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COMIC: "Dire Straights, Vol. 2"

I value my subscribers and supporters a lot. Whether it's $3 or $100, I appreciate the generosity of every person who has enough faith in me to open their wallet and show me they value what I do.

If you've ever wondered where that money goes, here's an example. Your generous support allows me to engage and work with talented artists like Cherry Mouse Street to make high quality sexy comics like this - "Dire Straights, Vol. 2".

A story of sexual adventure, conflict, redemption, and cute traps in bathing suits. I worked hard on this, writing the full script and doing all the lettering and graphic design; CMS worked just as hard on the art. Now, you get to see it thirty days before anyone else in this exclusive period! (Make sure you click on "View original image" for the full-resolution pages!)

Please enjoy, and thanks again. Your subscriptions make projects like this possible.

- SW



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