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Erotica vs. pornography is subject vs. context. In other words, what makes something erotic, which is interesting, versus pornography, which rapidly becomes boring, is the mentally-engaging scenario. That's why old 70's porn flicks used to go to such lengths to establish a scenario, however simplistic, what if the girls of a cheerleader squad decided to start fucking dudes to raise money to support the team, the pool boy seduced by the drunken MILF, etc. Now you just get the brazzers shit, hire two people who look good naked, put them on a couch and let them go at it. It gets boring in about five minutes. So anyway, just for fun, (or if you are bored and have nothing else to do), post your erotic scenarios here. BTW, a scenario is not 'I want to see the Road Rovers and that chick from Frozen do it'


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