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Hey guys,

I'm sorry to announce this but I decided to delete my discord server.

My hope was that I would become more social on it and that maybe the server would get a life of it's own, with people engaging with each other. I guess there wasn't much opportunity for that and the truth is that I'm just not that talkactive online anymore.

Anyway, it was a short lived experiment and I thank everyone who engaged with me and my pictures on it. You can of course continue to interact with me on here or any other websites where I'm active like Twitter, FurAffinity, Inkbunny or SoFurry . I also have a Telegram channel where I upload my art just as I did on Discord.

Thanks for participating.


Rex Aurum

It’s understandable, sorry it wasn’t as active as you were hoping. Whatever happens I’ll be sure to continue to support! Thanks for the opportunity and the amazing art


Thank you for the three months to chat with you and meet other people. I enjoyed the conversations we had, I am very happy to have met people on that chat. I do not hold a grudge against your decision. I shall say it again, thanks for all the art you have done, and to continue what you do great at. I am not going anywhere, I will give my full support. And thank you for giving me the momentum to continue the desire for drawing.🙂


Maintaining an active server sure can be tricky. More active servers often have lots of channels and voice chat, streaming or scheduled events I guess. Cool that you went for it though


Shame, I liked the set up


Mach dich nicht so verrückt damit es anderen recht machen zu wollen. Klar ist Kontakt mit den Leuten wichtig für das was du tust. Aber es sollte doch so sein das es dich nicht bei dem Gedanken daran kränkt. Nicht jeder blüht mit ner Unmenge an Kontakten auf. Mir geht das da ganz ähnlich. Mach so wie es dir gut tut, dann macht es auch mehr Spaß. ♡♡♡


It was fun while it lasted, I hope you enjoyed as we did :3