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A big challenge for a tiny Yaksha 🥺
I guess that Xiao too can get a bit careless at times- or is it the horny? 




tummy bulge tummy bulge tummy bulge tummy bulge


KIRA. I love Xiao so much. Albedo was my first five star and he'll always have a special place in my heart. But Xiao was my first main DPS and he's still my main DPS even now. He's been through a lot and I really feel like he could use some love and definitely some more fun. I love Itto grabbing on to his leg, and the fucking expression he's giving Xiao. And the points of contact Xiao has with Itto, like cupping that fucking glorious pec. Xiao is used to feeling pain so I like the idea of him having mind blowing pleasure. Seriously, I fucking love this so much and I'm grateful you shared this delicious gourmet meal with us.