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"Alright, I'm up. Now how about you get down?"

Yay, backlighting fun! I took a bit of a break from my current projects today and drew Wyatt because...well because I wanted to draw a roo. :3

I used the chance to do a bit of a style experiment and change up my workflow a little. I've been preoccupied with a lot of simultaneous projects, so my workflow gets a bit dragged down by the same steps. It gets repetitive after a while, but it needs to be done to ensure a level of quality. So with this I wanted to see how well I could put a picture together if I tried a bit of a different approach. I'm quite satisfied with the results. :3

And now I'll return to commissions and other things. :3




Sugar Sammy

ooOOoo I like this style.

AFL 805

It’s so beautiful you can’t look away