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"I am too big for this..." - Laura

I sometimes imagine myself as a movie director who tells Laura and others what to do and again hear how they will react for the stunts. 

As I am making many - not done before - type animations at least with those kind of characters, sometimes some drawings can trigger ideas in my mind. Sometimes I want to see Laura at that pose. Mostly about legs.. I just can't stop myself when the thighs are the star of the pose, I would like to see Laura's legs.. heh..

This was a tough one after I saw some hand stand pose from a leopard furry drawing.. Even Laura is not a cat for sure, she can do anything they do too! with addition mostly like you see here :)..

AND next time at ToM, we start to get audio! Position 1 videos, skills and endings will have audio. We will have one new ending and some music! 

Thx for support and cya soon!



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