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Sketchbook + Story Progress

Hi all. I've been meaning to add an update.

It's been a challenging month to get things done in so far. My parents are currently depending on me for care, and I am wondering how much I should reveal about why that is - I've decided that it's a bit heavy to post here. I want this to be a place to escape, entertain and lift people up, (me included) - and I'd much rather share artwork than sad stories.

Basically I need a little more time to get things done at the moment but the next Story Episode will likely be out before the end of the month. Also had some good workshop with outdoor lighting, body-shapes, and some new skin textures for future characters, plus some spoilers that I'd like to show you.

Also - Next month I'll be opening up for free Art Requests instead of the sketchbook, alongside any story content. First the Huge fans and then I'll be selecting any suggestions from the comments on those posts. It'll be a frame or two of art for any existing character (character design can take days >.<) from my archives in poses/situations of your own imagining.- I'll also be releasing a gallery of my character designs to choose from. 
These are Free Art Requests, (you will not need to pay) - they'll be posted public in galleries so everyone can enjoy them. I still can't/wont do private commissions for the time being, as I want to share everything I do with this community.



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