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Hi all!!
Thank you for being here, on this Patreon's 1st Anniversary! 💖

What I have planned:

  • CYNONARI comic!
  • VENTI being the main attraction of Weinelesefest

This time I'm not sharing the rest of my ideas, to encourage you to submit your favorite ships for the monthly poll! 😉 For this, I'm bringing back the anonymous suggestion inbox, as somebody suggested in the latest Satisfaction Survey! 



This is all for today! ...unless you want to read more of me as I thank you once again for being amazing in any of your manifestations of love and support! 

This October marks my 1st Patreon Anniversary, which means one full year of chasing the dream of being an artist full time. A year full of personal challenges and improvement, full of dedication and satisfaction - I'm still loving my art journey as much as on day 1!

Yes, the artist life had its ups and downs too, but you made the positive aspects shine so bright that when I had to face negativity, I had the energy and support to make it through! The wonderful community you are is what's most dear to me; without you, making art wouldn't be as exciting and this is why I've made it this far in my art journey only after having gained your support. 

So thank you for empowering me so much you've given me the strength to change my life for the better! Thank you to those who've been here since launch, I still can't believe you enjoy my art so much! Thank you to those who wanted to support my art for the shorter time they could afford! Thank your to all the Patreon community, and to those who are also part of the Discord - you make my days feel special! 

A special thank you to Keiki, James, Gore, who mod the Discord server and hold my mood up more than anybody else! Thank you to Myr for being so caring and helpful every single time, thank you Maple for boosting my motivation so much, thank you Nando for always being there when I feel down, thank you Jay, Tsuyami, Faust, Aylis, Nolia, Spawn, Piper, Ken, Cay, Koifish for always being around and supporting me every day, for months... thank you Duke & their RP group for the best commissions I've ever worked on! Thank you Ricco, Pluto, Fairy, Peach, Kae, Summah & Gio, Bee, Rex, Resa and so many more* for feeling like to spend time with me for so long! 

*if you feel like I should've mentioned you, you're absolutely right! I simply forget names sooo easily!

Thanks to you if you're here today and made it reading until this far. I love you. My life wouldn't be the same without you! 

- Kira ♡



Congrats Kira, i havent been around long but im proud of how far you've come!

Lisa Heisler

Awwwww such sweet words 🥺 *sobs* ur amazing and a big sweetheart and I love ur art so much and I'll support it as long as I can!🔥🖤 I'm happy to be part of this community, ur discord server is wholesome af and I'm proud to be part of it💜 ∧,,,∧ (  ̳• · • ̳) /    づ♡ I love you


Sldhdjadjk Kiraaaaaaaa Thank youuuu, BRB I'm gonna go cry on the floor


a rollercoaster from OMG HAINO HAINO YES HAINOOOO LESSGOOOO to sobbing like a toddler 🥺💖 thank YOU for being such a sweet person and a great friend, and for bringing all the characters we love to life so beautifully one year passed, I'm sure there will be many many more, and I can't wait to see what's to come 🎉🎉🎉


Awwww, I'm in tears, but I'm so happy to be here with whole community. Like I said many times you gave me a lot of happiness and self confidence. I'm sending a lot of love and huggs. Also I cannot wait for future before us. ♥


Congrats Kira, I’m so glad you’ve found such success with your gorgeous art, and I’m so happy to have been able to get to know you and your community! Lots of hugs, I hope to support you as you continue on your journey ❤️❤️❤️




Congrats Kiraaaa!!! That was such sweet words and I got teary seeing my name on it cause I'm so happy to be part of your community since the beginning, you are so sweet and amazing, such a talent artist and I'm so proud to be here! Thank you for working hard and let more years to come!! Can't wait to see more ❤️

Mir Ventura

You, your art and your community are one if the highlight of my days ❤️❤️❤️ thanks for existing! I'm always here for you ✨️, thank you so much for your words :3 you made me shed some happy tears!


Ahhh Kira has it really been a year now? 🥺💜💜 I’m so proud of you! Really, my dear, you’ve come so far! You can see the evolution of your work in the spread of your art, and it’s stunning to see — the way that you’re now pushing yourself even further, experimenting even more, and challenging yourself to even greater heights. I know that you can only continue to grow as an artist from here, and I’m so proud and honoured to count you as a friend. Congratulations on your one year 🎉✨✨ Let’s look forward to the next one!


Gosh it really hasn't felt like a year damn? xD What an amazing time it's been! watching your art develop all this time has been just remarkable, I always feel so inspired! Not to mention just being a part of the server and the community there- I'm beyond grateful <3 Can't wait to see even more incredible work from you this next year, thank you Kira! ;w;


congratulations on A YEAR!!! that’s so wonderful and I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us!