an inviting radiance, each one colored a different hue without any that she could see being repeated. Shades and spectacles she'd never known could exist light up the once empty space and sent a shudder coursing through her body. Without meaning to she pulled away from the being in front of her and turned to look at the countless fragments of light. As she turned she found one hovering before her only an inch or so beneath her eye line and in a fit of curiosity she reached out towards the gorgeously blue light. Her fingers brushed against the orb and for a moment she felt a flicker of resistance, as though she'd touched something corporeal. But that sensation vanished as quickly as it'd arrived, replaced instead by dumbfounded shock as the mote filled darkness she had yet to grow accustomed to was suddenly replaced with a breathtaking vista so much like her fantasies it was stunning. In the blink of an eye Astarra found herself standing upon a beach of onyx black sand looking out at a sea of glittering pink water while a golden sun descended beyond the horizon. Towering cliffs of obsidian topped with bent, twisted trees of blue bark and red leaves sat high above them while a number of silvery spires emerged from the water hundreds of feet from the shore where they stood. Although she had never imagined such a place before everything about it sent chills throughout her body. She turned back towards the entity standing beside her with a awestruck look on her face and it responded with another laugh. But it was a laugh devoid of mocking contempt or open derision. The being seemed genuinely happy to have caused her amazement and she in turn felt happy to share the moment with it.

“Where are we?”

“A planet long ago lost to time. I have forgotten it's name but not it's beauty . . .”

“A-Are we really here?”

“Of course . . . if you wish we could travel every inch of this place for the rest of time.”

“Were all those other points of light places like this?”

“Yes. Every last one was a place that has been. Some still remain. Many are lost to all but us.”

“And I—we can see them all?”

“If that is your desire .”

Unable to fully understand the scope of what was being offered to her Astarra could only shake her head and try to gather her thoughts, “I-I don't understand . . . w-why do all of this? Why show me all of this? What do you get out of it?”

“A companion.” The being replied. “One to share it with. I have spent and will spend eons looking over the whole of existence . . . but watching from afar can be a lonely experience . . . when it becomes too lonely for me to bear a companion is chosen . . . if they choose to remain I spend however long they wish to remain at their side . . . if they leave another is chosen instead . . . but even if they stay another is eventually chosen . . . when solitude becomes too great a burden to carry . . .”

Nearly overcome by the sorrow in her companion's voices she couldn't help but step closer to it and give a warm smile even as she blinked away tears, “I can stay with you. I will stay with you.” She told the being.

A sense of euphoria so great it was nearly smothering washed over her as the entity smiled and took her hands into it's own once more, “Thank you! It gladdens me to have a companion to share these many eons with! And should you ever decide to leave you need only ask. I could never hold you or any other here against their will.”

“That's good . . .” Astarra said for want of something to reply with.

“You have doubts?” The being asked.

“No! Not at all! It's just . . . hard to really believe I'm here . . . and hard not to think about everything I was told about being chosen . . .”

“What were you told?”

Blushing a little and looking down at her feet she suddenly felt very embarrassed about the thoughts running through her mind. “N-Never mind! I'm just being silly!”

“I am certain you aren't.” Her eternal friend replied, “And I assure you it would be impossible to offend me no matter how outrageous you might think the words you speak . . .”

“That's an easy thing to say when you haven't heard what I have.”

A sense of mirth filled the air around them and she looked up to see her companion flashing an almost sardonic grin, when he was capable of doing so, “I am as old as existence itself and have witnessed every moment of time since it began to exist . . . you have nothing to fear from me . . .”

“Okay . . . b-but I warned you!”

“Yes you did.”

“Well . . . a lot of . . . a lot of people seem to think . . . hang on . . . if you've witnessed every moment of time since it began to exist you already know what I'm talking about! Don't you?”

Amusement once again radiated outwards from the entity as it smiled a little wider, “I do, yes . . .”

“Then why are you making me say it aloud!” Astarra exclaimed, her cheeks flushing as the rest of her face was caught between indignation and amusement.

“I thought it best you begin the subject . . . should you be so inclined . . . many do not and I find their company no less welcome because of it . . .”

“You mean some people don't ever . . . don't ever . . . talk about . . . you know?”

“Sexual gratification? Yes, there are a great many of my friends who were content to enjoy my gifts and my presence without it.”

“Oh . . . b-but the rest?”

“The rest were happy to enjoy every facet of our innate bond time and time again.”

Blushing more furiously than ever Astarra looked anywhere but at her companion as years of hearing all manner of perverted whisperings, never spoken directly to her of course, about what transpired in the realm beyond existence with the One Above All were suddenly confirmed in an instant. She did her best not to think about all that, utterly failing in the process, and soon enough blurted out perhaps one of the most embarrassing things to ever pass from her lips, “I can be one of those companions if you want me to be!”

“Which one?”

“The-the—you know what I-I'm talking about! Don't you?”

“I do. But unless you tell me in no uncertain terms I cannot, or rather will not, engage in anything more with you. It is simply how I am.”

Astarra shook her head and laughed as she tried to find the wherewithal to say the words she'd always wanted to speak aloud to someone but never before had the chance. Staring into her companion's faces did little to help the nerves bubbling up inside her and she eventually summoned the courage to speak her desires by casting her gaze out across the sparkling sea and staring almost directly into the stetting sun for a moment, “I want to be your partner . . . in ever sense of the word . . . I want to do . . . I want to enjoy . . . s . . . s . . . sex . . . I want to have sex . . . with you . . . h-however that might work . . .” Her eyes returned to the being's ever changing visage as she somewhat timidly, somewhat cheekily asked it, “Was that clear enough?”

“It was.” The entity replied, “Thank you for the clarity, I see now how difficult expressing such a thing truly was.”

“You have no idea.”

Her partner smiled for a moment but then it's expression became considerably more serious, whenever it possessed enough features to convey emotion, and it said, “As with every other aspect of your time with me you need only say as much if you should ever wish to stop anything we do. There are no circumstances under which I would want you feeling anything but joy in my presence. No matter what the circumstance might be your comfort and your happiness are important above all else.”

“I understand.”

“I am glad . . .” A somewhat lengthy pause stretched out between them and the being smiled at her as it asked, “Now . . . what do you desire of me?”

Suddenly faced with the chance to indulge her every wildest fantasy with the one being capable of giving her everything she wanted Astarra quickly found herself at a total loss. Her mind was filled with a million, scattered thoughts as her brain tried and failed to latch on to a single one. But there were too many to count and far too many to sort through as she stood there with her mouth slightly open and a slightly confused look on her face. Although she knew she knew she must've looked like a complete moron the embarrassment and shame that would usually accompany that knowledge didn't arrive. She felt no judgment from the entity standing before her waiting patiently to hear what it was she desired more. That unexpectedly wonderful discovery provided a welcome distraction from the mad jumble of fantasies and urges bouncing around inside her head, at least for a little while, but soon enough she had to think about her answer again. Or perhaps more accurately she had to acknowledge that she didn't have the slightest clue where to begin. And after a few more seconds of trying her best to settle on literally anything to say she gave up on it entirely and just admitted her indecision aloud. Maybe her companion would have a better inkling than she did.

“I have no idea!” She exclaimed in a voice far louder and far more emotional than she intended, “I've never been with anyone before, let alone someone like you! I-I never even had a real orgasm! A-At least I don't think I have! But the fact that I don't know just proves that I'm a complete mess that definitely shouldn't be allowed to decide anything! The rest of eternity will be a whole lot easier if you accept that now!”

Her companion radiated amusement as it replied, “You may feel differently once we've started. I find the first step is always the hardest.”

“But I don't even know what the first step is!”

“I do.” Stepping closer and brushing a hand across her cheek the entity leaned in almost close enough to kiss, “First you should know real pleasure. Once you do you won't have any trouble deciphering what you want.”

A nervous little gasp slipped from Astarra's lips as she looked at her partner and timidly replied, “I like that idea a lot . . .”

“That makes me happy.” The being's face suddenly stopped changing and for a single, heart stopping moment she found herself looking at the single most beautiful person she'd ever known or would ever know. But before her mind and body could truly bask in the overwhelming allure of her partner it softly laughed and leaned in closer. Their lips met in the first of many kisses and once again reality seemed to fade away.

Every nerve inside her body was set alight with pleasure at once as ecstasy beyond her understanding flooded her body in a surge that swept away all sense and reason. Goosebumps erupted across her skin as violent convulsions sent her muscles inot uncontrollable spasms. Almost instantly her partner's lips vanished from her own but Astarra could scarcely comprehend their absence. Indeed she couldn't comprehend much of anything as her body crumpled to the ground amidst the violent shudders and wild twitches that'd overtaken her. The once beautiful world around her faded into blackness soon after when her eyes rolled backwards in her head to leave only a plane of white visible. For a moment she seemed to collapse inward on herself as the bliss coursing through every fiber of her being seemed to reach some sort of peak, but when it immediately crashed down with renewed strength a moment later her limbs were forced to lurch outwards for want of some way to handle the pleasure she was feeling in that single, endless moment. Her fists slammed down against the beach beneath her while her toes curled inwards and the heels of her feet dug furrows in the sand. At some point her back began to arch higher and higher until she was connected to the earth solely by the back of her hea, her half buried feet, and her convulsively tightening digits. And though it hadn't been so much as touched a single time during her orgasmic revelation her womanhood was absolutely soaked from the pleasure cascading to the very tips of her fingers and toes. Fluid gushed from the depths of her sex in ever thicker quantities as her inner walls convulsed entirely of their own accord. The sensitive little bulb at the crest of her sex stiffened like never before and the outer lips of her slit parted like the petals of a blooming flower. Her glistening pink inner folds trembled so violently the fluids seeping out of her were sent squirting into the confines of her thoroughly soiled jumpsuit, the water proof fabric ensuring her arousal leaked all across her thighs and belly as she unleashed jet after warm, creamy jet all over herself.

But as spectacular as her physical reaction might've been the maelstrom of thoughts and sensations running wild inside her mind was even greater. Thoroughly and completely overwhelmed in every way a being could be Astarra had all but lost her mind in the wake of her first real orgasm. Whatever her partner had done was more than she could handle and through sheer self preservation alone her mind fragmented into a thousand, independent pieces. It was the only way she could begin to handle the ecstasy assailing the very core of her being without going completely made or losing herself among the churning waves. And yet even that wasn't enough to save her from the all consuming bliss. If anything it only seemed to further drown her in the rising tide as she soon found herself experiencing the myriad of unfamiliar and wholly captivating sensations from a thousand different avenues, each and every one just as potent as the rest and seemingly unaffected by the others. Except in how it ravished her senses and obliterated her mind in such a brutally effective way the thought of coming back from such an experience seemed almost laughable. Even as the highest peaks and deepest valleys of her bliss started to smooth out the aftershocks drowned her in pleasure so thoroughly she scarcely noticed the subtle yet unmistakable changes to the ebb and flow of her pleasure. Every facet of the experience was new to her and never was that more clear than in the beautiful afterglow that arrived when her orgasm mercifully began to fade only moments before her sanity was well and truly lost.

Her body collapsed in a quivering heap of barely connected limbs while the fluids seeping from her sex gradually slowed to a trickle and her more violent convulsions leveled out as much as they could. The many, isolated yet very connected fragments of her mind were set adrift in a haze of pleasure and although nearly everything else was darkness beyond her ken the presence of the being responsible for her pleasure somehow pierced the veil. Indeed it pierced the veil with such ease and with such strength she couldn't help but latch on to the entity as she would a piece of wood in the middle of an ocean. Both physically and mentally she held on tight to her companion, refusing to let go and unable to even conceive of doing so for what must have been decades or longer. Neither adding to nor taking away from her pleasure the being that'd caused her such perfect anguish simply remained at her side in every way it could, holding her close and reminding her of existence beyond herself until she could find enough of herself to do anything beyond shudder and moan. Of course having another being to cling to for the first time in her life as she enjoyed true pleasure hardly lessened the flood of joy cascading through her sense and it wasn't long before her partner's comforting existence only served to enhance the gently cresting waves within her and ensure they remained lapping at the shores of her consciousness for far longer than they would have otherwise. Long enough in fact for her to fear she might never come out of the daze she'd been put in.

What very well could've been centuries later, for all she knew, enough of Astarra's consciousness reunited and she was able to speak once more, “That . . . you . . . how . . . I . . . ohhhhhhhh!”

“Did your first orgasm live up to your expectations?” Her companion asked, “I would be happy to give you another if—”

“No!” She grabbed her companion's wrist and shook her head, “I-I mean, not right now! Definitely . . . definitely later . . . but not right now . . . I couldn't handle all that again . . . I think it would actually kill me . . .”

“It would not. But I understand your meaning all the same.”

“Good . . . that's good . . .”

“You have no answered my question.”

“Question?” She stared up at her partner with an uncomprehending smile as shudders continued to run rampant through her body, “What question?”

“Did your first orgasm live up to your expectations?”

“Oh . . . right . . .” Astarra panted for a moment or two, smiling at her companion and eagerly nodding as she tried to find the words to express just how perfect her first climax really was. But even without the fog surrounding her mind and occluding her senses she would've lacked the means to describe her contentment in that moment. So instead of trying she imply replied, “Yes . . . yes it did . . . it was more than I could've hoped for . . . thank you . . .”

“You're welcome . . .” The being caressed her cheek once more and smiled at her, the beauty of it's appearance somehow shining even greater in the twilight that'd descended on the world they were in, “I trust you don't have any issues deciding what you want to do next?”

Astarra opened her mouth to speak but a flood of desires and fantasies poured into her frazzled brain and she remained silent as they bombarded her. But unlike the first time she tried to think of what she wanted there was a certain order to chaos running rampant inside her head. A much easier string of logic to follow than before, “I think I do . . .”

“Wonderful . . . you need only tell me and I will ensure it comes to pass . . .”

Smiling and nodding at him Astarra tried to stand but found her legs wholly uncooperative. Her partner wordlessly picked her up instead and she was all to happy to press herself against their body as bask in the closeness she felt. “How do we leave this place?'

The words had barely left her mouth before the gorgeous beach they'd been standing on vanished and they returned to the void. A split second later the motes of light returned and the entity asked, “Did you have another place in mind?”

“I did . . . Hersicaa's third moon . . . facing the Maulden asteroid belt.”

“Of course.”

In the blink of an eye they were standing upon the inhospitable yet unimaginably beautiful surface of Hersicaa's third moon. Light shimmered off the windswept fields of jagged ice while the countless asteroids drifting by  in the heavens above twinkled as their crystalline surfaces reflected the nearby stars. “Wow . . .” Astarra gasped, “It's even more beautiful in person . . .”

“It truly is . . .”

For several perfect moments the two of them stood there admiring the hostile beauty of the moon and asteroid field. Or rather Astarra's partner stood there while she remained nestled against their chest, unwilling and unable to move away from them. But eventually the breathtaking view of a place she never thought to see beyond a screen proved inconsequential to the rampant desires running amok in her head. “Can we . . . can we truly do anything?”

“Of course. So long as you wish it I am happy to facilitate anything you might desire.”

“There's nothing you won't enjoy? Or wouldn't want to do?”

“My pleasure comes from giving pleasure to others. Either on a universal scale through small tweaks and alterations to the lives of the organisms within our existence, or on a personal scale with whoever I share eternity with.”

“I see . . .” She blushed a little as an idea sprang to the forefront of her mind and she felt unaccountably perverted for even entertaining it, “I-In that case . . . could we maybe . . . do something along the lines of this . . .”

Despite their utter solitude and the complete lack of judgment she'd received from her companion she found herself wholly unable to say her fantasy aloud, instead choosing to whisper it into their ear and hope they continued to be as accommodating as they'd been. Her hopes were immediately fulfilled when the entity smiled at her and nodded, “Of course . . . would you prefer to start right away or wait a short while longer to recuperate?”

“S-Start right away please!”

In lieu of saying another word or wasting another second the being holding her aloft instantly changed from the beautiful humanoid she'd come to know into a massive, formless ooze. It's nearly invisible contours enveloped her before she had a change to think and the jumpsuit covering her body was dissolved away in a flash. Astarra reflexively opened her mouth to gasp and the moment she did a thick tendril of the slime surrounding her plunged into the depths of her throat. It pushed deep within her esophagus and expanded outwards until her neck was grotesquely bulging outwards. Unlike the shimmering mass surrounding the rest of her body the appendage, for lack of a better term, remained quite rigid even as it shifted and writhed like the viscous goop it really was. She didn't have time to think about nor reflect upon the myriad of sensations that first protrusion caused as two more quickly followed suit between her legs. One was only a few shades thinner than the one embedded in her gullet and it wriggled inside her virgin sex to stretch her out and fill her to the brim without causing so much as a single millisecond of discomfort. Only intense and widespread pleasure as it pushed against all the most sensitive places inside her while simultaneously applying a gentle but constant pressure to her cervix. The other tendril was considerably smaller than the others and it slid into the deepest reaches of her asshole in a long, smooth thrust that sent her shuddering harder than anything else.

It too strained and pushed against her madly contracting inner walls, though with much less overall force and far less specificity as it endeavored to simply stretch out the entirety of her quivering hole. The paltry amount of experience she had with teasing her backdoor hadn't prepared her in the slightest for the sensation of having something so long, so thick, and so unyielding stuffed inside her. Paired with the accompanying sensation of an appendage writhing around inside her pussy and she had little hope of fending off the orgasm welling up inside her within a few seconds of being penetrated. Not that she would've ever tried to stymie such a wonderful part of her fantasy. If anything her body and mind leaned in harder than ever as she desperately sought out that pleasure at all costs. While others had to spend fortunes to enjoy the same ecstasy she was feeling at the hands of strange aliens she was not only given it for free but by a being unapologetically delighted to be the cause of her bliss. Among her own pleasure she could feel the intense, downright overwhelming pleasure of her partner as they moved their appendages inside her and stimulated every erogenous part of her body at the same time. The ooze around her breasts seemed to shift and moved like so many hands groping her chest while an intense suction formed around her nipples and clitoris. At one point she swore she could even feel the sudden, sharp sting of something spanking her buttocks, though such a feeling was difficult to parse as she descended into another climax within a minute of being enveloped.

To her absolute surprise and endless joy her ecstasy proved to be even stronger than before as the unexpectedly profound intimacy of being surround and filled by her lover added an entirely different element to her bliss. One that sent chills through her body and put the widest smile she'd ever known on her face the moment her thoughts were able to realize the source of her added euphoria. And just like before  Just like her first climax the pleasure she felt seemed to last forever and ever but unlike the first there seemed to be no end in sight even as she squirmed and convulsed within the ooze all around her. And that was entirely the result of her companion's constant, unceasing movements as they pushed and writhed their tendrils within each of her holes while simultaneously continuing, and at times even amplifying, the stimulation to the rest of her body. With so many sources of bliss assaulting her at once and her own, vastly unprepared form entirely at the mercy of the being responsible she was left to gasp and writhe until her partner decided to slow their movements and release her from the endless cycle she was trapped in. Thankfully the being elected not to do so for much, much, much longer than she might have asked for had she thought to mention it herself. Indeed more than once they pushed her to the absolute limits of her mental and physical endurance, only to hold there a moment, then gently push a little further beyond what she'd previously understood as her limit. And every time it happened she was left foolishly thinking it would surely be last only to find it wasn't as the cycle repeated itself and a bit more of her sanity slipped away. Her lover was able to stop just before she completely lost her mind, though it was well after the point where she'd accepted the inevitability of that fate. They did so without depriving her of the beautiful afterglow she'd enjoyed during her first climax in spite of being a gelatinous ooze lacking and real solidity. If anything their new form allowed them even more freedom to caress and hold her as she was brought down from the heavens.

Of course her companion eventually returned to a more comprehensible form after a time and Astarra soon found herself cradled in their arms once more. But as lovely as that was and as dazed as she felt after two nearly back to back orgasms she could no longer control the flood of desires filling her mind and coaxing her on. The very moment she could find the strength to do so she lifted her head and whispered another fantasy into her lover's ear. In a flash they were in the depths of an underground sea and she was surrounded by countless aquatic humanoids. She had all of a heart beat to enjoy the feeling of being suspended in that strange liquid before the creatures around her swam close and she felt their long, slimy, and deliciously thick members sliding inside her body once more. Whether by some trait of the aliens her companion was impersonating or simply as an extension of their natural power she felt no pain at all even as multiple alien cocks were pushed inside her cunt and asshole at the same time. It didn't even make physical sense how so many could be sliding in her at once but she didn't care in the slightest. The absolutely wonderful sensation of being stretched open and filled to the brim was far too amazing to let silly things like physics and reality get in the way. Especially when her throat was given the same treatment and the multitude of beings around her started thrusting independently of one another. Feeling what had to be dozens, if not hundreds of shafts messily sliding in and out of her body at entirely unpredictable intervals was even more insane than she could've imagined.

It certainly lived up to the many times she'd imagined it in her had. Particularly when the aliens began climaxing soon after they started. With so many surrounding her and so many eager to have their turn it only made sense that the first could empty whatever they had inside her and pull away so others could have their fun with her too. Just as it only made sense that the retreat of their cocks filled the liquid surrounding her with a viscous cloud of greenish blue spunk she found it impossible not to breath in. Though after she tasted some of it Astarra quickly found herself inhaling as much as she possibly could, any notion of how exactly it all worked proving so wildly irrelevant she didn't even question the inherent impossibility until long after she'd left that particular fantasy. Instead she focused all her energy on gulping down as much alien seed as she could until she filled her belly and all but drowned in the swirling mass of ever present cum. But in yet another delicious twist of impossible to understand fate she never actually found herself growing full. No matter how much of their fluids she drank down or how far her belly distended outwards she could always consume more. Just as there always seemed to be more aliens ready and eager to ravish her asshole and pussy before emptying a massive deluge of spunk inside her. A massive deluge that would come flooding back out soon afterwards and be gulped down with rampant enthusiasm.

In fact it wasn't until she herself elected to end the fun by finally closing her mouth and refusing to slurp down another mouthful of cloudy alien jizz that her fantasy truly came to an end. And that only happened after Astarra was subjected to yet another orgasm, this time brought on by the delight of having an endless succession of cocks pounding away at her holes and turning her into a cheap fuck toy fit only for their pleasure. Or at leas the perception of that fact. Although not all that different from the pleasure she'd known earlier there was enough of a twist for her to feel and revel in an entirely new facet of ecstasy for the eons she spent in that strange place separate from the reality she'd known. One that was nonetheless marked by her body happily releasing clouds of her own fluids into the liquid all around her, as well as massive fountains of the cum that'd been pumped so deep within her it had no change of being released so long as there were still cocks plunging in and out of her holes. And like the unhinged slut she always knew she could be Astarra gladly drank down the lurid mixture of her own juices and the juices of dozens of virile alien men, savoring the unique texture as surely as she savored her favorite treats on her home planet. Her inability to be filled by the gallons of spunk and pussy juice she was guzzling had never been a greater boon. Though unlike her seemingly limitless capacity for the fluids gushing from her cunt and clouding the liquid around her the pleasure she felt couldn't go on forever and in fact came to a far more natural end than the previous times. As her body adjusted to the various sensations and her pleasure began to wane she enjoyed the ebb and flow for a little while longer before finally closing her mouth and signaling her contentment with the fantasy she'd just indulged. Of course that took nearly as long as she'd spent reaching that point and climaxing, but it still happened all the same. Soon enough she was returned to the void and her companion's arms, primed and ready for yet another fantasy to begin.

In what was fast becoming a habit she immediately told her companion of another fantasy, one that she was particularly excited about. In an instant Astarra found herself at the top of a beautiful temple made of glittering metals and inlaid with countless gemstones. All around her were thousands of aliens from hundreds of races, each watching adulation as she stood naked before them. Her lover roared behind her and she sank to her hands and knees to offer herself fully to him as he lumbered forward. A pair of massive, six fingered hand slammed down on either side of her head and she eagerly grabbed on to them while basking the heat radiating from his mottled, grey blue form. Every inch of him bulged and strained with unbridled power and the countless, bone white spines protruding from his flesh seemed to hum with excitement. She could sense his massive, reddish pink cock emerging from it's sheath and soon enough she felt it pushing against her sodden folds as the enormous behemoth crouched down in preparation. Astarra sucked in a breath and bit her lip, her eyes scanning the many faces of the aliens looking up at her in the few seconds she had left to so. A single, powerful thrust later and she was lost utterly and completely to the titanic member embedded in the deepest reaches of her cunt. With a single mighty push he'd entered her pussy, forced open her cervix, and utterly claimed her womb for his own like the fierce beast he was. His cock filled her to the very brim and stretched her open so wide she had trouble appreciating the true size and scope of the dick buried inside her.

Thankfully the crowd below as well as her rampantly aroused body had no such trouble at all. Fluids sprayed from her pussy in thick streams while a desperate squeal erupted from her lips and the onlookers roared in approval. Merely being penetrated by the absolute beast that was her transformed partner proved enough to send her spiraling down into another orgasm, her inner walls clamping down so tight around the cock withing her she felt like she was being pulled inside out when he started to retreat. The upper half of her body gave out entirely soon afterwards as she lost the strength to keep herself upright among the surging waves of pleasure and her hands lost what little strength they'd retained. As her cheek pressed flat against the cool metal surface her ass remained lifted high into the air by the massive dick sliding out of her slackened hole. One of her lover's gigantic, clawed hands closed around her head to hold her down and keep her in place as it ceased pulling out and slammed back inside her with such a violent thrust the impact of his body against her own sent a shockwave tearing through the crowd of aliens all around them. For a moment everyone fell silent as they stood in awe of what they were seeing, but then Astarra squealed in delight and they roared in triumph once more. Her beastly lover soon joined the cacophony as he unleashed a bellow of his own and slammed into her with even greater force, his shaft pulsing uncontrollably in the depths of her sex. Exactly as she'd always imagined he wasted no time at all completely destroying her pussy and violating every inch of her innards with relentless precision until she couldn't remember life without his cock. He delivered the most brutal, uncompromising fucking she'd ever dreamed off, all while she was left to scream and beg for more.

For days on end he ravished her, moving and holding her body in whatever way he saw fit as he did so while the crowds below dutifully watched and cheered on the sight. Over and over again she was given orgasms that shattered her perception of time and eroded her consciousness nearly to the point of non existence as she was manhandled and fucked beyond anything possible in reality. More than once she passed out from the endless glut of pleasure, her thoughts managing to stay just focused enough to beg her lover to continue despite her fading. When she awoke with a massive cock plunging in and out of her cunt she couldn't help but smile, and often scream, as the pleasure that'd taken place while she was beyond herself swiftly returned. The sun or moon would invariably be in an entirely different part of the sky and the knowledge of how long it'd been and how ruined her body surely was would invariably send her tumbling back into yet another climax. Which in turn would take an immediate toll of her half broken mind and ensure she slipped away even faster than before. The frantic yet rhythmic thrusting of that titanic cock were almost hypnotic in their consistency and although the pleasure she felt went beyond words it was also exhausting to the point of straining her sanity. Whenever she resurfaced from the shadowy haze into which she'd descended a little less of the world around her made sense. Though luckily for Astarra the smack of her lover's body against her own and the ferocity of his stretching her open never failed to piece the veil. Especially when he ripped his cock out of her gaping cunt entirely to bury it inside her asshole.

The moment she felt her once tight ring blast open to fit a cock as big around as both of her arms pressed together she knew what was about to happen. And so did the crowd of aliens watching all around them. Their cheers drowned out her excited little whimper and even the far louder roar her lover gave but they could never drown out the delight she felt as a fountain of thick cum exploded from his member to flood the deepest reaches of her body. It filled every nook and cranny of her asshole in an instant and rather than squirting back out once more it pushed deeper and deeper within her until her belly began to distend and her body convulsed like never before. A long, gurgling belch erupted from her lips as the air within her stomach was forced outwards and she was given the first taste of his seed. Of course a moment later she was given far more than a taste as spunk erupted from her throat in a geyser as thick and powerful as the cock disgorging the cum into her. She shuddered and writhed in abject bliss as she puked up gallons of semen in seconds, her body reduced to little more than a hose as jizz sprayed from her mouth to soak the platform she was laid upon and drip down the steps in an inexorable path towards the commoners. There was so much arriving so fast and at such a high pressure she didn't even realize her lover had ceased actively pumping her full of his seed for what felt like hours. She simply continued to puke up his cum  until there was nothing left in her to puke up and she collapsed in the puddle that'd formed beneath her body. Reality shifted soon afterwards and she found herself laying in the void with her partner kneeling beside her. She smiled up at him for a moment and allowed her eyes to drift shut as true contentment settled upon her like a shroud.

“What do you desire next?” The entity asked of her.

“Just hold me for a moment.” Astarra quietly replied, “Hold me close and show me your favorite world . . .”

“I can do that.” They replied, picking her up and transporting them to a far flung corner of the universe beyond the awareness of all but a rare few, “We've arrived . . .”

She smiled at the excitement in her companion's voice and nuzzled against their chest for a moment before slowly opening her eyes to look out at the vista awaiting her. What she saw there took her breath away and defied any words she might've used to explain her amazement, “Oh . . .”


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