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I have to make a Kink Poll

OK, today I get to grips with the markdown language on subscribe star and figure out how to code in polls and stuff. This is also a chance for me to profile you and harvest your information, Facebook style. Kidding, I'd like some better idea of what turns you on, what to focus on, and what to hide behind options and links.

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For example, I have a good idea that the overwhelming majority of my fans here love Pregnancy, bellies and expansion, but only a fewhave a kink for Birth, I always handle Labor tastefully and you kind have to 'opt in' to see the actual birthing part.

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Let me know what triggers your kinks while I play with markdown code, no wrong answers and you can check multiple choices.

Primary Kink List

Belly Size Preference

Preferred Growth Speed

Growth Types

I'd like to see bellies swollen with.

Pregnancy Symptoms

Humiliation Kink Triggers

Wholesome Kink Triggers


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