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I was informed by Patreon staff that the latest round of my Fetish Roulette project was in violation of their policy regarding bestiality and  the glorification of sexual violence.

I was therefore asked to remove the posts in question and clarify that I will no longer provide these rewards on my Patreon account.

I apologize for this.

Thanks for your continued support everyone, I will tread more carefully next time as to not let such a thing happen again.



That sucks, sorry to hear that ☹️

Ryan Thompson

I agree that sucks. Sorry you have to feel so moderated

Sugar Sammy

Good ol' Patreon. That's why they're looking at their possible extinction...


Don't worry, it's not ur fault

Jake Northcote

Maybe it’s better to do these polls via email using Google polls or something?

Ysa Hemlock

It's it's any consultation... I loved that pic 🐺


I'm sorry to read that :(


I’m sorry that happen! Hope to see more from you!

Angle Cakes

Hope everything goes okay for you!

Alizar Kazam

Dang. That stinks. Still love your work.


I told ya. Patreon are squeamish pussies.

Renaissance Wolf

Sorry you had to delete your stuff. I liked them for sure, but your art is awesome regardless of what the theme is


Subscribestar soon?


Disappointing to hear. I assume Sponsus is the same. Sometimes switching to an equivalent or worse alternative can be your only means of being noticed; but I can appreciate not wanting to expend the time and potential cost.