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This site isn't growing much, I have had some very good advice from various people like nullren about how to boost the numbers, which I appreciate, but I can't see it growing even up to 200, even if I dedicated the time needed, and it needs way more than 200 to be justifiable. I think, past a small but dedicated following (and I do ++appreciate y'all!) my stuff is just not that popular, and that's cool, that's why I always did it for free. I was kind of hoping the Clearance comic would get a bit of traction, because it's not in the furry/porn ghetto and is worked up to a much more finished level, but it barely registers a blip, so the verdict is in, as far as the broader public goes.  Anyway I'm going to prioritize finishing all the half-done comics I've posted here, primarily the ursela sketch one, the second page of ursela's job and the dale/haley one, also finish the prison bull animation, then we'll see where we go from there.


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