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Demon Kaeya has been haunting me since that official keychan release... then Ovsyan cosplay made it impossible to ignore 😩💦 Halloween's the perfect occasion to draw it!




Omfg Kira are you trying to kill me today? I absolutely love these two and the way you draw them. The expressions you gave them too. I'm melting 😩😩💖🍆🍆


Lord it’s so good ugh. I literally have nothing more specific to say it’s just. God.


Same AAAH I love them so much as well! While asking myself why I don't draw them often I found out that... probably it's because I don't have Diluc in game? 😂 Everytime I play there's Zhongli and Childe reminding me how sexy they are, Baizhu is bonded to my heart, while Luc still didn't came home :(


Hey if you ever want Diluc pictures from the game let me know. I have him and will happily supply you with the goods if it means more of these two sexy men boning.


Oh there are plenty of Luc pics around, I just need to... experience the character (?) If you want to help maybe perform a lucky dance for my next pulls acfghjk


I can definitely do that. All the lucky dances heading your way!


I'm having lunch...... UwU thanks for the meal ❤️💙