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☆ Winner of [ AUG 23 ] Artworks poll!

This is set in the past when they were a happy team, Dan Heng wasn't even in Dan Feng's foreseeable future, Blade was still Yingxing... and Jing Yuan was the youngest of them, being spoiled by his seniors 😋


I was very eager to try the new technique on a comic! I find it more fun but I'm not sure it's efficient enough for longer comics... though, one test is not enough to evaluate it, so I'll experiment it more in upcoming art! I hope you'll enjoy them!! 

And regarding new comics... I've finally been blessed with inspiration! I'll be working on a Wriolette comic ft. Alpha Wolf* Wrio 👀
I'll take one step at a time but I can't hold myself back from thinking ahead and if everything goes according to my plans (not guaranteed fghjk) it'll have sequel comics~ Can't wait to show you the first progresses!

Alpha Wolf Wrio in the comics won't have ears and tail but ✅fangs✅a very sensitive smell, especially for Neuvi's scent ✅a lot of desire to pound into his ass ✅KNOT




Oh jesus....I'm jealous


Tiny details I love and just noticed: Dan Feng's nails and SHARP TEETH. Jfc why is that so hot.