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Monday update! Back from being super sick!

Hi Everyone!

It's Monday! I missed last week because I was very very sick, but I got back to work on the 23rd and conjured up a bunch of cool stuff. I was having a lot of trouble breathing and had a severe headache and fever, so please forgive me for not having an awesome new build done today and I promise I'll make it up to you. I'm still not 100%, but I'm finally getting better every day <3

Because I don't have a new build this week, Veelicious suggested I do a keynote presentation for everyone on the Friend and Avatar creation tools in the Besti SDK because that's what I worked on once I could get out of bed. The system for converting 3D models into avatars and friends in Besti X works now.

Check it out it's pretty interesting and super easy to do. The goal is to have a dead-simple way to create new characters, and I think we're onto the right target, here, and I'm impressed with myself for writing all of that in just four workdays.

I'm very behind on emails today because I've been out, but I'm going to get caught up on Tuesday, and then have a software release of NSFW content of some sort on Friday this week. What that content is will depend on what folks I've commissioned to work on have turned in, and if everything's still out, I'll do something new.
Hell or high water I'm putting out something fun this week. The benefit of having folks working with us is that even when I'm out of commission, somebody else is making something. 

I'm going to get started on that and I'll be back shortly <3




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