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If you ever wanted to cuddle with Asyr, here's your chance!

The Asyr dakimakura is available here: Link to FurryDakimakura Website 

It was a challenge to make this work, because I wanted to be sure that Asyr was gonna be the same size as Coach Night. To achieve this, some parts had to be cut off sadly due to the dimensions of the pillow.

I also decided to design the pose in such a way that both Asyr and the Coach Night daki (which is available here by the way) compliment each other. So if you own both of them, you can but them next to each other on your bed! ;3

Originally I wanted to give him the same kind of background as with Coach, but then had the idea of using dollar bills, which is more than fitting for Asyr's character. :3





Yaaaaaaas 😍😍😍😍

Stellar Flare

Fuck Asyr has such a sexy cock. You should consider making dildos shaped after your characters cocks