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I think this story pretty much speaks for itself. I hope y'all are in the mood for a long one this time around lol

Jazmin Wilson had always been a great wife and an even better mother. Despite getting pregnant at seventeen while still under the thumb of a very religiously oppressive family with a boyfriend her parents absolutely hated she'd done everything in her power to make sure her children grew up happy, healthy, and well adjusted. Certainly more well adjusted than her or her husband. And against all odds she'd actually succeeded. Her oldest had graduated high school with honors and was attending law school with enough scholarships to avoid plunging him into the same debt his parents had managed to accrue raising him. Her first daughter was on track to the same, albeit with an eye on veterinary school or something similar. The youngest of the three was already becoming a star athlete at her elementary school and seemed poised to carry that on through high school and into college as well. She and her husband couldn't have been more proud of them or more amazed they were actually pulling everything off. Especially after both their families had spent more than two decades telling them they'd fail and at times even actively trying to make that happen. Somehow, in the face of all that adversity, the two of them had managed to raise three beautiful children and just barely keep their heads above water at the same time. Though it'd meant double shifts and constant overtime for her husband and working just about every hour she wasn't taking care of the children for her. In twenty three years the number of times they'd been able to take a night off for themselves could be counted on hand! Even with their oldest off at college and their middle child pretty much self sufficient they rarely had time to relax or to spend with one another. Only in the last year or so had that finally begun to change a little, mostly by coercing their eldest daughter to babysit the youngest during the weekends so Jazmin and Konrad could sneak off to act like idiots. Sometimes with each other and sometimes with the friends they'd just barely managed to hang on to after so many years of living hand to mouth.

On nights when they couldn't convince Maria to babysit Luisa the two would take turns going out and having all the fun they'd been denying themselves since they were seventeen. On a random Saturday in the middle of July it was Jazmin's opportunity to let loose and she'd wasted no time calling up all her friends from the office, “Bottoms up bitches!” Her best friend Tamara screamed as they all raised their second round of shots above their head.

“Bottoms up!” The rest of the women cried back before downing their tequila and immediately wincing at the harshness.

“Are you sure you're even Mexican?!” Jazmin's friend Valentina teased.

“Oh fuck you!” Jazmin shouted back after she was done scrunching up her face.

“Yeah not all of us had a chance to drink gallons of tequila in college!” Patricia added as she took a swig of water from the bottle she'd brought in.

“Hell not all of us even had a chance to go to college!” Marissa laughed.

“I still got plenty of drinking done without it!” Tamara added, “Speaking of which, should we order another round right now?”

All five women looked at one another, then around at the extremely crowded bar around them and the very overworked bartenders trying to keep up, “Let's give it a second!” Patricia shouted over the music and chatter of people around them.

“Why?” Tamara asked, “It's not like the crowds' gonna clear up any time soon! I'm pretty another group of sorority girls just showed up!”

“Well that's what you get for picking a college bar!” Marissa exclaimed.

“”You guys said you wanted somewhere crazy! This is about as crazy as it gets without strippers and drugs!”

Jazmin laughed and shook her head as she grinned at her boisterous friend, “And if we wanted strippers and drugs where would you have taken us?!”

“Oh I know a few places!” Tamara laughed, “Why? You wanna get real crazy tonight?”

“No!” Patricia shouted back.

“Hell no!” Valentina replied.

“I gotta do shit tomorrow!” Marissa added.

“I probably shouldn't!” Jasmin said with far more hesitation than her friends, “Konrad and I have a lot to do tomorrow!”

“Oh yeah?” Tamara asked with a lascivious wink, “You've got a lot to DO huh?”

“It's not like that!”

“Sure it isn't!” Valentina grinned, “Didn't you say Maria and Luisa were gonna be out of the apartment pretty much all day?!”

“Yeah, which is exactly why we're gonna clean it!”

“Before or after he cleans you?!” Marissa wondered.

All four of her friends whistled, banged their hands on the table, or catcalled while Jazmin blushed and looked down at her lap. She couldn't deny the accusation one bit. Even after twenty three years together she and Konrad still fucked like teenagers every chance they could. Particularly after his vasectomy and their oldest going away. “Moving on from my sex life!” She finally shouted, “How about we order our next round of shots?!”

Her group of soon to be drunken friends all cheered until Marissa said, “I'll buy this round!” and they all cheered even louder.

“I wonder if I could use the bathroom before the shots get back?!” Patricia asked nobody in particular.

“Odds are pretty good!” Tamara laughed as she looked at the massive line of women waiting to use the restroom and the large number of people waiting to get their drinks. “I'll roll the dice with you! I've gotta piss like a racehorse!”

“You're so classy!” Jazmin told her companion.

“She really adds a level of elegance to everything we do!” Valentina remarked.

“Fuck you both!” Their friend replied with a smile, “You want class call up that bitch Eleanor! And if you haven't killed yourselves by the end of the night call me up after!”

Valentina and Jazmin smiled at one another as their friend left, neither of them even remotely willing to spend an evening with their stuffy, uptight, sexually repressed, and very religious coworker. “You know what I'm in the mood for?” The former asked after a few seconds.

“Please don't say pussy!” The latter replied with a smirk.

“Oh well that's a given! But I was talking about food! I haven't eaten in a while and I'm really starting to crave something greasy and terrible for me!”

“What about those?”

Valentina followed her friend's outstretched finger to see a large plate of nachos being consumed by a giggling group of twenty somethings, “You would pick nachos!”

“I'm gonna kick your ass!”

“You're welcome to try chica but we both know how that story ends!”

Jazmin adopted a fake scowl and glared dramatically at her friend while Valentina laughed and stepped away from the table they were sitting at, “Do you want anything? Maybe a burrito or some salsa to go with that—”

“I will murder you!”

Darting away from her diminutive companion Valentina laughed and jokingly added, “Jeez! No more tequila for you!” before disappearing into the crowd of people all around them.

Jazmin contunued to shake her head and smile as her faux outrage gradually slipped away. For a little while she sat there watching the people around her and wondering how long her friends were going to spend getting drinks and going to the bathroom. Fortunately she was distracted from that incredibly boring topic by the barely audible chime of a text message from her phone. Lifting her purse onto the table she rummaged around within the war zone that was the interior and pulled out her battle scarred cell expecting to see a message from Tamara or one of the others. Instead she found an innocuous yet very much appreciated text from her husband saying Luisa was finally asleep. Before she could type out a response it was followed by another expressing how bored Konrad was then a third asking if she was having fun.

“Yes!” Jazmin typed back, “Thank you so much for trading nights with me!”

“Of course babe!” Konrad replied, “You won't be so happy about it next weekend though.”

“Oh yeah? Did you hear back from the guys?”

“I did. The fishing trip's on!”

“That's fantastic! You can finally use those rods that've been gathering dust in our garage!”

“I know right? I hope they're as good as much grandfather said they were.”

“If they're anything like the other stories your grandfather told they're gonna snap in half the second you hook anything!”

“Yeah probably lol!” There was a short pause and Konrad immediately followed up with, “I always forget how boring our apartment is without you.”

“And without three insane children running wild too!”

“Yeah lol”

Jazmin started to type out another, wholly unrelated message but quickly stopped as a far better idea slipped into her perpetually deviant thoughts. After a quick glance around to make sure nobody was looming over her she said, “I know something you could do . . .”


“Send me a pic of your cock!”

“Right now?”

“Yeah! I can't remember the last time you sent me a dick pic!”

“Hang on . . .”

Feeling unaccountably naughty despite doing far more perverted things within the last few days Jazmin once again checked the crowds around her and pulled her phone in a little closer. After a minute or two she couldn't help but send a message asking, “What's the hold up big boy? You got stage fright?”

“I was making sure the bedroom door was locked and the lighting was good.”

“Yeah it just wouldn't look the same if you didn't get the lighting right!” She teased.

“The more you text me the longer it's gonna take!”

“Oh yeah?” Holding her phone out at arm's length and pulling down her blouse a little to show off her ample cleavage Jazmin took the most lascivious selfie she could manage with so many people nearby and sent it to her man, “What's the ETA looking like now?”

“Pretty goddamn good!” Konrad replied, “You're so fucking hot!”

“Prove it stud!”

Able to picture the look on her husband's face and everything he was doing back home as perfectly as if she were there Jazmin waited with a smile and a faint blush in her cheeks. After a few seconds she put her phone down on the table and locked the screen to keep from sending more messages. When her cell finally vibrated an eternity later she picked it up and was immediately glad she'd set it to not display the contents of a message outright. Holding it as closely as she could she typed in her code and unlocked it to see Konrad's wonderfully thick and amazingly hard cock taking up the entire chat. He'd gone with a low down, upward angle shot and she couldn't be happier about his choice. An eager little shudder ran down her spine and her thighs subconsciously pressed together as a warmth spread through her sex and a tingle of adrenaline surged through the rest of her body. She slowly licked her lips and let out a pent up breath as she stared intently at his member. Despite having seen it a thousand times or more since she was fifteen years old she really never got tired of his dick. Something he knew full well and was no doubt why he elected to send another image, this time with one of his calloused hands holding on to his cock and angling it a little more towards the camera. Even though he couldn't hear her she 'responded' with a sharp intake of breath and another bout of licking her lips. The heat between her legs was only getting hotter and the tight little thong she'd worn in order to avoid any unseemly lines was not at all prepared for the wetness coming it's way. Before he could send another message and she typed one out for him. It was a simple little thought but certainly no less appreciated in spite of that.

“I'm so horny now.”

“You're always horny!” He replied.

“Yeah well now I'm really horny!”

“Horny enough to sneak into the bathroom and take a few pictures for me?'

“If the line wasn't out the door I'd be in a stall so fast!”


“Sorry babe. If you want I could describe how horny I am until then.”

“Yes please!”

“Well—” Just as Jazmin was gearing up to send an extended and absolutely filthy message to her man a sultry voice interrupted her perverted thoughts and sent her into a discombobulated tailspin as the bar around her suddenly returned to the forefront of her mind.

“What happened to all your friends?” A husky voiced woman asked in a tone that would soon prove to be every bit as alluring as her appearance.

“Oh I'm sure they'll be back soon!” She replied, her brain not quite catching up to the tone and nature of the question being asked until she turned to look at the stranger posing the question, “They're always disappearing like . . . this . . .”

Whatever else Jazmin intended to say trailed off into an open mouthed, wide eyed stared as she found herself sitting within arm's reach of the most beautiful woman she'd ever seen in her life. She was dressed in a tight red dress that seemed entirely inappropriate for the type of bar she was in but at the same time in no way seemed odd or out of place on her curvaceous body. It was the sort of strapless little number her unaccountably flustered companion never could've pulled off after having three kids and retaining just enough of the baby weight she'd accrued each time. In just about every measurable way the newcomer was like the polar opposite of Jazmin. She was tall and slender with an ass straight out of a pinup calendar and breasts as perky as many of the sorority girls around them. Mrs., Wilson on the other hand was short and voluptuous with wide hips and quite large breasts, both of which had only grown with each and every pregnancy until she looked ever bit the middle aged mother she actually was. And if that alone wasn't enough their fashion sense, or lack thereof, was diametrically opposed as well. As she liked to do Jazmin had dressed both sensibly and comfortable with a nice blouse on top of a pair of comfy jeans and shoes that didn't hurt her feet if she had to stand in them for a long time. Her mysterious guest on the other hand was wearing a dress that looked painted on to her tight body with a pair of heels that seemed borderline nonsensical to wear outside of a runway at a fashion show.

Outside of a pair of earrings and little bit of lipstick Mrs. Wilson hadn't bothered with much extra to 'complete' her ensemble whereas the woman standing in front of her was wearing not only bangles around her wrists, earrings in her ears, and a necklace across her collarbone but the brightest shade of red lipstick imaginable, dark eye catching eye shadow, and blush that made her pale skin pop all the more. And of course the differences didn't end there! Her stunningly bright blonde hair was styled in a gorgeously plentiful do that framed her face and cascaded down her shoulders like a glittering waterfall of platinum while the increasingly stunned mother she was standing before had tied her thick black locks into a simple, efficient ponytail for the evening. That particular difference couldn't have been better at showing off the myriad of differences between their faces either. Particularly the stranger's more dusky, angular look and bright blue eyes compared to Jazmin's softer, rounded features and warm brown eye color. Beyond their genders and few other biological aspects that were unavoidable the only real similarity the two had, and it was one the nervously sweating housewife noticed right away, was how both of them had remarkably full and soft lips. Although she had a hard time thinking about her own when she was so busy watching her companion's curl upwards into a knowing smile and blushing at the unspoken understanding sparkling in her already radiant eyes.

“Then it's my lucky night.” The woman said with a throaty laugh, “This seat isn't taken.”

“Y-You can't have it!” Jazmin stammered, mistakenly thinking for a moment the seat directly beside her was about to be taken away instead of occupied.

“Thank you.” The gorgeous stranger replied as she slid into the seat and fixed her with the sort of grin that made her glad she was already sitting down, I'm Carolyn, but my girlfriends call me Lyn/ What's your name beautiful?”


“It's a pleasure to meet you Jazmin.”

“Thank you.”

Carolyn smiled a little wider while Jazmin in turn did her best not to act too much like the dumbstruck idiot she actually was. “Now don't tell me I'm the first woman to approach you all night?”

“Y-You're the first woman to approach m-me ever!”

“Now I find that very hard to believe!”

“I-It's true! Y-You can ask my husband! W-Women never come up to me l-like this! A lot of guys d-do but never any women!”

Although she clucked in disappointment at the mention of a husband Carolyn still bit her lip in a wildly seductive fashion and said, “Husband huh? Now that's a shame! Here I was hoping tonight might end with you coming back to my place . . .”

Blushing more furiously than the night she'd lost her virginity and about ready to tumble off her seat in utter shock Jazmin stared in amazement at her companion, “Y-You're very forward!”

“I know what I want when I want it and I don't like to waste words.” Carolyn laughed. “If you can believe it I get turned down just as often as not!”

“That's absurd!” She replied before she could think to stop herself. “Who could turn you down?”

Her partner's delicately plucked blonde eyebrow arched a little higher as she let out a soft laugh, “You'd be surprised . . . although I notice . . . you haven't turned me down yet . . .”

“I-I haven't?”

“No . . . do you plan to change that and break my heart?”

“Uhm . . . I . . . uhm . . . I . . . uhm . . . I . . .”

She likely would've continued that loop forever had her phone not started buzzing against her chest to nearly give her a heart attack. “It looks like I'm not the only one who wants your attention.” Carolyn remarked, “Let me guess, it's your husband?”

Yes!” Jazmin exclaimed as she looked down at her phone and suddenly remembered what she'd been doing with Konrad before her disarming guest had shown up, “I-I—he's probably calling about our daughter!”

“Oh you have children too?” The tone in her voice was far from displeased by this fact.

“Y-Yes, three! A boy and two girls!”

“Well you'd better answer the phone then!”

“Okay!” She hit the little green button and held the phone up to her ear only to remember too late that it was set on speaker phone.

“I'm so fucking hard right now babe!”

Just about dying from embarrassment Jazmin fumbled with her phone for several seconds while Carolyn's eyes lit up even brighter, “I-I'm sorry sweetheart!”

“What're you sorry about?” He immediately asked.

“I . . . uhm . . . I got a little distracted?”

“By the girls?”

“By a girl yes.”

“I don't understand.”

“C-Can I call you back?”

“Of course. Is everything all right?”

“Yes, of course!” Jazmin looked at the woman beside her for a moment then abruptly turned away to offer a quick explanation hopefully out of ear shot, “An insanely gorgeous woman is hitting on me right now!”

“Jesus Christ! That's so fucking hot!”

“I know! Let me call you back in a second!”

“Absolutely! I wanna hear every detail!”

“Will do! Goodbye! I love you!”

“I love you too babe!”

Jazmin ended the call and turned around to look at Carolyn with a slightly manic smile, her cheeks flushed a deep red while the rest of her body was ready to faint from the embarrassment of what'd just happened, “S-Sorry about that!”

“There's no need to apologize.” She replied with another laugh, “You're cute when you're flustered.”

“Well I-I can promise you I'll stay flustered if you keep saying things like that!”

“It's a deal.”

Carolyn smiled a little wider and leaned in a little closer while Jazmin did the same, albeit with vastly more nervousness, “I . . . uhm . . . I-I don't know what to say now . . .”

“Well luckily for you I do. Unluckily for you it might not be what you want to hear . . .”

“What is it?”

“I don't sleep with married women.”

Beyond flattered, embarrassed, excited, and even a little thrown off by the thought that a woman like Carolyn would want to sleep with her Jazmin couldn't even begin to think of a response that wasn't marinated in the awkwardness suffusing her, “Thank you for even considering me!”

Her companion tilted her head to the side and fixed her with a slightly amused, slightly bemused look before letting out a sincere laugh, “Why are you talking like you're on a game show?”

“Because you make me very nervous!”

“I get that a lot. Most women aren't nearly as cute about it as you though.”

“T-Thank you!”

“You're welcome . . .”

There was a short pause and Jazmin said, “I-I'm glad you have that rule!”

“Oh? Why is that?”

“B-Because it means you have integrity . . . a lot-a lot of people wouldn't care that I'm married . . . a lot of people would find that even more appealing . . .”

“Oh don't get me wrong, the fact that you're forbidden fruit definitely makes you hotter.” Carolyn said with a lip biting smile, “But that doesn't mean I'm about to help someone cheat . . . I couldn't live with myself . . .”

“W-Well that's good!” Jazmin said in a high pitched voice, “But . . . uhm . . . well . . .”

“You want to know why I'm still here?”

“Y-Yeah . . . n-not that I'm complaining!”

“Oh I know it wasn't a complaint . . . as for why I'm still here . . . well . . . would you believe me if I said you're exactly my type?”

“Not for a second!”

Both of them laughed and Carolyn leaned back to corss her legs and rest a hand on her upraised knee while letting the other slide across the table, “That's fair . . . luckily for both of us you don't have to believe me for it to be true . . . I've always had a thing for beautiful women like you . . .”

“B-Beautiful?! I-I'm not—”

“Oh don't even try and deny it Jazmin. Your husband knows it. I know it. Every guy in this bar knows it! Why do you think they're all looking at our table now?”

“Because you're here!”

“Because we're both hear. Some of them are looking at me but just as many have eyes only for the hot little number sitting across from me.”

Stammering and scoffing in equal measure Jazmin looked down at her lap for a moment, then cast what she thought was a sly glance around the room at all the men she could see. True to Carolyn's word just about all of them were looking in their direction and the few who weren't couldn't do so without being even more obvious than she was. Or ignoring the dozens of people trying to get drinks from them. It was all at once an incredibly flattering and incredibly mortifying thought and by the time she was finished looking around her whole face had turned a brilliant shade of red. She could barely look at the woman sitting across from her after that little revelation. Nor could she stop her mind from running wild with thoughts and ideas that, while hardly out of character for her, seemed a thousand times more perverted in the context. Her companion was smart enough not to say anything while Jazmin stewed in her own crazy urges and when the middle aged mother of three finally did speak her voice was so high pitched and unlike her usual tone she sounded like she was doing an impression of someone else.

“This is crazy!”

“What's so crazy about it? You're hot! Everyone clearly knows it but you!”

“I-I wasn't talking about that . . . well, I wasn't just talking about that?”


“I . . . uhm . . . I don't really . . . n-no it's too embarrassing! Forget I said anything at all!”

“We both know that's not gonna happen.”

“Really it's t-too much to even think about! I can't believe I'm even s-saying this much!”

“Honey, you're not saying anything at all!”

“I know! And even that's way too much for me!”

Jazmin clasped her hands against her lap and squeezed her thighs together in some vain attempt to hide or even push away the arousal her husband had caused and her new companion was increasing every second she remained. Since she wasn't blind Carolyn noticed the telltale sings of an aroused woman and despite her rule she couldn't help but probe a little deeper, “What's running through that head of yours?”

“I-I can't even say it out loud! My husband was always the one to do it! I-I mean I wanted to do it with him of course! But he always made the first move! I could never do this sort of thing by myself! We've never done anything like this separately! I mean I know he wants to try but it's just so crazy to think about I never even considered it until right now! And the more I think about it the more insane it sounds but that's not stop[ping me from thinking about it at all!” I just don't—”

“Okay you have to explain what you're talking about!” Carolyn laughed, “Before your head explodes all over me!” Somehow managing to blush even more Jazmin fidgeted in her seat like a child caught in the middle of wrongdoing for several tense moments before mumbling something so quiet it was completely inaudible in the crowded bar. “You'll have to say it louder than that beautiful, I didn't catch a word of what you said!”

“I-If you really wanna do . . . something . . . with me . . . it would be okay . . . m-my husband and I are . . . w-we have a . . . he's not . . . uhm . . . never mind! Forget I said anything!”

“You're not going anywhere!” Carolyn exclaimed as Jazmin moved like she was about to slide off her seat and run away, “Are you saying you and your husband have an open marriage?”

“N-No! It's not—uhm—it's not completely open or anything like that! We just . . . sometimes . . . have sex with other people!” She looked like she was about to die as she spoke those words, “But it's only happened a few times! A-And we were always together when we did it! A-And it was never with someone I picked up! O-Or that picked me up!”

“I see . . .” Her companion's expression was one of pure delight and the smile stretched across her face was nothing short of radiant, “Then if I understand you correctly . . . you're saying it would be okay if we 'do something' together?”

“Yes! A-As long as my husband knows about it and is comfortable with it!”

“But he wouldn't be involved at all?”

Jazmin shook her head, then quickly amended her statement, “U-Unless you wanna involve him. I'm sure we could work something—”

“Oh no, I want you all to myself . . .”

“R-Really? Uhm . . . o-okay . . . thank you!”

They looked at one another for a few seconds, Jazmin blushing like never before while Carolyn smiled with that gorgeous twinkle in her eyes. But after a few heartbeats her smile flattered ever so slightly and she looked at her with a bit more shrewdness, “You're telling me the truth right? This isn't the first time a woman told me she had an open marriage . . .”

“O-Of course I'm telling the truth! I-I can call my husband right now and he'll prove it!” Jazmin replied with no small amount of concern in her voice, “Here, let me call him!”

“Oh you don't have to go that far! I only wanted to see how—”

“Hey sweetheart!” Mrs. Wilson said in a breathy voice.

“Hey honey!” Konrad replied, “Is everything all right? You sound a little flustered? How worked up did flirting with that woman get you!”

“Very! B-But we're not done flirting . . .”

“Oh? Did she go to the bathroom or something?”

“N-No she's sitting across from me right now!”

“Then what're you doing talking to me! Get back to the beautiful—”

“She wants to do stuff with me!” Jazmin interrupted.

“What?” Her husband laughed.

“She wants to do . . . dirty stuff . . . with me . . .”

Carolyn couldn't help but chuckle at her companion's phrasing, a wry smile spreading across her face as she watched Jazmin turn an even darker shade of red. Konrad was every bit as amused as she was and asked with no small amount of delight, “Wow she must be really gorgeous!”

“W-Why do you say that?”

“Because you never talk like this unless someone ridiculously attractive is flirting with you!”

“I-I don't get this way when you're flirting with me!”

“I'm always flirting with you! And I'm your husband! It's different when I do it!”

“W-Well be that as it may she wants to . . . you know . . . and I wanted to make sure it was okay with you first . . . and she wants to make sure it's okay with you too . . . she's got a rule about not . . . doing sutff . . . with married women . . .”

“I like her already!”

“M-Me too!”

“Why don't we do a video call? I really wanna see what she looks like and she might have an easier time believing me when I tell her I definitely want the two of you to fuck!”

“Oh my God!” Jazmin whimpered, “Please don't say it like that baby!”

“Fine. I'll be polite about it! Just so long as she isn't!”

Jazmin shook her head and looked at Carolyn, who smiled right back at her, before saying,” All right, gimme a second to go outside where it's a little quieter. I'll call your right back!”

“Sounds good, I love you babe!”

“I love you too sweetie!”

“Let me guess,” Her seductive companion remarked as soon as she ended the call, “He's all in favor of you and I doing 'dirty stuff'?”

“Yes.” Jazmin admitted, “But he wants to have a video call so you don't have to take my word for it. If that's all right with you . . .”

“Talking to the husband of the woman I'm about to sleep with . . . I can't say it's the strangest thing I've ever done.” She laughed, “Let's get out of here before your friends come back and wonder what you're doing with the likes of me!”

Scoffing and stammering out a variety of half formed replies and nonsensical words Jazmin slid off her seat and grabbed her purse before she could make too much of an ass out of herself. Carolyn did the same in a far more graceful and fluid manner and the two women left the bar with the eyes of just about everyone on them as they did so. Once outside they walked across the street to a slightly less busy spot before stopping to sit down on a bus bench to enjoy the warm evening air for a moment or two. When her companion slid in a little closer and offered a lascivious smile Mrs. Wilson almost forgot about the call she was supposed to make as her heart raced and her whole body trembled. Thankfully the beauty grinning at her was quick to bring it up again and soon enough she retrieved her phone and called her husband. It barely had a chance to ring before he picked up at his handsome face appeared on screen to smile in amazement at them both. Clearly enjoying herself and the embarrassment she was causing in her flustered partner Carolyn leaned in nice and close to Jazmin so they were both in frame and gave a very pouty smile upon first appearing.

“Jesus you weren't kidding!” Konrad exclaimed, “She's beautiful!”

“Thanks handsome! But your wife is the real beauty here!”

“I-I'm not—that isn't—we aren't—I-I can't—”

“I've been telling her that for over twenty years.” He chuckled, “I'm glad someone else is saying it!”

“Oh I;d like to do a lot more than just say it . . .”

“Yeah that's what Jazmin was telling me! And after seeing you I can definitely understand why she's so flustered! Not to mention why she wants to fuck you.”


“Oh come on babe, I wasn't gonna call it 'dirty stuff'!”

“I appreciate that.” Carolyn smiled. She looked at Jazmin for a moment then back at her husband with a charming smirk, “You don't have any objections to your wife and I spending a little quality time together?”

“None whatsoever! If that's what Jazmin wants then it's what I want too!”

“Thank you sweetheart . . .”

“Of course honey! Just be safe and don't do anything too crazy! I'm not sure we can afford to bail you out of jail again!”

“Oh now that sounds like a delicious story!” Carolyn exclaimed while Jazmin glowered at her husband and stared down at her lap.

“I'm sure my gorgeous wife will be more than happy to tell you about it,” Konrad grinned, “I'll leave you two ladies alone to 'talk' as long as you want. I'm already looking forward to hearing about it when you get home sweetheart!”

“Me too!” She replied in spite of her momentary flash of annoyance, “I love you!”

“I love you too! Now stop talking to me and enjoy your night with . . .?”


“Enjoy your night with Carolyn! Oh, and be gentle with my baby. She's never been with a woman by herself before!”

Konrad hung up before Jazmin could say anything and she was left stewing in her embarrassment and looking at the woman beside her like a puppy too nervous to meet it's owner's gaze. Fortunately her soon to be lover had no such issues and was more than happy to laugh it off and ask, “So I'm the first woman you've ever been with by yourself huh?”

“N-No! I kissed another girl when I was in junior high!” Jazmin retorted, her whole body shivering as the woman beside her slid in even closer.

“Oh really? That sounds like a lot of expectations to overcome. I'll really have to put the work in if I want to stand out.”

Clutching her phone against her lap and trying her best not to look as nervous as she felt the flustered Mrs. Wilson timidly replied, “I-It wasn't that good of a kiss . . .”

A soft chuckle was all Jazmin heard before she felt Carolyn's hand slide across her cheek and tilt her head upwards. Barely a heartbeat later the softest lips she'd ever felt were pressed against hers and the whole world seemed to fade away. Every muscle in her body tensed and her fingers clutched her phone so tightly they ached from the strain. When she felt another hand brush against her other cheek and gently hold her in place a surge of adrenaline spiked through her body and her head started spinning so fast it was almost too much to handle. Without ever making the conscious choice to do so she leaned in closer to the woman kissing her and the beautiful seductress responsible for her pleasure did the same a second or two later. She felt Carolyn's soft, perky breasts against her own and the sensation just about made her swoon. Yet as wonderful as it was it proved utterly inconsequential compared to the wave of excitement that washed over her when she managed to pull her fingers away from her phone to touch the woman she was kissing as well. Not really thinking about or even being capable of thinking about where her hand was moving she found herself brushing against her partner's taut belly in a fittingly awkward move. It earned her a soft giggle from her companion and the sudden removal of a hand from her cheek. Before she could worry she'd done something wrong her lover's fingers closed around her wrist and guided her fumbling digits lower, towards her almost entirely bare thigh.

Getting to feel the soft, hairless skin so close to a place she was doing her best not to think about for fear of getting too nervous to continue very nearly resulted in the same thing as a violent shudder tore through Jazmin's body. Luckily for both of them her wildly scattered thoughts remained coherent just long enough to instead send her pushing forward instead of pulling away. She sank even deeper into the kiss and even let her lips part a little while her tongue nervously reached out. She was met almost immediately by Carolyn's tongue and the cascade of arousal that surged through her right afterwards actually forced a whimpering little moan from the depths of her lungs. Suddenly she wished they were still in the bar where a noise that quiet would've been completely inaudible because on the relatively quiet street with nobody else around it sounded as loud as thunder. Thankfully her companion didn't seem to have any trouble vocalizing her excitement and a far louder moan slipped from her lips within a few seconds of the one Jazmin had unleashed. Their tongues pushed a little further out of their mouths and began to coil around one another in a slow, sensual dance as their bodies pressed even more tightly together. She didn't even realize how far her hand had drifted up her lover's skirt until she felt the soft fabric brushing against her wrist and noticed the unmistakable heat of her aroused sex. As with everything else the realization that brought to her was well beyond what she expected to feel that evening and certainly far more than she knew how to handle.

There was no telling how she might've reacted or what Carolyn might've done in response to that likely embarrasing reaction had a sudden, ear piercing shout not broken the two apart. A rowdy group of drunken frat guys had burst out of the bar along with their girlfriends and a fight had broken out the moment they were on the street. Both women stared at the spectacle unfolding before them with vastly different reactions, Jazmin watching in surprise and worry for the people involved while her lover had a far more annoyed expression spread across their face. When they looked back at one another a few seconds later they both smiled and laughed, the passion they'd shared very much still present even if it was interrupted by drunken morons. Tenderly stroking her companion's cheek and biting her lip in an impossibly seductive manner Carolyn asked, “Do you wanna go somewhere a little more private?” her voice wonderfully husky.

“Yeah!” Jazmin replied in a high pitched, almost squeaky tone, “D-Do you live nearby?”

“No, but there's a park nearby and a lot of places to have fun where nobody can interrupt us . . .”

“I know . . .”

“You do?”

“I-It's how I got arrested . . .”

Carolyn grinned even wider and let out a soft laugh at the minor revelation, “And here I thought you couldn't be more beautiful!” Jazmin stammered out a barely cohesive series of words but was silenced by another, far shorter kiss and a question, “Why don't we try again and see if you've better luck the second time around?”

“I-I'd like that a lot! We just have t-to make sure we avoid the bench overlooking the pond! The police can see that one from the street!”

Carolyn let out an excited giggle and sprang to her feet, eagerly pulling Jazmin up with her, “I love that you know that!”

They shared another kiss before hurrying away from the bench like a pair of unsupervised teenagers sneaking off to smoke under the bleachers. Anyone who might've seen them could guess what the two were doing, or about to do, but thankfully nobody cared enough to look their way and they had no issue slipping into the park unnoticed. Once they were officially trespassing the sense of excitement already coursing through them further amplified and before they could find a suitable spot to enjoy one another Jazmin couldn't help but stop and pull Carolyn into one more embrace. Although her movements were far more reserved and nervous than her companion's the passion with which their lips reunited was anything but. And when their tongues coiled around one another they didn't simply stop after a second or two, they pushed outwards until both women had tasted the other and their bodies were intertwined in lascivious display only they could enjoy. When the pair eventually broke apart they stared at each other with even greater arousal, their chests heaving and goosebumps erupting across their skin. A thin line of salive momentarily connected their mouths but it was quickly broken when they resumed their eager scampering through the empty park hand in hand. After a few minutes of searching for someplace isolated but comfortable, lengthened by frequent breaks to kiss and laugh as the thrill of their antics washed over them, Jazmin and her soon to be lover finally discovered a quiet little bench overlooking a pond.

It was hidden from the main path by a number of slightly overgrown bushes and the other side of the water was similarly enshrouded in plant life. And with a lamp post sitting right beside the bench to shed light on their illicit fun and make sure both of them could see everything they were doing clear as day it couldn't have been a more perfect spot. Carolyn moaned in delight upon discovering it and happily led her partner into their private little world as if she were leading her to some great, unknown land. She sat down on the bench and pulled the flustered woman following her onto her lap without an ounce of hesitation or restrain. Thought understandably a little flustered by the whole thing Mrs. Wilson was not unfamiliar with straddling a lover and adapted to the sudden change of position about as well as she could. The craziness of it all was eased considerably by the softness and familiarity of her companion's lips and the kiss they shared in the moments directly after finding that bench managed to be even more wonderful than all the rest. Perhaps because they could finally do anything they wanted to and with one another. Perhaps because the isolation and the darkness let them feel like they were truly lost in their own world. Or perhaps it was the way Carolyn had wasted no time sliding her hands across Jazmin's gorgeously wide ass to grab two big handfuls of her buttocks and squeeze them with enough enthusiasm to rival her husband. A comparison which seemed all the more fitting when their kiss ended in a breathy gasp and the blonde haired beauty groping her rump brought him up in a most unexpected but very much welcome manner.

“Why don't we send Konrad a little something to enjoy?” She suggested. “I'm sure he'd appreciate the sight of us together . . .”

“He'd like that a lot!” Jazmin gasped, “But you don't have to do anything like that if you don't want to, he's more than happy to wait until I—”

“Oh I very much want to.” Carolyn replied, grinning impishly as she squeezed her lover's ass and bit her lip for a moment, “I've never done anything like this before!”

“W-Well you're doing great so far!”

“Thank you beautiful. Now hand me your phone!”

“Oh, did you want to send him the pictures?”

“If you don't mind. I think it's more fun if I do that way. Don't you?”

She paused to think about it for a fraction of a second before nodding and laughing, “It's a wonderful idea! Konrad will love it!”

Jazmin retrieved her phone from her purse, unlocked it, then handed it over to the woman she was straddling. Carolyn took it with an eager smile and immediately extended her arm to take what would likely be the least perverted selfie of the evening. Her companion leaned in close and started kissing all along her neck in a tender yet lewd tease of things to come. Although she tried to take the picture right away the pleasure of those soft, passionate kisses against her neck sent a shudder through her body and she was forced to pause and adjust herself. Then give the woman responsible a firm smack on her fat ass as 'punishment'. When she tensed and gasped at the sudden, pleasurable impact a picture was taken and immediately sent off to her husband. And while a response was likely incoming Carolyn didn't care enough to wait for it. Instead she set the phone down and turned her attention towards the gorgeous mother of three sitting atop her. Keeping one hand pawing and groping at her incredibly juicy buttocks she brought the other up to expertly undo the buttons keeping the front of her blouse unhelpfully shut and her enormous breasts unfortunately hidden. Eager to be freed of as much clothing as necessary Mrs,Wilson happily leaned backwards while her partner worked, her body shivering in excitement and her own hands sliding along Carolyn's bare shoulders and down the supple curves that'd enchanted her so. By the time she'd reached her waist nearly all the buttons on her blouse had been undone and by the time she'd finished thinking that the remaining ones had been done away with.

Both women moaned in excitement as Jazmin's plain, wholly unremarkable bra was suddenly exposed along with all the baby weight, stretch marks, and other unsightly displays of aging. As well as her absolutely massive breasts all but bursting out of the underwear containing them to form a massive stretch of cleavage one could bury their face within and get lost for days. Which was no doubt what her companion intended to do as she slid both hands around her back to unclasp the unhelpful fabric keeping her softly jiggling tits restrained. The both felt the clasp give way and watched in what felt like slow motion as her bra fell away to reveal the full scope of her ample bosom, including a pair of dark brown areola considerably larger than average and two pert little nipples already standing at full attention. Carolyn's eyes seemed to light up upon seeing Jazmin's breasts and the speed at which her hands slid beneath to cup and fondle them was nothing short of remarkable. As was the enthusiasm she displayed in wrapping her lips around one of her stiff and still remarkably sensitive buds a second or two later. Suddenly it was Mrs. Wilson's turn to cry out in pleasure as her back arched and her arms wrapped around Carolyn's head amidst a flood of pleasure. The feeling of her gorgeously eager companion's tongue flicking at and swirling around her nipple was absolutely divine and the strength of her lips as she suckled was more than enough to make her already damp panties sodden. It was also enough to make her grab the phone beside them and hurriedly snap another picture.

“Goddamn!” Had been Konrad's first response to the initial image. “GODDAMN!” Was his second reply soon after Jazmin sent him a photo of Carolyn sucking her breasts.

Much like her partner had she promptly set her phone down in favor of focusing on the far more immediate pleasure she felt as a gorgeous woman she'd only just met suckled at and played with her breasts like it was the greatest thing in the world. Everything about the way she went about such a simple but thoroughly enjoyable bit of foreplay was quite wonderful. It was abundantly clear she knew her way around the female body and Jazmin was more than happy to reap the rewards of that experience as she shuddered and squirmed atop her love. Responding to, moving with, and matching ever single shiver and reaction Mrs. Wilson gave Carolyn seemed to know her better than she knew herself and through nothing but oral stimulation managed to make her pant and moan loudly enough to let anyone who might have been nearby know exactly how much she enjoyed what was happening at that moment. And yet as amazing as that aspect was it didn't set her body alight and fill her mind with a thousand, scattered thoughts each trying to be the main focus of her lascivious desires. That particular honor went to the intensity with which her lover moved. The unspoken yet unmistakable feeling that she was the only thing in the world that mattered to the woman she was straddling. There were no other distractions in her head, no other concerns, no other issues save the pleasure she was feeling and how best to enhance it. That feeling of being the sole focus of her lover's world and of being completely in the moment was something Jazmin adored above nearly everything else and something she'd found with maybe two other people, her husband included. Which of course meant nothing but unbridled delight for her as she pushed herself even harder against Carolyn's mouth and held on even tighter to the back of her head as pleasure continued to rise higher and higher inside her. There was no telling how long the two of them remained in that position or how long they'd been at that bench but by the time her lover pulled away it felt like an eternity in the best possible fashion.

“Lay down on the bench!” She moaned, “I need to get these jeans off of you right now!”

Jazmin gave an emphatic nod and eagerly slid off her partner's lap to stretch out across the bench. She picked up her phone as she did so and was quick to take another picture of her lover as she loomed above her. It too was met with all caps approval from her husband. Followed by a few other messages typed out in quick succession. She did her best to read them all but the distraction of feeling her shoes being removed followed soon after by the front of her characteristic 'mom jeans' being unbuttoned was much too great a distraction. Leaving her phone resting on her stomach Mrs. Wilson instead focused her attention on the breathtaking woman eagerly sliding her jeans down her upraised legs. Pleasure coursed through her faster and stronger than ever and when her pants were finally removed and tossed aside like her bra she wasted no time opening her legs as widely as she could manage. One came to rest on the back of the bench while the other hung off it entirely as she unabashedly revealed her thoroughly drenched panties and unrepentantly aroused sex to the woman responsible for that state. Thought a part of her was quite embarrassed by both the prickly hairs on her unshaven thighs and the far longer, much more overgrown thicket sitting above and around her plump vulva. It peeked out from beneath the damp triangle of cloth hiding her sex and was not at all how she might've groomed herself had there been even the slightest inkling something lascivious would happen that night. While her husband loved her au natural she was keenly aware most people preferred quite the opposite and generally erred on the side of caution with any lovers who didn't share Konrad's affinity.

But in what was fast becoming a trend Carolyn proved both wildly unlike the other men and women she'd been with and very much like the man she'd loved since sophomore year of high school. At least that seemed to be the only way to interpret the excited gasp her companion let out followed by the sudden kiss she planted atop her fuzzy mound as she immediately slid backwards to nestle between her legs. And if that somehow wasn't enough evidence the almost loving way she ran her fingers through the curly tuft while looking up at her with a telltale sparkle in her eyes certainly gave all the evidence needed. Of course even if it hadn't the kiss she planted on the front of Jazmin's thong and the way her lips remained for just a second or two longer than they might've normally pushed any concerns she had about her grooming habits right out of her mind. As did the toe curling, heart stopping warmth of her breath as it buffeted her pussy and sent a tingle of excitement up her spine. Since she couldn't open her legs any wider than she already had Mrs. Wilson instead lifted herself off the bench as much as she was able, her stomach tightening in an effort to keep her aloft as she offered her slit to the woman licking her lips mere centimeters away from it. Sadly she couldn't hold that position for very long and she was soon forced to sink back down against the wood. Thankfully her lover took the chance to slide her hands beneath Jazmin's big, round ass cheeks to both grope and support them while she dived in for a taste of her cunt.

Deftly sliding her tongue underneath Jazmin's thong Carolyn pulled the fabric aside with a fantastically lewd smile on her face. She pulled back just enough to let the sodden fabric slap against her lover's skin with a wet snap that sent shivers rampaging through both their bodies. And while she was busy basking in the sight of her lover's plump, glistening vulva and her tangled mess of pubic hair slicked down with arousal the woman being admired grabbed her phone and started recording a video to send her man, as well as keep for herself. Her companion noticed the phone being held squarely on her face and she gave a coy little wink before slowly moving forward, her tongue extending outward as she did so while a breathy moan escaped her lips. Mrs. Wilson felt both at nearly the exact same time and the pleasure of them assaulting her body sent a delighted squeal bursting from her own mouth as soon as she could find the iar to release it. Her started shaking almost immediately afterwards and although it took nearly all her willpower to keep them aloft and the camera aimed at the woman slowly working her pussy with amazing skill she did her best to capture every last second she could. Just as Carolyn did her best to be as much of a showoff as possible. Her tongue flicked and glided and danced across her lover's delicious sex in a far more over the top manner than she might've preferred but the effects were no less thrilling in spite of that little flair. If anything the fun of being filmed going down on a woman so her husband could watch and masturbate added an entirely different dynamic to everything they were doing.

At least for as long as the camera was recording. When her arms couldn't hold it up a second longer Jazmin ended the video and sent it to Konrad with the last of her energy while the woman between her thighs quickly seized the chance provided to push deeper between her partner's thighs and send her tongue sliding into the farthest depths of the cunt she'd previously only been teasing. Her companion's inner walls swiftly clamped down around the intruder while a warm deluge of fluids leaked from her sex in a veritable stream. All of it was lapped up as soon as it was offered and she didn't hesitate to press her lips even more tightly against the quivering folds of her partner's sex a in response to the warm trickle of arousal. Nor did her partner hesitate to drop her phone and grab two fistfuls of her silky blonde hair and hold on tight while simultaneously resisting the urge to clamp her thighs around her face and unintentionally make her job that much harder. Of course she could only maintain that kind of self control for so long and having a beautifully skilled tongue writhing around inside her pushing at all the most sensitive areas of her pussy all but guaranteed her composure would vanish long before she had a chance to recuperate. In fact it vanished faster than she could even process, seemingly vanishing in the blink of an eye when Carolyn pulled a hand from beneath her buttocks to start rubbing and teasing at her clit instead.

“Oh god!” Jazmin squealed as a burst of pleasure sent her back arching and a flood of arousal seeping from her cunt, “Oh God don't stop! Don't stop!”

Just to be an asshole Carolyn very nearly pulled back to promise she wouldn't but thought better of it at the last second. Instead she shifted her focus a little higher, wrapped her lips around Jazmin's swollen clit and focusing all of her efforts on that sensitive little bud. Her cheeks turned concave as she suckled on it with remarkable intensity while her tongue darted back and forth across it in a unpredictable barrage of movements that sent her hips bucking and her eyes rolling back in her head. Her mind and body were assaulted by endlessly crashing waves of pleasure as she held on to her lover's hair for dear life and sank deeper into the maelstrom of ecstasy roiling within her. But as good as it felt to have her clit worked by such a skilled and passionate lover it wasn't until Carolyn slid two fingers into Jazmin's pussy and pressed them against her g-spot that the Mrs. Wilson truly lost whatever composure she had left within her. And in yet another display of her talent and knowledge she waited to play that particular card until after her partner had been pushed to the very brink following several unbroken minutes of unabashed clitoral stimulation. Feeling those soft, dexterous fingers glide inside her pussy and apply a gentle yet overwhelming pressure against her most sensitive spot was exactly what she needed to fall head over heels into the sort of breathless, screaming climax few could give her in such a short amount of time.

Clutching her lover's hair as tightly as she could and screaming until there wasn't a molecule of air left in her lungs Jazmin went completely rigid. Like she'd suddenly been turned to stone she stayed locked in that position with her back arched and only her head and ass touching the bench for what felt like an eternity. In reality she only remained there a few moments before her muscles gave out and a feverishly wild trembling overtook every solitary inch of her almost entirely naked body.. Heaving and gasping and jiggling in an unparalleled display of ecstasy she coated her lover's face in a fountain of sweet tasting and even sweeter smelling juices while gasping for air and writhing against the bench like she was being electrocuted. Her inner walls clamped down like never before around the digits stuffed inside her while her already swollen clit seemed to engorge even more under the constant pleasure assaulting her. Because through it all Carolyn somehow managed to not only maintain the efforts that'd brought her lover to such heights but also match her every slightest movement in a way that would've seemed impossible had she not been experiencing it firsthand. Even feeling it in the heat of the moment wasn't enough to truly make sense of the experience, though in the state her mind was in very little about the world beyond her own pleasure made sense. A fact that would remain true for quite a while, well after the most violent tremors had wracked her body and she was left quivering from the aftershcoks and basking in the afterglow as her lover at long last pulled away to wipe her pussy juice covered lips and smile down at her.

While her companion was too distracted floating on cloud nine to notice what was going on Carolyn grabbed her phone and recorded a short video to send to Konrad. She started with his wife's slack jawed, delierious expression and moved down to show of her trembling, naked body before ending on a long, lingering shot of her deliciously mess pussy winking and quivering. Once it was all recorded she sent the video along with a caption reading, “You're wife cums like a firehose!”

After a few seconds she received a response from the man she was teasing, no doubt typed with only one hand, “Isn't she great?”

“She's incredible! How good is she at eating pussy?”

“Oh she'd tell you she's terrible but don't believe her. As soon as you can get her to go down on you, I guarantee you'll love it.”

“I don't doubt it!”

“Send more pics and vids!”

“Oh I will.”

Setting the phone down for a moment or two Carolyn bent down over her still recovering companion to share a long, tender kiss. Although she was still far from able to move or even talk properly Jazmin had enough wherewithal to throw her arms around her companion's shoulders and savor every last second of that kiss for as long as it lasted. And when it finally came to an end she even managed to give a quiet little whimper of dissatisfaction. One that was met with a soft laugh from her gorgeous partner as she looked down at her.

“W-what . . . now?”

“That depends on you beautiful. If you're up for it I wouldn't say no to feeling those lips between my legs too . . . but if you can't we can always wait until next time . . .”

“Next time?”

“Did you think I'd let you get away after just one night?” Carolyn laughed, “Oh no sugar, I like to have at least two or three chances with any women I pick up . . . to learn everything about them . . .” She let her hand drift across Jazmin's naked breast and brush against her nipple, “And what really gets them off the right way . . .”

“Oh . . .”

“Yeah . . . so what'll it be gorgeous? Are we done for the night?”

Looking up at her blonde lover with barely enough cognizance to remember her own name Jazmin did her best to think about the prospect rationally. Her efforts were only somewhat hampered by a burning desire to see, taste, and enjoy her lover's pussy as well aa an equally fervent desire to show off to her husband and give him more smut than he knew what to do with. “No . . .” She finally managed to say with a soft gasp, “No we're not . . .”

Carolyn's face lit up with an exuberant grin and she immediately swooped down for another kiss. But instead of the gentle, tender embrace Jazmin had felt in the moments after her climax she was given something far more passionate and lustful. Her companion wasn't sharing in the beautiful afterglow of post coital bliss, she was pushing her deeper into the same pleasure that'd inspired her to sneak away from her friends to a secluded bench so a complete stranger could go down on her in the middle of the night. And in spite of how exhausted she felt in the wake of her orgasmic bliss there was no denying her lover's efforts were successful. Particularly when she slid a hand beneath her head to pull her even deeper into her lips. Something about the softly dominant way she moved and the unabashed arousal she displayed was like a bolt of lighting to her senses. Within a few seconds she was actively kissing her back and even getting her fingers tangled in her lover's now thoroughly messy blonde locks while the rest of her body subtly began to come alive as well. Her breasts heaved with renewed life and her legs tingled with growing anticipation as the prospect of going down on another woman after at least a year of being unable to enjoy the pleasure loomed above them. One of her hands slid down Carolyn's back to find her tight bubble butt and give it the same sort of attention her own had been receiving, albeit with a little less confidence and a lot more softness. Of course her lover hardly minded that small difference. Her tongue certainly didn't betray any dissatisfaction as it slipped from her slowly parting lips to find Jazmin's and resume to dance they'd been distracted from. In much the same way as their tongues their bodies grew more and more intertwined by the second until the two women could get no closer to one another and the fiery passion they'd felt upon first arriving had been completely rekindled inside them. Though Carolyn's had never left and Jazmin's had only been momentarily lessened by a fantastic orgasm.

After several minutes of making out like a couple of teenagers the two broke apart and a question they already knew the answer to was asked, “Are you ready?”


“Have you ever gone down on another woman before?”

“You're not the first woman I've ever been with!” Jazmin replied, “Just the first one I've been alone with!”

“Mmmmm, prove it beautiful!”

Pulling away from her companion with a soft giggle Carolyn stood up and lasciviously licked her lips as she reached down towards the hem of her tight little dress. With a skill and seductiveness to rvial the best exotic dancers she teasingly lifted her skirt up centimeter bye centimeter until her own sodden thong had been exposed to her lover;s widely staring eyes. Already midway through sitting up Jazmin lurched forward in an ungainly yet exuberant burst of movement as she looked from the lacy strip of black cloth barely covering her partner's hairless little slit to her partner's blushing face. In the time it took her to stand up and approach the beautiful woman she'd soon be going down on that same woman had slid her panties down her long, supple legs and stepped out of them as casually as out might step over a piece of gum on the street. She picked up her sodden, useless underwear and p;ayfully tossed them to her lover, another giggle spilling from her lips as she sat down on the bench and spread her legs open wide. Staring like it was the first time she'd ever seen another woman's body Mrs. Wilson couldn't get enough of her companion's adorably puffy little sex. Utterly devoid of even the slightest trace of stubble and so deliciously plump it was almost unbearable Carolyn's pussy quite literally made her mouth water and her knees go week. She dropped the arousal stained panties she'd been holding and knelt down in front of her partner without delay. Her hands timidly reached out to rest against her open and lightly trembling thighs while her face flushed a deep crimson as she moved towards her delicious looking meal.

A little flash of movement above caught her eye and she looked up to see her lover tug down the front of her dress to reveal her small, perky breasts in all their round glory. Her petite, pink nipples were already stiff as could be and goosebumps had covered every inch of her sofr tits by the time her garment was turned into little more than a belt. Flashing a characteristically sultry smile Carolyn started teasing her nipples with one hand while letting the other reach out to caress Jazmin's cheek and none too subtly guide her towards her pussy. Not needing to be told twice Mrs. Wilson leaned a little closer and let out a pent up breath. Her partner moaned as the hot air washed over her achingly aroused sex and both of them let out the sort of breathy laughter that always seemed to come before a bout of wild passion. Fortunately this instance was no exception as the woman between her thighs suddenly swooped in to wrap her lips her clit and start sucking as hard as she possibly could. A surge of pleasure coursed through her body as the stimulation she'd been desperately in need of arrived faster than her mind or body could prepare for. It was further enhanced by the sudden involvement of her lover's tongue flicking up and down against her swollen bu in a way that sent shivers down her spine and fluids cascading out of her pussy. She made her pleasure known immediately and noisily as it surged through her and she in turn held on tight to her companion's silky black hair. As well as her own suddenly heaving breasts.

“Of fuck!” She gasped in a voice considerably higher pitched than her usual husky tone, “Oh fuck that feels so good!” She heard Jazmin's soft laugh and felt her breath arrive in a sudden gust once more and it sent another shudder rampaging through her body, “Put a finger in my ass!” She demanded, “Put a finger in my ass right—ahhhhhhhh!”

Thoroughly delighted by her partner's lewd request and always eager to indulge in a little anal play she did exactly as Carolyn asked. Though not before sliding her finger into her mouth to get it nice and wet beforehand. “You're quite a pervert aren't you?”

“Oh you have no idea!” Her companion gasped as her tightly little hole easily parted and her even tighter inner walls clamped down hard around the intruding digit, “Now stop talking and get back to sucking my clit!”

“Yes ma'am!”

Her lips returned to Carolyn's sensitive bud and she resumed her ministrations without delay, only now with the added benefit of her finger writhing within her asshole at the same time. Although she had a little bit of trouble focusing on two things at the same time, an issue she'd often faced whenever she was confronted with more than one cock, she managed to find a rhythm that seemed to work wonders for the woman she was going down on. Assuming her increasingly loud and vulgar exclamations were signs of her pleasure at least. She moved her tongue back and forth across her lover's clit in as random a fashion as she could manage while simultaneously applying wildly different amounts of pressure with her lips. Sometimes she was suckling as hard as she could and other times she'd all but stopped and pulled away completely. There was a certain method to her madness and it was  tactic she'd used many times to great success each and every time but in the heat of the moment with waves of pleasure crashing down on her Carolyn couldn't make heads or tails of any of it. She just felt an ever rising tide of ecstasy surging up inside her. One hastened along considerably by the finger embedded in her ass and slowly curling inwards to press against the thin wall separating it from her pussy. Something about her lover's well manicured nail scraping along her sensitive asshole and pushing with what felt like an enormous amount of force against her pussy was really working for her. Even more than usual.

Within a minute or two she was gritting her teeth and groaning like a wild animal giving birth as her facade of composure and seductive aloofness gradually broke down and her inner whore was revealed little bu little. She had no idea how much that side of her was turning Jazmin on but she certainly felt the effects as her companion slowly increased the speed of her tongue, the pressure of her lips, and the movements of her fingers. Carolyn even got to experience a genuine surprise when, to her abject delight, the woman going down on her subtly pushed a second finger into her asshole not long after the first had been slipped inside. And rather than simply repeating the same motions that'd worked so well with the first digit she took an entirely new tact. For a brief moment her fingers stopped moving entirely and her lover was left with only the pleasure of her clit being teased to bring a much needed orgasm. But then she felt a sudden wave of satisfaction as the digits stuffed in her rectum starting spreading apart while at the same time pulling back until only half of them were still within her quivering ring. The extra leverage that position gave her was immediately put to wonderful use by stretching open her tight hole wide enough for the fleshy red walls within to be exposed. More delighted moans spilled from her mouth as she felt her tight ring slowly turn into a yawning oval while pleasure bombarded her senses and erased every last shred of control she'd managed to hold on to. Her love of anal play had long been her biggest weakness and apparently it was about to be her undoing. Not for the first time and certainly not for the last!

As her strength faded and her wherewithal to do anything but hold on for dear life as she came all over Jazmin's face pretty much vanished Carolyn grabbed her lover's phone and started recoding, her fingers barely able to hold it as her eyes rolled back in her head. But through a combination of luck and instinct she actually managed to keep the camera relatively centered on her partner's face just in time for the first of many gushing eruptions of pussy juice to be capture spraying from her cunt and all across the woman going down on her's body. Her fluids caught the light like so many twinkling stars as they splashed across Mrs. Wilson's chin and streaked up her awestruck, wide eyed countenance to reach as high as her freshly tousled hair. The camera also got to capture the look of surprise on her face along with the ensuing delight that flashed across it soon afterwards as she responded to the deluge in the only way one could. Although she hadn't stopped her ministrations the sudden fountain of juices being sprayed across her had certainly slowed her efforts and left her at a momentary loss. Luckily for both of them she recovered quickly and resumed her efforts as if she'd never stopped, easily guiding her lover through an utterly breathtaking orgasm with as smooth a hand as she could. Carolyn's violent shudders and frantic screams certainly made it difficult to maintain her composure and not going into overdrive and the way her legs clamped down around her face to both hold in her tight and further drench her in torrid jets of arousal was quite an impediment. As well as an altogether intoxicating turn of events she was beyond glad to have a recording of. But she was nothing if not a considerate partner and she didn't let any of that stop her front prolonging her companion's orgasm as long as she possibly could. Even as her face dripped with pussy juice and her eyes were forced shut by the flecks of it splashing up her cheeks. In a display as lewd as it was tender she remained steadfast and held herself between Carolyn's thighs until her lover finally went limp.

Only after her companion had slumped down against the bench in a twitching heap did Jazmin think to lick her mouth clean and sit down beside her. The moment she did her partner slumped down to lay her head against her lap and without a thought she started stroking her blonde locks. After a few seconds she collected her phone from Carolyn's limp fingers to end the recording and send it along ot her man with a caption reading, “She cums even harder than I do!”

She locked her phone and set it aside to focus on her companion, though after a few seconds she found it impossible not to ask, “So . . . are we done for the night?”

Carolyn slowly turned to look up at her with a wild eyed grin, her lips curling into a bright, if ever so slightly exhausted smile, “What do you think beautiful?”


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