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Hi Everyone!

It's Monday! I don't have a huge exciting build but I did get a bunch done this week. No video because nothing's really very visually interesting, but I'm expecting something next week.

Monday-Thursday was emails and bug fixes. That's why there was a new launcher released on Thursday! I also got a totally rad suggestion via email for an update to Besti 9 that should only take a day, so I scheduled that in for this week. I anticipate a Besti 9 build with that new content in it this coming Monday. Surprise stuff!

Friday I worked on the crypto store. It can send emails now, which was what it was missing compared to BestiDirect/Gumroad, so there's feature parity there now except one accepts a different kind of make-believe money over another. <3 I also wrote some cool guides but they haven't been proofread yet I just haven't had a chance to sit with Veelicious to go over it. Should only take one more day of work or so, so that's scheduled for this week, too. If it takes more than a day I'll bump it back to make sure I can finish Besti 9 and Equigon stuff.

Saturday and Sunday I worked on the Equigon website stuff. Still on schedule. That's going to be a majority of next week because I'd like to make quite a few art assets for that. I'll be able to conjure up a time lapse by making art assets, so I'll stick that in the next video.

Today I answered emails all day and updated the server (seriously I answered ~300 emails just today.) I'm still not 100% done with emails but I'm going to jump back on that tomorrow morning and should be able to get everyone answered. Sorry about the delay.

--Skunk <3 



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