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Book of Lust v0.0.53.1a Public Build




Hey, guys.  So as you may or may not know, Patreon has dropped the hammer on my account.  I have to release a new version of the game that doesn't link back to my Patreon site.  This version of the game is essentially what was contained in v0.0.52.1a, but has some bug fixes and a new title screen.

Mel now has a dominate mind/compulsion scene in which he submits to Jake.  There's a little characterization there, but I wanted to have an alternate way to obtain it eventually since not everyone's into m/m.

A lot of additions to Caroline.  There's 3 new additions to Caroline's quest.  One is an exposition dump that requires Jake to have impregnated Caroline at least once before.

It branches into two directions from here, talking to Caroline about Dream Walk and Body Swap respectively.  You must activate the spells through the dialogue rather than the spell menu, since she's unique.

Dream Walk contains a game over if you don't have at least 34 mana before going to sleep.

Body Swap is a bit broken mechanically.  Don't expect too many things to work or the characters to appear when they should while playing as Caroline.  If you want to keep your save file in tact for future versions, i'd recommend not saving after Bodyswapping with her.  There's still a chance I wind up breaking it, since this is making me review some old code, but it's your best bet for an intact save file.  Once you Body Swap there's a love-making scene with Jake while playing as Caroline.

Aside from this; I want to disclose something because I personally like transparency from game devs.  I suppose this might be to my detriment, but I still feel like I should say this anyways.  Since this was an 'Emergency Update' I had to make a Public Build with what I was working on for v0.0.54.1a.  I artificially locked off the Akasha content.  This is done for two reasons:

1)  My hand was forced by Patreon to release another version without a link to them.
2)  I felt this was fair to the people who are paying for the $15 tier.  Despite everything that's happening, I still want them to feel like they're getting something out of it.

I just wanted to say I hope you guys understand.  That and I truly do appreciate you guys for sticking around.  I think it's going to be hard several months as I try to recuperate.


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