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Being close to graduating, it is the utmost importance of Karnal that his boy Ty is well prepared! So in order to go over his performance, he meets with his teacher and coach, for an in-depth analysis of the tiger's skillset. I'd say they're quite pleased with him so far! ;P

Lewd commission for Karnal, featuring him as well as TyHanson! Dialog was also written by Karnal.

Phew, this took a bit of work! So many stripes to draw! Despite that though, it was an extremely satisfying experience seeing this come together. I enjoyed working on it from start to finish and it definitely makes a fitting conclusion to my first set of commissions for 2019! Originally I didn't intend to do monthly commissions, just because I didn't know if I could manage the timeframe. But January was such a productive month, that I was quite surprised I didn't suffer from burnout.

I'll try not to push myself though. I don't think it matters if commissions are called "monthly commissions" or not. If I do notice a recurring schedule, I can announce it properly when I'm comfortable with it. For now I'll prepare everything to reopen commissions soon. :3

Until then: Enjoy!
