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How could Itto say no to those puppy eyes? 🥺

It had started because of the hype of the moment but I'm seriously falling for them, their couple dynamics are so much fun asdfghjkl




GOSH I love the way you draw them so so so much. Your Itto and Gorou's are perfect and I LOVE all the little details, like Itto pressing his thumb against Gorou's lip and exposing his fangs, Itto's fond/smug expressions, how desperate and teary and pretty Gorou is ;;;;;;


I'll never get over the way you draw expressions. They're so good 😩😩I love how Gorou is in heat and needs something and Itto is like, "Yeah I have you" So so good. The fangs too and Gorou howling when he comes. AND THE TAIL WAG LOL 👌 I really love their dynamic too and I'm so happy you're drawing them together, especially giving us such a tasty comic 🤲🤲


i love his tail waging so much


Jesus christ. You're making all my dreams come true, Kira.


The tail and his howling asndsjls I'm so weak for his uncontrollable puppy behaviors


They're in love your honor. 🥺🤲 Big Oni himbo will bottom for the puppy if it's what puppy wants or /needs/ 💞


AAAAH THANK YOU! I'm just filling with headcanons the gaps in what Mhy gives us 🤲