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Hello everyone,
To another year together~~~!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧


This month is going to start with my fav Dragons (anticipating this Chinese Year theme haha), in different, delicious combos! 🐉

Coming down to your prompt-thinking part...

I'd like to invite you to fill out a "special" requests form again! Just like the past month, I'm asking you for art requests of ships I haven't drawn in 3 months! This does NOT mean I won't be drawing Wriolette or other "popular" ships (I follow the hype of in-game content a lot), I just want to give other ships a chance too!

Moreover... given the enthusiasm for Your Special Christmas Requests! 🎁 #1 and 🎁 #2, you'll find a similar field in this month's form too! Sketching your requests has been fun and I'd like to keep doing it (expect less of them because I'll be working on commissions too!!) (●ˇ∀ˇ●)

I'll post the poll with your suggestions in 3-4 days!


( https://forms.gle/USPfe4WrqnbUBGkj6 )


Thank you for all the commissions requests so far!!
I've already went through the submission, as expected there are sooo many delicious prompt, creative tattoo ideas and beautiful, beautiful OCs! I'm not going to have an easy time making my choices!
I'd like some character portraits to begin with - I'm very excited because it allows me to practice a lot on different face features, expressions and angles as well as discussing them with you!!

I contacted the first 3-4 commissioners, I'm going to contact more for the 1st batch within this week! If I choose to work on your commission but you're not among the next 3, you can join the waiting list (no deposit needed)!

The request form is going to be open for around one more week!
Before filling the form, you can see the detailed pricelist and samples here


( https://forms.gle/L1WQ31jAc28yFUFc8 )


Just a reminder that the Holiday deals are ending in 5 days, on January 6th!
Until then, you can...

  • Get 15% OFF on Annual Membership: pay once and enjoy one full year of content with TWO MONTHS FOR FREE (15% off)! You can read here how to upgrate to Annual Membership!
  • Use code ZFH9EZF for 10% OFF on all products from my INPRINT!!

That's all! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)


I hope you enjoyed your New Year's eve if you celebrated!
I ended up being adopted last-minute by a group of friends after I had to cancel my original plans because of sickness but I enjoyed my time with them so much! The yesterday I spend some much needed time relaxing alone and now I'm back and operative~

I look forward to this year with you 💜


Lady Experiment

Can you post the link to your request form? The app doesn't let us click the little box you provided. Thank you! And looking forward to the new year with you!


I submitted my request so damn fast 🏃‍♀️


Gosh, I'm so sorry the app is such a disaster... I refused to update it since the gallery layout change so I don't have experience with it. Thank you for letting me know about this issue, I'll send a feeback report so hopefully it'll get solved! (Meanwhile, the post has been updated with links lmk if they work on app!)