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For those of you who peeked into my Discord recently, one of these pictures might look familiar. They are previews of my work on my upcoming animation project involving my good buddy Cirez and my bunny character Rick as well as my sona Night.

Usually I don't like publishing these as I prefer showing results rather than endlessly teasing you with work in progress pictures. But working on these has been quite taxing as I need to draw each body part on a seperate layer so that it can later be animated. That means that I also need to draw the parts of the character which are not visible in a still frame. This also explains why the paws in one picture are not touching Cirez' head. This is just the reference pose that is easier to work on.

Anyway, I'm really excited about this project and it's coming along nicely. Depending on if you guys want more updates, I will keep posting previews, otherwise I will let you know once the whole thing is finished!





They still look awesome.