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Monday Update!

Hi Everyone!
It’s Monday and a new month! Woot October! Stupid covid is going to cancel Halloween again, but at least it’s nice and cool (at least it is where we are.) I used the heater I put out here for the first time last week and it works great!
This week is the general release of the Besti LF tech demo so go for it on that one if you have a Quest 2. More supported headsets coming without the AR feature, soon, and spoilers: yes dammit I’ll make a pony for it this week good lord I got so many emails asking <3 I have a hundred things with ponies! FINE LET’S MAKE IT 101.
It’s kind of far out but time has a way of going relatively quickly: BABScon got in touch last week and asked me if I’d like to come in 2022 and do a panel, and I said yes! Gotta think of a fun late-night panel that won’t get me crucified. Thankfully I have some time to think about it <3
Plans for this week (in this order to get as far as I can in the next 7 days):

  • Make an interactable pony character for the Besti LF tech demo per extremely popular request
  • Design a Quest 1 Besti Toy
  • Write the non-portable friend interaction system for eqCy/BestiX
  • Write the hinging opening type of entrance (mouthes or something else if you’re really creative) for Besti X friends
  • Write the ability to move portable friends around without binding them as if they are objects. 
  • Design some sort of sound-dampening enclosure for the 3D printer so it doesn’t make me crazy. Voot Voot Voot WHRRR VOOT VOOT WHRRR SHUT UP! FUCK! I’m also not sure I trust that thing to not put out PM2.5 because it’s too cold to ventilate the place adequately to print stuff while I’m in here, and I’m always in here.
  • Try to stay on top of emails.

I got a bunch of feedback and some trends were there so let me address those in the order of frequency!

#1: “Can you make a Pony character for Besti LF? I wanna bang a movable pony!”
Besti LF is just a tech demo to demonstrate and test a number of functions I wrote for Besti X and eqCy, but I’m glad people like the idea enough to want me to expand on it. Putting a pony character in is actually really simple, so, sure. I’ll do that this week it’ll only take about a day. It uses the Besti X friend processing system so the only thing I need to do is make a couple really simple animations.

#2 “I don’t understand calibrating!”
This should have an interactive in-game tutorial, which it will when it’s in Besti X and eqCy. It’s simple it’s just not obvious.
  1. Fully penetrate the toy bound to the character.
  2. Press and hold a calibration button (one of the face buttons)
  3. Slowly pull the toy off of you.
  4. Release the calibration button the moment you fall out of the toy.

This process performs two functions:

  • Measuring how long your actual penis is, which determines how long the avatar representation of your penis is. 
  • Figuring out the relationship between your head, hips, and the character’s vagina. Thanks to Hipparchus a couple thousand years ago, this gives me enough data points to mathematically model the most probable location and direction of your pelvis. For real though check that dude’s beard out: he would have approved of this.

If you want to quickly recalibrate after that, just fully penetrate the toy and quickly tap the calibration button (say like, you move somewhere else, or the angle isn’t right.) A quick press with less than 3CM of movement in any direction between press and release uses the previous penis measurement instead of making a new one, and just sets a new angle and position for your hips. 

#3 “I found a bug”
Besti LF is an interactive demonstration and test of a small subset of functions that will be added to Besti X. It is sort of duct taped into the overall Besti X system rather than being nicely integrated, and the consequence of that is that there are plenty of interesting bugs. My favorite bug is that you can grab multiple friends with the same remote and cause the previous friend to drop and flop around on the ground, though the complete wigglesplosion that happens when you bind a friend and set the controller on the ground is the weirdest looking one.  I’ll fix bugs and add new features once it’s integrated into the full Besti X system.

#4 “Everything is black!”
The AR features on the Quest 2 are classified by Oculus as “Experimental Features”, so you need to activate experimental features. This can be done through Sidequest. Click the wrench in the upper-right corner and you’ll see the option to enable experimental features. Sometimes you need to click it twice if it gives you an error message.  If you reboot the quest, you need to enable experimental features again because it turns them off during startup for whatever reason. 

#5 “I don’t have a Quest 2 but I wanna play it!”
These features are going to be in Besti X and eqCy with an avatar character to represent you in game, but you’ll also have the ability to use AR mode if you’re on a device that supports AR thanks to what I programmed for the Besti LF demo (currently only the Quest 2 is supported, though I don’t think there’s a technical reason why it doesn’t also work on the Quest and Rift S. I think it’s just because they want you to buy a Quest 2.)

#6 “I’m nervous about having a camera!”
If it makes you feel any better, as a developer I have no means of seeing what the cameras are displaying to you. I can’t even get depth, which is something the Quest can do, they just don’t give me access to it. To record that data for video content, I have to use special tools built-in to Sidequest to do it because as far as the program sees, everything AR related is just a black void. It’s set up this way deliberately by Oculus to protect your privacy.

#7 “Grab doesn’t work.”
It does; I just don’t have anything to grab in the current version. That’s for grabbing in-game objects. I want to give you the ability to use toys on the friends so that’s how you grab toys. I should make it so you can grab unbound friends, though, so you don’t have to bind them to move them about. I’ll work on that.

#8 “The Besti Toy downloads are named incorrectly on the Besti direct store.”
Isn’t that weird? This is totally a website bug and I wrote support about it. Something’s wrong with the save as zip function. The contents of the zip file should be correct but for whatever reason the names are all scrambled up depending on what you clicked last. They’ll fix it.

#9 “The UI is ugly.”
Yup. Function over form for the demo. I’ll make it pretty once it’s more integrated.

#10 “You got fat!”
Mean! True though I’m heavier and 100% of it is in my face because my waist is still the same size. I just haven’t had a lot of time to exercise. No school again this year, and instead of improving and learning from last year, they just mailed a stack of crates to everyone and have all the parents teach on their own. That’s 20 new hours of work that I have to fit in every week, and I haven’t figured out a way to balance it all, yet.


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