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Welcome to my brainrot 🔥🔥🔥

I got really intrigued by these characters as soon as the Harbingers trailer dropped, so I wanted to explore through sketches some possible personality traits and peculiar features, as well as their relationship. 

To sum up:

  • Pantalone is the elegant and beautiful prince, almost flawless but he has heavy eyebags because he overworks
  • Dottore appears as a calm and collected scientist, except he is not. He only reveals his fucked up and unhinged side to his lover
  • Dottore wears leather, Pantalone wears latex (or fancy robes)

I also confirm what I had written on Twitter:

I don't want Dottore and Regrator to be fuck buddies, I want them to be madly in love. Two fucked up men committing crimes together, one dirtying his hands, the other paying to cover the traces. Inseparable, devoted, would kill for each others or die together hand in hand.

I'm also excited to explore more dynamics on the NSFW side! I've started with DocReg but I like them switching - with Pantalone being mostly Dom, be power-bottom or top 😈 
Oh and I can't wait for their real names to drop (Ik about some leaked ones but they're not confirmed afaik) so I can have them dirty talking, because with "RegRaTor/PanTAlonE" I can't fghjk



Frootie Smoothie

I'm totally aboard this ship and it's legitimately the reason I finally joined you here; Dottolone/Pantorre is grabbing me violently by the throat and will not let go (just how I presume these two get things done). Thank you for the work, the HCs and the time to make them. Happy to have found a beautiful place to unravel!


Aww yeah welcome!!💜 You're not wrong about the throat grab.... Actually, it's giving me ideas 🥵🥵🥵


The maskless 😍😍