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Things went a bit pear shaped today, request flow was going well and I was in  full on story mode, then I got a call from my parents (who were on holiday) because the Neighbors could see a fire engine parked in front of their house with hoses running up the driveway. I had to go and investigate.

Turns out some kids were setting fire to things in the field and against fence behind their house and the closest the engine could get was through their garden. One arson inquiry later and the days been kind of a write off, but I'll show you what I managed to get done, and pick it up tomorrow.

"There's a chubby demon girl (or tiefling?) labelled Pandora in Workshop Vol 7 who I'd love to see more of. How about her standing in a summoning circle putting her weight on one hip, with an apple in hand and a smug expression on her face?"

I didn't get too far with this, there was meant to be some fun narrative and more frames before all hell broke loose -  Blame kids with matches and left-over fireworks.



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