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Director Commentary: August Week 2

Hey Subscribers!

Here's this week's epic Director Commentary! It's an interesting look at the week and in-progress stuff, and this week, even some non-programming related stuff. We're building a larger dedicated production space out of the garage. Very shortly we're going to need to have multiple people here working on things, so we need a place that can have multiple people in it comfortably. The current space is crowded for just me and Veelicious, and it will be cool to have a whole building dedicated to producing stuff.

Also: I used a different video editor/workflow so tell me if you think the audio is better. It's tough to change a workflow (this is why it was delayed until today rather than coming out yesterday) but I think the end result is superior as a consequence. I think I sound way better.

Watch the video

Here are timecodes so you can skip around to whatever's interesting! The "Dr. Disrespect" style outtro was fun to make.

0:35   Summary of the week and the new build (kind of what the old Director Commentary was, so a brief review of what happened during the week)
4:36   Monday planning
7:23   Building a NAS timelapse
7:54   Besti X development
9:20   Tour of garage/future production space
10:46  Besti X development continued/Planning for Monday build
15:49  Animation timelapse (video of just this because it's awesome
19:24  Falling apart after animating for 20 hours straight
20:31  Dr. Disrespect outro parody


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