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"Face reveal when I get 500 subscribers!"

Here's young Night, making his first step to internet (porn) stardom, by being just a bit camera shy and not revealing his face to the world (yet). ;3

Another failed attempt at a sketch. I just felt like drawing something quick today, buuuut ended up coloring & shading it anyway. Oh well.

Hoping you guys are all enjoying the Holidays so far! :3

Also wanted to take a moment to personally thank all of you who are supporting me on Patreon. The past year has been a wild ride and it's been thanks to you guys, that I can afford to continue doing what I do. 

I want to involve you in the future more and I already have some ideas that I want to try out in 2020. So you can look forward to that! :3



Sugar Sammy

ooOOoo I really like this!


Omg! I love that Tiger! <3 aaaa

Ysa Hemlock

Merry Christmas. Hope you have a great one.