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This is what Night considers a Valentine's day gift - purchasing ONE rose, putting it in his mouth and posing naked on the couch. It's surprisingly effective!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Asyr and I don't really celebrate the occasion as our anniversary is next week and we rather do something special on a day that's important to us.

Still, I wanted to draw something if only to show off Night again in a smug pose. ;P Also, this black and white experiment was another attempt to not go through my usual time consuming workflow. The goal is to leave side projects like this as sketches or less elaborate pics, so I have more energy for commissions and other projects. I think it looks quite nice, although it was difficult for me to keep myself from coloring the whole pic. x3

Enjoy! :3




I wasn't going to like anything VD related this year....but how can I resist here 😍


Night's so big 🤤. I think it looks great as a b/w picture as well. Happy valentine ❤️❤️❤️

Sugar Sammy

His face is fantastic