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My fursona Night and a bunch of other guys at a nude beach filled with nothing but muscular hunks. If that isn't heaven, I don't know what is. ;P

I've been meaning to get more commission work done today, but felt myself spiraling down a hole of depression about my own pictures. It's a process I go through sometimes and it always takes me a bit to climb back out. It's usually connected to the fact that my brain just saves the memories of some of the mean shit people have said about me or my pictures and occasionally just decides to replay them over and over again. In this case it was one comment left on my work, that said:

"Everyone is the same size. Everyone has the same face. Everyone has marble abs. This artists world is a terrifying universe where every individual is a clone."

When I first read it, it really hurt me. I know it is stupid to fuss about that and the overwhelming amount of support I have been getting is definitely outweighing it, but as I mentioned, sometimes I just get reminded of these comments and I can't help but feel bad about my work.

So going through this process, I eventually decided to turn this statement around and retort: When everyone has the same muscular build, is that so bad? That was the spark of inspiration I needed, because I figured: If I am being slammed for drawing the same kind of muscular guys over and over again, then hell, I guess I should just do that!

And this is how this picture came to be. :3 Definitely something I need to draw more of, because seeing how quickly I managed to put this together - albeit it being just a black and white sketch - I started to take pride in my work again. And now I'm eager to get back to commissions! :3




Rex Aurum

Im glad you were able to turn that guys words into inspiration! You are an amazing artist, you are able to draw such sexy studs! Your anatomy is amazing, the musculature is phenomenal. You make it an art I’d say. You can tell the amount of detail and the amount of time put into each line and the dynamic of spatial recognition. Sorry to sound like a broken record but you really are amazing dream!


Different artists work in different ways. That's what makes art so wonderful. I have always loved the detail that you put into the characters (not just their muscles but their features and fur). It's what makes your art stand out. If it's how you best express yourself then carry on. On a more personal note, it's always tough when people come back with negativity. Especially when depression decides to make it feel so much worse. It's knocked me back so many times. The way you have handled it and used it is a great example of how to fight back when depression gangs up and tries to overwhelm. Thank you.


Thank you very much! I really appreciate your kind words and knowing that people enjoy what I do really helps me overcome these negative moods. :3


Thank you, that means a lot to me! :3 I just try to overcome depression whenever it manifests by doing something that I enjoy. It has helped me through a lot of negative moments and I always feel better about myself and my work afterwards. :3