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HD Butts and a New Behavior? SWEET!

Hi Everyone!

It's Monday! (well Tuesday, now, but I started today on Monday afternoon! LONG DAY!) 
This week is a huge content update for Besti 9, and it's really neat stuff.
You can check the changelog for all the details, but the most important stuff is:

  • There's a new behavior! This is a Pony On Top anal behavior that works on male and herm friends, and with male or female avatars. This is a fully-featured behavior and there's even a special transition that goes between the vaginal and anal behaviors if you're a female avatar. Neat!
  • Graphics are significantly improved in many ways! Friend genitals of all sorts are significantly more detailed and pretty, and pregnant friends now get extra big when they're pregnant. I also improved the clothing a bit so you can have pregnant friends in stockings or whatever. These improvements extend to avatars, as well, with new hands, feet, and skin materials for males and females. I also put in a new dark skinned male avatar texture that looks nicer and has more detail to it. For the weekly write-in of "Please get me a facesitting behavior" now that the labia looks nice  I'm happier to do that <3

No new voice pack this week because I'm out of time. It's 10 hours into Tuesday as I write this so I'm running behind and I don't want to delay the other huge improvements just to get that in, too. This week's update is already huge so let's do voice packs in the next couple weeks.
This week my plan is to answer emails, and then finish processing the voice packs so I can make sure to get those into builds this month. Those tasks should take me until Saturday or Sunday, I suspect, so after that I'll spend the remaining time working on the July cartoon. I have a really good idea storyboarded out that I'm excited to work on for that. Should be a good productive week!

If you're in the USA please have a fun and safe 4th of July. In Oregon where I am, all of the good fireworks are illegal, but I have some goofy fountains to light off with the family. I think we're having some barbecue, too, so it should be a good time.

QUICK UPDATE 6/30 at ~10AM: The servers are both running pretty slow right now. The provider knows about it and are working to fix it. It's still up and working so you can get the update, but it's going much slower than per usual. If you have connectivity issues today, jut give it a little bit and try again while they're fixing this for us.
Here's the full changelog!

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a couple render issues with the female avatar when walking around. The height management system wasn't working properly, and it was wasting some memory and CPU cycles.
  • Fixed an issue in Pony On Top vaginal that could potentially cause a desync.
  • Fixed an issued with Pony on Top vaginal that caused undesirable behavior at some arousal levels when using the Besti Toy.
  • Fixed an issue that caused speaking systems to have an insufficient amount of influence over the character's movement while talking, making it less dynamic than intended. I don't know when I introduced this bug I know it wasn't set that way in the past, but it's fixed, now.

New Features

  • Added a new behavior: Pony On Top Anal. This works on with any friend character with a penis and any avatar type.
  • Backported several of the graphical and mathematical improvements I made in Besti X related to avatars. This includes improved avatar skin materials, the new human avatar hand design, the new human avatar foot design, female avatar breast dynamics when wandering around, and some of the improved mathematics involved in avatar assignment. Radius/ulna emulation not possible in Besti 9, and I don't want to spend the time backporting all of that when it's going to move into Besti X anyway.
  • Backported some of the material optimizations that improve performance in Besti X. Behavior saves 8 draw calls.
  • Improved vaginal mesh on female friends.
  • Improved skin materials on all friend types and added additional details. Friend butts have wrinkles, penises have veins, etc... This also applies to extra friends. This is at the expense of about 4 additional draw calls, but this is offset by the other improvements which eliminated 8 draw calls. We're still net positive on that though we're not close to how efficient Besti X handles this. Overall VRAM usage has increased by about 2MB.
  • Altered some of the mathematics in the lipsync systems to improve its appearance a little.
  • Made some minor improvements to the pony on top transition animation behaviors.
  • Made minor improvements to the lighting in Good Morning Cutie and Good Night Cutie.
  • Improvements were made to procedural tails when interacting with friends in the Pony On Top position.
  • Pregnant friends are significantly pregnanter, and all apparel affected by this has been updated to deal with the increased degree of pregnancy.



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