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Schedule Update and Sketchbook.

Shh.. 'mericans are sleeping, let's post an update!
We have 1 (maybe 2) episode(s) left of special delivery. I've started work already but I'm also planning ahead - I'm already making assets for Phantom pregnancy, which is the next story afterwards. I am in love with the phantom's design, spectacular result and I'm really pleased I put the weekend into designing her and the abandoned hospital props.

There's some other spoiler free sketches too, so I thought you'd like to take a good look at the Special delivery Agent's "assets" and a there's a character design concept for a story idea in the near future - her master said she was far too top heavy to be a good ninja, maybe she's not quite as agile, but she will succeed in assassinating the local warlord where her sisters have failed. 



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