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May the 4th be with you!

Hi Everyone!

Thanks for your patience! I'm afraid it has been mostly non-stop email answering this week, though I did manage to get a day to make the new intro video and another day to get some programming in. That, of course, put me behind on emails again so if you've written in over the weekend, please be patient with me I'll get back to you tomorrow, Wednesday, or Thursday at the latest.

I conjured up a pretty cool intro video for this month's director commentary videos, which is right here. It's kind of gloomy, but I've been feeling kind of sad and overwhelmed this week, so it's at least reflective of my feelings. If you're a subscriber that gets videos, I'll have that up in another post in just a minute.<3

I have a really hard time dealing with angry letters and I've been getting a ton of them lately. If you're feeling like sending me an angry letter, please don't. I'm working as hard as I can. 

On the one day I dedicated to working on programming, I managed to get the settings system in the in-game menu of Besti X. It's not enough for a build so there isn't one this week.

I've decided not to do new keys this month, so your April keys will work for all of May. 



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