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Extra request event winner!!

It's been a long time since both won the before!

They both won the request event before, but they really won it a long time ago!

And I'm sorry, i couldn't reply to all the recent comments.
But I'm getting a lot of comfort from reading them all!

Thank you so much to all the people who leave comments!!

Burger King event starts tomorrow!!
오랜만에 우승하시는 분들이군요!!

둘 다 우승한 적이 있는 분인데 정말 오랜만입니다!

그리고 최근 댓글에 답장을 다 붙이지 못했어요
하지만 다 읽고 큰 위안을 얻고 있어요!

댓글 달아주시는 모든분들께 정말 감사드립니다!!

버거킹 이벤트는 내일 시작합니다!!



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