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The life of a wanderer is a lonely one… 

Last of the winning options from October's poll! Its schedule got a bit delayed by my Ittorou brainrot and KaeLuc nostalgia 🙈



James Dibble

Omg you used my quote XD I love it!! I love him so much huff


That Sea Ganoderma be hitting ✨just right✨ judging by the expression~


I've never wished I was a sea plant before but...here we are.


Told you I would have used it! Wasn't kidding, and it's so fitting 😂 Glad you like it 💝

Malek Yazura

Oh fucking hell this is so hooottt~~ Also the Expression is SO DAMN on Point!! 🥵🥵


googles 'how to become sea ganoderma' I LOVE THIS SM I LOVE HOW U DRAW HIM


CUTE I love this! What about those extremely phallic mushrooms on Tsurumi island?


*Calling up the scientists* Yes excuse me. How does one become Sea Ganoderma? Because to be the one responsible to give him that reaction? 👌👌Seriously. He's so gorgeous already. And then the way you drew him and the expression you gave him? Absolute perfection. Thank you so much for the incredibly delicious meal today (Also you using the quote for the title lol)


Haven't been there yet!! Guess it's time to explore the island and let inspiration strike once again... 👀💦


It must indeed feel great! Perfectly wraps the penis, wet and slimy just right... 🤤


Soon I'll find myself surrounded by sea plants instead of human supporters 😂


kiraaaaaa I have to come back and comment on this one because it has sparked so many delightful inside jokes between my best friend and I. kazuha will forever stand guard over the sea ganodermas growing in my teapot, and for that I thank you.


Hahaha I love knowing all the inside jokes this artwork has brought to life! Your Kazuha in the teapot "guarding" (and who knows what else) the sea ganodermas is one of my favorite stories 😂😂