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Good pups get to celebrate Pride Month too! Officer Munroe will make sure that you'll behave. ;3

This is the finished version of my latest YCH auction featuring YamaInu's red kangaroo.

I wasn't sure how this one would turn out. During the drawing process I had some doubts but pushed past them and figured, I'd just see where this road would take me. It definitely was the right decision as the amount of interest and support for this idea really surprised me. And I had a lot of fun working on this one, trying my hands once again at drawing crowds. I'm still playing around with techniques and ideas, so more pride month themed pictures might happen. We'll see. ;3





🥵 never enough of Monroe, that sexy horse! 😋


Absolutely love it when Munroe is around, so hot. I will definitely behave when hes around.😊😳

Stellar Flare

I wish I was that kangaroo

Fen Longpaw

I wish I didn't have my own personal baggage in regards to pup hoods. I love your work, but every time I see them they remind me of the first person I met who wore one. That being said: thank you very much for the version without the hood


lets walk down the street and show everyone we like it up the ass lol


I can see how that can ruin the experience for you. I'm sorry that happened to you. Maybe over time you can start to connect something positive to pup hoods and it will balance out any negative experience you had.




ive already pawed enough to your animations, you win