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I wanted to share these things with y'all here. While I was working on the Kat's Vore Night Comic, I had this thing on my desk, just waiting there doing nothing.

I've been getting back into yugioh as of late, and it inspired me to make my own "digital cards", so I spent a night or two putting together some prototypes.

These are EXE files, so your computer might complain the first time you go to run them, flagging it as some virus or whatever. But I assure you they're not. I coded them myself. They're just HTML, CSS & JS, but compiled into an EXE to protect my source code so people can't pick them apart to steal my secret formula.

Anyway, I thought these would be cool to share. Again, they're prototypes, more of a novilty rather than anything practical. They could use some improvement & optimization. Do let me know whatcha guys think! I might do more in the future once I improve my source code and add features and stuff into them.

Follow the link bellow to try 'em out for yourself:



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