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Hello ⛲ FOUNTAIN people!

Patreon only allows the upload of 200 Mb files; while I managed to split the layers of some illustrations on two or more Photoshop documents, for some of them it wouldn't have had sense. I chose to upload those files on my Google Drive.
Because the Drive is almost at its maximum capacity and I need space for new timelapse videos and files to share with you, I decided to delete 1+ years old PSDs.

The files are going to be deleted by the end of this month, July 2023!
I gave the notice in advance so you can save those you wish to keep!

💌 Download the files from my GDrive 

Here's a list of the files (in alphabetical order) which are going to be deleted:

Despite being older than 1 year, the following files are NOT going to be deleted:

I hope these files are useful!
I'm available for any question! 

Thank you very much for your support! 💜


Mir Ventura

Thank you for the notice ❤️❤️❤️


are these that will be deleted the process files only? and, will they be deleted from Patreon as well?