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After nearly half a year without updates, Rick doesn't want to waste anymore time.

Phew, well here we are. What can I say? I could list a number of excuses of why this comic has been on hiatus for so long, like the fact that I felt bad about all the people messaging me, asking about commissions and I had to constantly turn them down. That when I opened commissions, I realized I couldn't juggle multiple projects and that my time management with this has been horrible.

There were a number of factors that led me to push this back further and further, but I'm glad to be able to pick it back up again now. From here on out most of what's left of the story will be porn, so it should be more enjoyable for me to work on. I'll try to not the gap between pages become this long again. Thanks for everyone who has stuck with me till now. I really appreciate it.


For those of you who want to read the comic from the start, use the tag "A Star Is Porn (Comic)". All pages should be listed under it.

New page was also added to the translation files in the Mega folder LINKED HERE. 
