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OK! Lesson learned, allow two days for narrative illustration if there's more than 60 frames..
I've literally worked all night to bring this out as soon as possible and with as few typos as possible.  I'm sorry it's a little later than promised, but hoping that a 90 panel blockbuster chapter will more than make up for the wait. - Thank you everyone - you've been so patient.

Got really carried away with this chapter, I kept coming back and adding bits and details, and I'm honestly surprised that after getting a real writers block halfway through that I ended up with so much material. There's definitely some overlapping continuity with part 2, I'd forgotten about some things. But maybe just did them better here if you pretend they didn't happen yet! 

I'm going to leave this here for a couple of days as a focal point before posting more saved content. - I've been busy this month. 



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