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I wanted to answer some comments I've received in the most recent Satisfaction Survey in hope to clarify some points! 

I'm mentioning some of the messages I got on two of the most touched topics, monthly polls and ships variety, as well as a third concern related to both.

β–Ά "Sometimes when an idea or pairing wins a poll but still doesn't get any content its a little disappointing! [...]"

This never happened though... 😭 I've ALWAYS made sure you got content for the monthly poll winner since the very first month on this platform, and always delivered it within the very same month, with one exception*.

Please, have a look at this sheet where I've filed all the poll winners and respective art πŸ‘‰ "PATREON Monthly Polls Winners + Art (2022 - 2023)"

*It was January 2022, with Itto x Thoma x Ayato being the winner ship. Because the first draft didn't meet my quality standards I redrew it from scratches, which caused inevitable delay. The illustration was delivered on February instead, and I apologized. It hasn't happened again.

β–Ά "More ships of characters that aren't the obvious pairing"

I'm working towards it! I myself am a fan of the popular pairings and I get hyped upon reading news so you'll see me drawing them, but I aim to bring variety, explore more ships and couple dynamics as well as giving a chance to rarer pairs.

In January, Alhaitham x Kaveh predictably won the poll and I had already posted HaiKaveh content. Other then them, I checked the poll again and saw Cyno x Tighnari and Itto x Gorou being voted. Because in December I had already posted both, I thought I could still bring those characters but spicing things up by drawing HaiKaveh and TighCyno switching partners, and making Heizou join Ittorou in the comic!

β–Ά "[...] But with the new announcement that you'll be taking the poll winners and doing 3p / quads when the vote was for 2p ships, I'm going to have to pull my pledge because I think I'm not going to see those ships anymore unfortunately, they'll be transformed into something else... [...]"

This is NOT what I plan to do, sorry if my phrasing was misleading.

My point is that it's likely that trends make the same 2/3 ships win and I don't want to draw 4 characters over and over again - I'm always going to respect the winner choice, I'm also going to draw the runner-ups as couples if I have the chance.
But if inspiration strikes and I can spice things up and bring variety while also delivering your most votes characters, I'll do that too.

(Just a note that I would go crazy if I drew 3P/4P only, those are way harder to pose and longer to draw πŸ˜‚)

β–Ά "[...] do you have any plans to draw other than Genshin?"

I only draw ships when I have headcanons I want to represent or a setting in mind, but I'm not playing other games or watching any show/anime at the moment. 

From time to time, I approach new games and animes (e.g: NU:Carnival, Sk8) but they rarely keep my interest high for long (I'm still looking forward to Sk8 S2 and BE SURE WHEN TIME COMES THE FAN ART WILL RAIN). I don't exclude going back to them or diving into new fandoms!


Thank you very much for the love you leave in the suggestions box, it's always overwhelming and very, very motivating!! You bring me much joy πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ 



thank you so much for explaining stuff!! it really makes it worth it yakno? <333


Your content is great and I love when you spice things up! You have to do stuff that makes you happy too, right? Otherwise, it’ll take all the fun out of drawing for you!! β™₯️


I'm just happy that we can talk πŸ’œ your feedback is what helped me growing since day 1 and I want to thank you back by doing my best in improving the Patreon experience for you - communication is at the base of it!


Thank you very much Ash! πŸ€—πŸ’• I have fun with nearly all the ships, but when it's possible I always follow inspiration, because I know it makes me draw the best works that makes me the happiest!