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Book of Lust v0.0.49.1c Public Build

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Hey, guys!  Got a new version of Book of Lust.

In retrospect I probably should have split this update up into 2.  The additions to Caroline's quest took a little longer than I thought it would have.

Aside from the completed Jake and Caroline scene, there's also some additions to Caroline's storyline.  It's not necessarily about Caroline specifically, but rather it's some backstory to the Hart's and a bit of world building.

When Jake invites Caroline to stay in his room, you'll get a cutscene that kicks off the subquest surrounding Jake's family.  It's a short one, about 3 conversations.  One, when Caroline first enters Jake's house, one when discussing the picture Caroline finds with the succubus, and one when going to sleep at late night when playing as Jake and Cassandra isn't possessed(Mel can't be anywhere in the house and Jake must sleep in his own bedroom).

There's also a new version of the title song and a special song when doing this new subquest and some dialogue from Caroline regarding pregnancy.  When sleeping with her you must have 60+ Trust with her to keep the Birth spell active.


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