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Here's the revised version of page one of the comic project! I realized that the third panel was too boring, so I decided to condense the dialog a bit and throw in some funny reactions. I also started rearranging the other panels a bit and get them prepared for the lineart. Already started cleaning up the background for the first panel.

Also, I think the comic has found a fitting name now, thanks to Asyr.  I really like it! x3 However, if someone still has some ideas for it, don't be shy to write them in the comments!

I'm gonna link the google docs link to the comic script HERE so people can continue to give feedback, ideas and critiques!

Looking forward to hear what you guys think! :3




I really dig the title.😁 Hower, I think this pun could be enhanced by adding the missing B's portion sketchy/handwritten style. I mean, to make it visible that it was added with the lowest effort ever.🤣


I like it! I think it flows a lot better now. That 'He responded to some of my tweets!' line with the phone there is just making me chuckle. Perhaps Rex's responses could add to that by being really short: "looking good!" --"OMG thank you Rex! I'm your biggest fan. You always look so good as well! XXX <3" "alright! 8)" Wondering if Night's reply could be somewhat snappier: "Well of course when you're stroking his ego like that. Oh, and perhaps 'cause your profile pic is ~literally just your ass~ (cursive)", leading the ass comment into the reaction. Haha, perhaps Rex didn't even reply to one of Rick's tweets, but just to a comment of Rick on a Rex tweet. "New vid coming out soon" "omg can't wait Rex, you're the hottest star I know!" "looking good yourself there bud 8)" Btw. the phone went poof in the last panel, I think it should still be in Rick's hand for continuity. ...my god that title. It's not even a bad pun. It's just taking a reference and making the words porny, literally. Just like the titles of porn movies I guess. And it certainly sticks in your head.